Reviews 5 Approval 50%
Soundoffs 320 News Articles 5 Band Edits + Tags 388 Album Edits 189
Album Ratings 2350 Objectivity 71%
Last Active 12-31-22 8:46 pm Joined 03-14-17
Review Comments 9,918
| The Acolyte (Spoilers) | 1 | | Soundtrack (Television) The Acolyte
Was Osha right to kill Sol without even listening to his explanation for killing her mother? It seems like they were trying to portray the Jedi in a negative light, but the Sith ended up taking the spotlight. While I appreciate the originality of the story, it conflicted too much with the established Star Wars canon. The whole cover-up aspect was messy. However, I did enjoy the cool fight scenes.
I'd give it a 3.5 out of 5, but I do have relatively low standards for Star Wars content.. | |
07.17.24 | Spoilers (it sucks) | unclereich
07.18.24 | lol | Futures
07.18.24 | lol | nononsense
07.18.24 | I don’t expect much from SW so I thought the show was fine, but kind of boring. |