
Soundoffs 1
Album Ratings 320
Objectivity 50%

Last Active 05-04-18 3:05 pm
Joined 07-10-17

Review Comments 106

01.24.20 favorite metal album covers09.13.19 gimme some blacc metal
02.03.19 what do you think of: slipknot02.02.19 what do you think of: motorhead
02.01.19 what do you think of: megadeth01.30.19 favorite album of each year - 80s
01.29.19 favorite death metal, help add some if 01.28.19 ...and how old are you?
01.27.19 where are you from?01.26.19 best 1990 death metal album?
01.25.19 best 1989 death metal album?01.24.19 best -ation band out of these 3?
01.23.19 what's the definitive metal album?01.22.19 current digs
01.19.19 what's your favorite dm lyrical theme?01.18.19 who is the most br00tal?
01.11.19 what's the best metal band out there?01.09.19 what's the worst metal band out there?
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current digs
Annihilation of the Wicked

nile is really a revelation to me
probably the most extreme and brutal band i've discovered in a while
2Malevolent Creation
The 13th Beast

this is standard death metal. nothing new, nothing original, nothing refreshing.
but it's great, because that's how death metal works
3God Is an Astronaut
The End of the Beginning

fuck, i love post-rock.

greece really has some sweet bands
Dawn of Possession

not sure which of their albums is the most brutal
6Bolt Thrower
The IVth Crusade

just listen to the 2:55 of the title track and tell me that you don't feel like you can crush a fucking mountain
Tales from the Thousand Lakes

probably the best finnish metal band
can't stop listening to the 'into hiding' riff
Hvis lyset tar oss

one of the 2 black metal albums i like

there's the other one
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