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Last Active 06-26-22 8:04 am
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Lucman's Top Ten Jars of Clay Songs

Been revisiting a childhood classic lately. One of the few Christian acts from my childhood that still hold up today.
11Jars of Clay
If I Left The Zoo

Honourable Mentions: "He," "Tea and Sympathy," "Work," "Age of Immature Mistakes," "Headphones," "Something Beautiful," "Love Songs For a Saviour," "Flood," "Love In the Hard Times," "Forgive Me."
10Jars of Clay

"If You Love Her"

"If You Love Her" was a track written for Inland that ultimately didn't make the cut. Instead, it was included on the band's brilliant 20th-anniversary acoustic project. It's a gorgeous tune that any fan of Jars' early works will need in their lives.
9Jars Of Clay


The first couple of times I heard Inland I regrettably saw this deep cut as one of the record's more lacking moments. However, its stripped to the bone approach and lyrics that paint the clearest of pictures began to deeply resonate with me as time went by. Today it's possibly my favourite song on what could potentially be Jars' final record.
8Jars Of Clay
Jars Of Clay


The opener for a truly legendary record is undeniably legendary in its own right. The chants, the urgent strumming, the visceral lyrics.... It couldn't have been a more affecting introduction to one of Christian music's most notable achievements.
7Jars Of Clay
The Shelter

"Run in the Night (Psalm 27)"

I'll admit that The Shelter isn't a really strong album looking back years later, however, that doesn't mean there aren't any stunning gems (aka deep cuts) to be found. "Run in the Night" is, as its title suggests, a hypnotic, night drive anthem and one of the band's most entrancing tunes.
6Jars Of Clay
The Long Fall Back to Earth

"Safe To Land"

One of Jars' most poignant piano ballads. The weary melody sounds as if it's on the long journey home with a pair of heavy, dark bags under its eyes, kept awake only by the yellow tint of the road lights from above.
5Jars of Clay
The Long Fall Back to Earth

"Scenic Route"

"Scenic Route" is one of the most brilliant yet underappreciated songs of the band's career. It's a flowing, catchy, atmospheric gem of a song that explores the idea of taking your time in a relationship and not missing the little things that make them special. Taking the "scenic route," so to say. The final half of this one is musical perfection.
4Jars of Clay
The Eleventh Hour


I'll admit it, I'm a glutton for Jars' sadder side. "Silence" is a painfully relatable song that asks the questions I was too afraid to ask. That Jars was the only Christian act I knew that was brave enough actually challenge and question their faith was something I truly valued as someone who had his own doubts. An extraordinarily important song for me and one I will always keep close.
3Jars Of Clay
Much Afraid


When young me discovered Jars' music for the first time "Frail' was the one I called "The instrumental song with a bit of singing in the middle." I didn't pay much attention to it then because my focus was on songs like "Unforgetful You," and "Dead Man," but today it's hard not to recognize it as Jars' true masterpiece. Although It doesn't have the emotional impact of my first pick or the nostalgic touch of my second, from an artistic standpoint, I'd say it's the best song they ever wrote. The strings during the final section are spine chilling.
2Jars Of Clay
Jars Of Clay

"Worlds Apart"

"Worlds Apart" was one of the first songs I ever fell in love with. I didn't really understand the lyrics at the time but the desperation in Dan's voice spoke to me in ways no song had been able to do before, It still manages to wreck me even today.
1Jars Of Clay
Good Monsters

"Oh My God"

It's been a while since I've cried to a song. I'm not talking about slightly wet eyes or a single tear, I'm talking about audible sobs. The heartache of the lyrics is one I've wrestled with countless times over and it hit me like a freight train. Top ten, possibly even top five songs of all-time right here.
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