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Last Active 12-18-22 9:18 pm
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Song Of the Day July: Comeback songs

Hey all, after a small break Song of the Day makes a comeback. Speaking of comebacks... That is the theme this month! Please rec a song that was part of a artist's comeback. This can be for example in an artist returning after a hiatus, releasing music after a long period or releasing good music after making shit for a long time. Or just any other interpretation. You can rec with a comment that includes a artist name, song title and link (also would be great if you include from which album/ep etc). Lastly, as new agreement please keep the songs at 8 minutes max! Here a link to the worksheet where we can put the ratings
1Trophy Scars
Holy Vacants

July 1 - Pangea
"Panic Machine"

As with SotD, Sput darlings Trophy Scars' hiatus was a short one. Only one year after they announced their break up, they released Panic Machine, which comfortably is among their best songs

JohnnyoftheWell 3.7
fogza: 3.4
Shemson: 2.5
Egarran: 3.0
ArsMoriendi: 3.5
Vercetti: 3.5
Ryus: 2.5
DavidYowi: 3.6
SlothcoreSam: 3.5
Storm in a Teacup: 4.1
MarsKid: 4.0
RunOfftheMill: 3.4
MiloRuggles: 3.7
YoYoMancuso: 3.8
Divaman: 3.1
dmathias52: 3.8
Hyperion1001: 1.0
2Alice in Chains
Black Gives Way to Blue

July 2 - Egarran
"Check My Brain"
Alice in Chain's comeback was better than anyone expected.
Check My Brain could be on any previous AiC album:

Vercetti: 3.5
fogza: 3.7
Pangea: 3.7
JohnnyoftheWell: 3.0
ArsMoriendi: 3.3
Ryus: 3.0
Shemson: 3.3
DavidYowi: 4.0
SlothcoreSam: 2.5
MarsKid: 3.4
RunOfftheMill: 2.7
MiloRuggles: 3.8
YoYoMancuso: 4.0
Divaman: 3.4
dmathias52: 3.2
Hyperion1001: 3.0
3Aphex Twin

July 3 - JohnnyoftheWell
"Circlont6a [141.98]"
would have done Portishead, but am assuming someone else will cover them. let's have Aphex Twin - Circlont6a [141.98] (off Syro). By far the best comeback album ever dropped off the back of a 13 year interval.

Egarran: 3.0
Vercetti: 3.0
Pangea: 4.3
fogza: 3.0
DavidYowi: 4.3
SlothcoreSam: 3.1
ArsMoriendi: 3.6
RunOfftheMill: 4.5
MarsKid: 3.9
MiloRuggles: 4.8
Shemson: 3.0
Ryus: 3.3
YoYoMancuso: 3.7
Divaman: 3.2
dmathias52: 3.0
Hyperion1001: 4.2
4The Blue Nile

July 4 - Drifter
"Broken Loves"

"I feel exactly like a matchstick in relation to you: thin and broken"

SlothcoreSam: 2.6
Egarran: 2.7
fogza: 3.5
Vercetti: 2.5
Pangea: 2.5
MarsKid: 2.5
MiloRuggles: 3.7
Shemson: 2.0
Egarran: 3.5
RunOfftheMill: 4.0
JohnnyofftheWell: 3.0
Ryus: 4.1
ArsMoriendi: 2.5
DavidYowi: 4.3
YoYoMancuso: 3.5
Divaman: 2.7
dmathias52: 3.4
Hyperion1001: 3.7
Green Naugahyde

July 5 - ArsMoriendi
"Hennepin Crawler"

Green Naugahyde came after Primus took an 8-year break, 12 if you don't count EPs

SlothcoreSam: 3.7
fogza: 2.5
Pangea: 3.2
Vercetti: 3.0
Shemson: 3.0
Egarran: 2.5
RunOfftheMill: 3.1
JohhnyofftheWell: 3.2
Ryus: 1.5
MiloRuggles: 2.5
MarsKid: 2.5
DavidYowi: 3.4
YoYoMancuso: 2.0
Divaman: 2.4
dmathias52: 1.5
Hyperion1001: 2.9
6Bad Religion

July 6 - SlothcoreSam

This album was their 2nd album after a 6 year break, where they almost went New Wave, releasing a terrible EP, titled, Into the Unknown. Luckily for the skater kids, and 90s punk scene, Bad Religion announced they were back, with this brilliant LP.

