
Soundoffs 10
Album Ratings 1023
Objectivity 48%

Last Active 05-05-22 8:33 pm
Joined 10-01-14

Review Comments 47

01.18.24 2023's music that might blow you away -01.18.24 2023's music that might blow you away -
01.19.23 2022's music that might blow you away -01.18.23 2022's music that might blow you away -
04.17.22 This obscure band is BACK !!!03.16.22 2 Albums Sputnik Is Sleeping On
01.17.22 2021's music that might blow you away -01.17.22 2021's music that might blow you away -
01.14.21 2020's music that might blow you away02.20.20 2019's music that might blow you away
07.13.18 2017's music that might blow you away07.12.18 2018's music that might blow you away

2022's music that might blow you away - part 2

Everything I liked that year
1White Lies
As I Try Not to Fall Apart
2White Ward
False Light
3Wine From Tears
I'm Fine...
Silver Sash
5Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Cool It Down
Glitch Princess
7Zeal and Ardor
Zeal and Ardor
8Zola Jesus
9Felix Laband
The Soft White Hand
10Ancient Mastery
Chapter Two: The Resistance
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