
Reviews 30
Approval 87%

Soundoffs 174
News Articles 96
Band Edits + Tags 186
Album Edits 57

Album Ratings 1855
Objectivity 93%

Last Active 05-09-17 6:56 am
Joined 05-10-16

Review Comments 7,050

04.25.17 Snide Goes Post Rock (Black Malachite)04.23.17 Sputnik Band-Off: Round One - Metalcore
04.15.17 Work drama blows (Work Rage Vent Thread04.14.17 I Love Sputnik (Where We've Been/Where
04.12.17 Snide Nu-Metal Demo 204.09.17 A Snide Birthday!
04.04.17 Snide Nu-Metal Demo04.03.17 Black Malachite Redux Stream
04.02.17 A friend died (went to a memorial yeste03.29.17 How Was Your Day, Sputnik?
03.26.17 I'm Hungover Send Emergency Recs03.25.17 I'm Being Stalked By A MILF (Tinder Suc
03.24.17 100th List! (Dragon Ball Z Villains)03.23.17 Live Action Death Note Netflix Teaser
03.22.17 Snide Rap Side Project03.21.17 Sputnik Dream Journal
03.20.17 New Black Malachite Track (Redux)03.19.17 The Sputnik Story Part One:
More »

Best / Worst Sputnik Quotes of 2016 (Index)

Let's get an index going; Rules are simple, state the username (or the name they're called regardless of what alt number or name they're on), the quote they said, and a link to where the quote is (unless it was deleted, in which case try and recall the quote from memory.) I'll slowly start adding more to the list as I find them by going through old conversations. Also, if you're on this list, I mean no personal offense by it. We're simply getting some good humor going on here, I'm pretty sure someone's gonna submit one of my cringe quotes sometime soon. Let's get this list huge.
1Dinosaur On Fire
Sleep Moon Voyage

User: DinosaurJones
Quote: "I sometimes refer to my genitalia as the Mushroom Kingdom, but that's neither animal, vegetable, nor mineral."
The Abyss

User: Asdfp277
Quote: "They're not interesting in any way, shape or form. Melodies ain't interesting, they're pretty common face the facts bro."
3Judas Priest
Sad Wings of Destiny

User: Faenrir
Quote: "Okaaaay. So you guys tell me to kill myself and that i'm a "retard" because i disagree with popular opinion about an overrated old album. I'm 33 years old btw. Halford has a crappy voice in my opinion, that's what i meant by not being able to sing. He obviously knows how to sing but his voice sucks. Again, this is just my opinion. But i haven't insulted anyone. And The Beatles are just average when you compare them to what's available today. I know it had a great impact on the musical world but to me, classics are songs you can listen in any era and still get the same effect. Go listen to Tchaikovsky or Wagner and yeah, you're going to understand right away why it's called "classical" music. This sad album ? Not worth the plastic."
Hagnesta Hill

User: KenboSlice
Quote: "It just sounds so lifeless man. I don't mind a little electronica mixed with rock (I See Stars) but they at least actually play instruments."
Pots and Shots

User: LordePots
Quote: "maybe I'll let my girlfriend peg me tonight"
DiscoVery Channel

User: BallsDeep
Quote: "Look. Sometimes you've got to be cruel to be kind. I'm trying my best to turn you into a less ignorant less dogmatic, and more liberal minded person. Maybe you'll thank me one day."
Sound Shattering Sound

User: Gyromania
Quote: "I can't believe people listen to this garbage music for commoners... in 2016. Absolutely shameful."
Fetch The Compass Kids

User: Danielito
Quote: "banned user torts ( gave three autechre albums a 1. These are all 70 minute albums. That's a total of 210 minutes, or three and a half hours, of autechre. i highly doubt he put himself through that length of experimental techno and i humbly request that you wipe his ratings under the guise of "troll rating."
The Holiday

User: Futures
Quote: "3.5 aka i don't want to hurt your feelings but I don't like this"
10Black Taxi
We Don't Know Any Better

User: BlackTaxi2d
Quote: "female fronted, less interesting, and certainly less groundbreaking version of deafheaven. miss me with this."
11The Grateful Dead
Workingman's Dead

User: PatientlyDead
Quote: "If I wanted to listen to Remission by Mastodon, I would listen to Remission by Mastodon... Boring and uninspired. That Mastodon album is fantastic though."

User: SowingSeason
Quote: "Guys I'm leaving Sputnik for good."
13Lamb of God
Ashes of the Wake

User: LambsBread
Quote: "Where is the rule written that hip hop reviews should use formal language? Isn't a big part of hip hop the informal language?"
14Angry Frog Rebirth
Dance in the Dark

User: AngryLittleAlchemist
Quote: "Honestly bdsm isnt my fav"
15Black Malachite

User: BlackMalachite / Snide
Quote: "I sneezed when I came, and my dick whip lashed and I came in my own eye."
16Green Day
Revolution Radio

User: Brettgoespunk
Quote: "They've come back so strong. After nearly 4 years, Green Day has put out one of their most energetic songs yet. Bang Bang is told from the perspective of a mass shooter. This album will be great."
Perpetual Being

User: Mystle
Quote: "Sexuality is never black and white, i'd say everyone who says they're hetero have some homo tendencies"
18Mikey the Magician

User: miffedtinymagician
Quote: "Does anyone else remember when you'd go to the pool in the ymca as a kid and put your penis up against the pools little uh ..... water sucking thing?"
19The Agonist

User: Ebola
Quote: "Occasionally, a track like “The Chain” will kick off with a half-decent riff, but any momentum comes to a screeching halt thanks to Psarakis doing her best impression of a bobcat in labor."
20The Magic Numbers
The Magic Numbers

User: miffedtinymagician
Quote: "I like to describe flappy vaginas as Arby's"
21Sum 41
13 Voices

User: BlackNails
Quote: "death to POP, this is real music, it even has strings-"
22Kevin Martin and The Hiwatts
The Possibility of Being

User: KevinKC
Quote: "I've read this and well, I actually don't have anything to answer. Ah, yes, I'm neither a fan nor a naysayer. And you can look into my psyche all you want it'll only make you grow up. "
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