fogza: 3.0
Pangea: 4.2
Vercetti: 4.0
Shemson: 3.0
RunOfftheMill: 3.5
JohhnyofftheWell: 3.6
Ryus: 3.0
ArsMoriendi: 2.5
MiloRuggles: 3.0
MarsKid: 3.5
DavidYowi: 3.5
YoYoMancuso: 4.2
Divaman: 3.0
dmathias52: 4.0
Hyperion1001: 3.1
7Dr. Dre

July 7- Shemson
"Still Dre"

I wanted my first SOTD contribution to be something really hipster and cool where everyone was like ‘wow I never heard this, what a great find’ but no. The correct answer here is:

Vercetti: 4.5
MiloRuggles: 5.0
fogza: 3.5
Pangea: 3.2
RunOfftheMill: 4.5
JohnnyofftheWell: 2.9
Egarran: 3.7
MarsKid: 4.4
Ryus: 2.5
DavidYowi: 4.5
YoYoMancuso: 3.7
ArsMoriendi: 2.8
SlothcoreSam: 3.3
Divaman: 3.2
dmathias52: 4.1
Hyperion1001: 2.3
8Flotation Toy Warning
The Machine That Made Us

July 8 - Anat
"A Season Underground"

14 years between their debut and sophomore albums, with the comeback perfectly straddling the line between "it's like they never left" and "damn who dis"

Pangea: 3.8
fogza: 3.6
JohnnyofftheWell: 2.5
Vercetti: 3.5
Ryus: 2.2
Shemson: 3.3
DavidYowi: 3.5
ArsMoriendi: 3.5
Egarran: 3.3
YoYoMancuso: 2.5
MarsKid: 3.3
RunOfftheMill: 3.0
SlothcoreSam: 3.5
Divaman: 2.8
dmathias52: 3.8
Hyperion1001: 3.2
MiloRuggles: 3.5
9David Bowie
The Next Day

July 9 - fogza
"How Does the Grass Grow"

First album after the heart attack in 2004, released in 2013. Not only a return to recording, but a staggering return to form.

ArsMoriendi: 3.2
Egarran: 2.0
YoYoMancuso: 3.0
Vercetti: 3.0
Ryus: 3.0
Pangea: 4.0
MarsKid: 2.5
JohnnyoftheWell: 3.6
RunOfftheMill: 3.8
SlothcoreSam: 1.2
Divaman: 3.2
Shemson: 2.1
DavidYowi: 4.1
dmathias52: 3.3
Hyperion1001: 1.0
MiloRuggles: 3.3
10Iron Maiden
Brave New World

July 10 - Charbyno
"The Wicker Man"

Iron Maiden released Brave New World in 2000 - the album where Adrian Smith and Bruce Dickinson returned to Iron Maiden. The lead single Wicker Man was a huge song for the band and launched their comeback.

fogza: 2.7
Vercetti: 3.5
Ryus: 1.8
ArsMoriendi: 2.5
Pangea: 2.8
MarsKid: 3.4
JohnnyoftheWell: 3.0
Egarran: 4.0
RunOfftheMill: 3.0
SlothcoreSam: 1.7
Divaman: 3.2
Shemson: 4.0
DavidYowi: 3.7
YoYoMancuso: 4.2
Hyperion1001: 1.5
MiloRuggles: 3.0
No Exit

July 11 - Divaman
"Under the Gun"

I'm not up to rating this month, but I'll give you a rec if that's OK.

Blondie - "Under the Gun" from their 1999 comeback album, No Exit.

Vercetti: 3.0
Pangea: 2.8
fogza: 3.5
Ryus: 2.5
JohnnyoftheWell: 3.5
Egarran: 3.0
SlothcoreSam: 2.5
ArsMoriendi: 3.0
Shemson: 3.0
YoYoMancuso: 2.2
Hyperion1001: 2.0
DavidYowi: 3.9
MiloRuggles: 3.7
Wish Upon a Blackstar

July 12 - Vercetti
"I Can't Wait"

The album was delayed numerous times and came out almost 10 years after his previous studio album (if you don't count Soundtrack for the Voices in My Head Vol. 1 - which you shouldn't count).

Pangea: 3.5
fogza: 2.0
Ryus: 1.2
JohnnyoftheWell: 2.0
Egarran: 2.3
RunOfftheMill: 2.0
ArsMoriendi: 1.3
Divaman: 2.7
Shemson: 2.0
YoYoMancuso: 2.0
Hyperion1001: 0.5
DavidYowi: 3.1
SlothcoreSam; 2.5
MiloRuggles: 2.0
13Silent Drive

July 13 - Marskid
"Dearly Beloved"

I'd like to recommend "Dearly Beloved" by Silent Drive if I may. Their first single since their '08 demo, and the first track revealed for their second album. It had been well over a decade since their debut.

fogza: 2.5
JohnnyoftheWell: 2.9
Pangea: 3.5
Egarran: 2.5
Ryus: 2.0
Vercetti: 3.0
RunOfftheMill: 3.4
ArsMoriendi: 1.2
Divaman: 2.6
Shemson: 4.0
YoYoMancuso: 3.0
Hyperion1001: 2.0
DavidYowi: 2.6
SlothcoreSam: 3.0
MiloRuggles: 2.5

July 14 - DavidYowi
"In the Den"

ust love how the album dropped out of nowhere after 22 years of inactivity and managed to evolve Hum’s sound instead of reliving the glory days. You really feel how much the band has aged in the best way possible.

fogza: 3.3
Pangea: 4.2
Ryus: 3.8
RunOfftheMill: 3.7
ArsMoriendi: 3.2
Divaman: 3.4
Shemson: 4.2
Vercetti: 4.0
YoYoMancuso: 5.0
Egarran: 3.0
Hyperion1001: 3.6
JohnnyoftheWell: 4.0
SlothcoreSam: 3.5
MiloRuggles: 3.5
15Shinichi Atobe
From the Heart, It's a Start, a Work of Art

July 15 - Ryus
"First Plate 2"

8 minute rule fucked me so instead of regret, i'll go with "first plate 2" from shinichi atobe's "from the heart, it's a start, it's a work of art." after releasing his legendary 2001 EP on the GOAT techno label Chain Reaction shinichi fell off the face of the earth. over 10 years later he came back and the world is a better place for it

fogza: 2.0
Pangea: 2.8
Divaman: 2.3
RunOfftheMill: 3.0
YoYoMancuso: 2.7
Egarran: 2.5
Vercetti: 2.5
Hyperion1001: 4.3
ArsMoriendi: 1.8
DavidYowi: 2.8
JohnnyoftheWell: 4.1
SlothcoreSam: 2.8
MiloRuggles: 3.8
Shemson: 2.0
Colored Sands

July 16 - RunOftheMill
"An Ocean of Wisom"

fogza: 1.0
Ryus: 4.2
Pangea: 4.3
YoYoMancuso: 4.5
Egarran: 4.0
Divaman: 1.8
Vercetti: 2.5
Hyperion1001: 3.5
ArsMoriendi: 1.5
DavidYowi: 4.5
JohnnyoftheWell: 3.0
SlothcoreSam: 3.3
MiloRuggles: 5.0
Shemson: 4.0
Tour De France Soundtracks

July 17 - Hyperion
"Etape 2"

ve been obsessed with kraftwerk recently and Tour de France soundtracks from 2003 is perfect for this theme. they’d been relatively dormant since 1986’s electric cafe, which concluded a run of what is some of the most influential and prescient music ever made, and proved that they hadn’t lost a step. amazing production, classic kraftwerk vibes, but also updated to stay with the post-techno electronic scene. track is my favorite cut from the album.

Vercetti: 3.0
ArsMoriendi: 2.8
Divaman: 3.8
fogza: 2.8
JohnnyoftheWell: 3.9
SlothcoreSam: 2.8
RunOfTheMill: 3.5
YoYoMancuso: 3.3
MiloRuggles: 3.5
Egarran: 3.6
Shemson: 2.0
Pangea: 3.7
DavidYowi: 3.9
18Fairport Convention

July 18 - dmathias52
"Who Knows Where the Time Goes"

A different kind of comeback - Shortly after finishing recording this album, members of the band were killed in a car crash. Fairport Convention almost called it quits, but they decided to follow through releasing this album for their departed members. This song became a classic and the band is one of the primary influences in the British folk world

JohnnyoftheWell: 3.8
SlothcoreSam: 2.9
fogza: 3.6
RunOfTheMill: 4.2
Divaman: 3.9
Hyperion1001: 3.9
YoYoMancuso: 3.7
Vercetti: 3.5
MiloRuggles: 4.5
Egarran: 3.2
Shemson: 3.5
ArsMoriendi: 3.3
Pangea: 3.0
DavidYowi: 4.6
Black Messiah

July 19 - MiloRuggles
"Really Love"

14 years after releasing not just a sophomore success but a bonafide classic to align with the impotence of y2k, D'Angelo's lead single for the iconic Black Messiah spends a good minute fucking with your expectations before dropping you into a smoov lil jaunt brought to you by spanish guitars and sex. While the track is gorgeous on its own, perhaps its finest achievement was using D'Angelo's established strengths to draw prospective listeners toward an album that would push and define boundaries for many years to come (TPAB era Kendrick thanks you kindly)

fogza: 3.7
Hyperion1001: 2.0
Divaman: 3.5
SlothcoreSam: 3.5
YoYoMancuso: 5.0
Vercetti: 2.5
RunOfftheMill: 4.0
Egarran: 3.8
JohnnyoftheWell: 4.5
Shemson: 4.1
ArsMoriendi: 4.8
Pangea: 3.3
DavidYowi: 4.6
Traced in Air

July 20 - Koris
"King of Those Who Know"

Traced in Air was the band's first album in 15 years, and it still amazes me how well they followed up Focus. King of Those Who Know is my personal favorite song on the album, expertly combining progressive metal and jazz fusion while establishing a blissful, peaceful atmosphere. Wonderful stuff

SlothcoreSam: 4.0
fogza: 2.4
Vercetti: 3.0
Hyperion1001: 1.8
Divaman: 3.0
RunOfftheMill: 3.0
Egarran: 4.0
JohnnyoftheWell: 2.3
Shemson: 4.2
ArsMoriendi: 2.4
Ryus: 2.6
Pangea: 2.2
MiloRuggles: 4.5
DavidYowi: 4.4

July 21 - Trifolium

Comeback royalty. THAT is how you handle a comeback. My goooooodness. First album in 11 years, and it's utterly perfect and different yet oh so them. The best thing? They're hopefully going to do it again. "Barrow stated in a Rolling Stone interview that he would begin work on his portion of the [new] album in January 2012, jokingly pointing out that it could be another decade before a new album is released." It has been 14 years... AGAIN...

fogza: 5.0
Vercetti: 4.0
RunOfftheMill: 3.5
Divaman: 2.3
Hyperion1001: 3.3
JohnnyoftheWell: 4.1
Shemson: 4.4
Egarran: 4.4
ArsMoriendi: 3.9
Ryus: 4.5
Pangea: 2.0
MiloRuggles: 4.5
SlothcoreSam: 4.0
DavidYowi: 3.8
22Carissa's Wierd

July 22 - YoYoMancuso

part of a random 2-song EP they dropped in 2011 before disappearing again

JohnnyoftheWell: 3.0
fogza: 3.1
Vercetti: 3.5
Hyperion1001: 3.4
Shemson: 3.8
Divaman: 3.2
ArsMoriendi: 3.2
Ryus: 3.4
Pangea: 4.3
MiloRuggles: 3.2
SlothcoreSam: 4.2
Egarran: 3.2
DavidYowi: 2.9

July 23 - Pangea
"Don't Shut Me Down"

Swedish Pop legends return after 40, how is that for a comeback?? And somehow it still sounds unmistakenly ABBA, as if they never have been gone

Vercetti: 2.5
Divaman: 3.0
ArsMoriendi: 3.0
Ryus: 2.0
Hyperion1001: 1.0
fogza: 2.5
MiloRuggles: 1.8
JohnnyoftheWell: 3.0
SlothcoreSam: 0.5
Egarran: 3.2
DavidYowi: 2.4
24Faith No More
Sol Invictus

July 24 - Egarran
"Seperation Anxiety"

After 8 years they came back with the sweet grooves. Also it's what I felt the month we didn't do this.

Divaman: 2.6
Hyperion1001: 2.3
Pangea: 2.8
fogza: 2.5
ArsMoriendi: 4.3
Ryus: 2.0
JohnnyoftheWell: 3.0
Vercetti: 3.5
MiloRuggles: 3.5
SlothcoreSam: 3.3
DavidYowi: 4.3
Sharing Space

July 25 - SlothcoreSam
"The Middle"

released 2018, and was their first music in 10 years. They have released 2 more singles since then, but still no new album, so I guess this comeback was to coincide with a tour. Regardless it's a great track, and their older stuff needs attention.

fogza: 3.4
Hyperion1001: 3.0
Divaman: 3.4
Ryus: 2.6
JohnnyoftheWell: 3.0
Vercetti: 4.0
MiloRuggles: 3.0
Egarran: 3.0
ArsMoriendi: 2.4
DavidYowi: 3.6
Pangea: 4.0
26Kate Bush

July 26 - ArsMoriendi

After 1993's The Red Shoes, Kate Bush took a 12-year break and made a wonderful double album. Here's my favorite song from that album. It's a slow burner, so be prepared for that.

fogza: 3.6
JohnnyoftheWell: 4.5
Vercetti: 2.5
Divaman: 3.3
Ryus: 4.8
MiloRuggles: 4.0
SlothcoreSam: 3.3
Egarran: 4.0
Hyperion1001: 3.9
DavidYowi: 4.0
Pangea: 4.3
27Psychotic Waltz
The God-Shaped Void

July 27 - Divaman
"Devils and Angels"

the opening track from The God-Shaped Void, their first LP after a 24-year hiatus.`

JohnnyoftheWell: 2.5
Ryus: 1.8
fogza: 2.0
MiloRuggles: 3.4
SlothcoreSam: 2.5
Vercetti: 4.0
Hyperion1001: 3.0
Egarran: 4.0
ArsMoriendi: 2.6
DavidYowi: 3.8
Pangea: 3.0
28Vashti Bunyan

July 28 - fogza

Vashti made a record in 1970, it didn't do well, she left in a carriage to find Donovan, then raised a family (not with Donovan). 35 years later she released another album. Her artist info on Sput is actually quite good.

JohnnyoftheWell: 3.7
Ryus: 3.7
MiloRuggles: 4.2
Divaman: 3.3
SlothcoreSam: 2.2
Vercetti: 3.5
Hyperion1001: 3.5
Egarran: 4.1
ArsMoriendi: 3.8
DavidYowi: 3.3
Pangea: 4.5
Behind the Devil's Back

July 29 - Shemson
"Sharp Tongue"

Charlie Simpson finally got the boy band monkey off his back after three solid albums then they disappeared for other projects.
Six years later they came back with a huge metallic crunch and top modern metal production to release my favourite of their albums.

JohnnyoftheWell: 2.2
SlothcoreSam: 3.3
fogza: 2.5
Vercetti: 3.0
Divaman: 3.1
Hyperion1001: 1.5
Egarran: 3.3
ArsMoriendi: 2.2
DavidYowi: 3.6
Pangea: 2.3
Blood of the Nations

July 30 - Vercetti
"Teutonic Terror"

It's about time I rec something from my home country (Germany). So here are Accept with their semi successful comeback in 2010.

JohnnyoftheWell: 3.0
SlothcoreSam: 2.1
Divaman: 3.0
Hyperion1001: 2.0
Egarran: 2.7
ArsMoriendi: 2.5
DavidYowi: 1.5
fogza: 2.0
Pangea: 3.3
Vapor Trails Remixed

July 31 - DavidYowi
"One Little Victory"

My 2nd rec is Rush - One Little Victory. It’s their first album after going on hiatus due to Neil Peart’s wife and daughter dying within the span of a year and riding his bike across North America and they come back swinging

JohnnyoftheWell: 3.0
SlothcoreSam: 0.5
Vercetti: 2.5
Egarran: 2.5
ArsMoriendi: 3.0
Divaman: 2.8
fogza: 2.7
Pangea: 2.8
32The Afghan Whigs
Do to the Beast

BONUS rec - neekafat
"Parked Outside"

While their older stuff is truly great, I think they've only peaked since their reunion between this album and In Spades.

JohnnyoftheWell: 3.5
SlothcoreSam: 3.0
Vercetti: 3.5
Egarran: 2.5
ArsMoriendi: 2.9
DavidYowi: 2.5
Divaman: 2.5
fogza: 3.5
Pangea: 3.3
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