
Soundoffs 2
Album Ratings 609
Objectivity 49%

Last Active 04-27-21 1:36 pm
Joined 02-11-14

Review Comments 103

05.17.20 New EP - For fans of The Fall of Troy05.09.20 Stunning songs that stand out for me
05.06.20 Albums that inspire me to pick up bass04.07.20 Recs Please
03.31.20 Incubus Ranked02.26.20 My band Night Thieves just released our
11.13.19 A Compilation Of Great Album Artwork v206.27.17 My band made an EP
05.15.15 My Top 15 Bassist08.19.14 My Ten Desert Island Albums
08.15.14 Albums That Have Inspired Me To Play Mu06.15.14 A Compilation Of Great Album Artwork

Stunning songs that stand out for me

Just a list of songs where I really feel the artist went above and beyond and created a track that stands out from their catalogue that I continually go back to.

Treading Paper

I love the atmosphere created by this song and it is the stand out of this album and their catalogue for me
Hollow Crown

Hollow Crown

For me this feels like the perfect calm after the raging songs before it. The way the song builds up and crashes always gives me goosebumps.
3Dance Gavin Dance

Man of the Year

The vocals really make this song, Tilian's scream/singing in the second verse is stunning and really bridges the gap between his singing and Jon's screaming
4The Used
The Canyon

Over and Over Again

I am always in two minds with the Used, but this song really stands out for me, especially the breakdown in the middle, I think it comes together and is highlight of their catalogue for me.
5Sights and Sounds


Catchy and progressive, the pacing of this song is perfect, from starting with the strings, to the band kicking in, this song just rocks.
6Brand New
Science Fiction

Lit Me Up

Brand New have an amazing track record with the lead songs on albums. Sowing Season and Vices are incredible, but lit me up is the one that perfectly sets the tone for this album. The way it segues from the dialogue at the beginning to the haunting lyrics make it outstanding.
7Circa Survive
Blue Sky Noise

Imaginary Enemies

This song got me into Circa Survive and is still my favourite today. The groovy, staccato baseline and great vocal performance make this such a great rock tune.
10,000 Days

Rosetta Stoned

This song is set up perfectly by the preceding dialogue and is still my favourite Tool song. The vocal speed is incredible and the more I listen the better it gets.
No Devolucion

Magnets Caught in A Metal Heart

Its the rhythm section that really makes this song, with the great drum rhythm starting the song and then the driving bass line joining in. I feel like Thursday always had this kind of song in them, but they finally realised it on this album.
10Stone Sour
House of Gold and Bones - Part 2


I really like the whole concept of the two house of gold and bones albums. They managed to create a great concept album, but didn't lose the catchiness of the songs in the process. I feel this song is where they hit that high point of continuing the story within a great song.
Guiding Lights


This song is a great emotional rollercoaster, the video for this also adds so much to the experience.
12Queens of the Stone Age
...Like Clockwork

I Appear Missing

This song is so incredibly haunting, the way it keeps building to that great guitar line is perfect. The accompanying video is also awesome.
Money Shot

The Remedy

I love the interplay between Maynard and Carina is stunning, I highly recommend watching the live video Rock AM Ring in 2016. They capture the song perfectly live.
14Poison the Well

Letter Thing

Its not their best album, but what a way to start one. Full throttle madness with additional slide guitar. The rest of the album doesn't keep up this pace sadly.

Song to Say Goodbye

One of the saddest songs to listen to and at one point it almost feels like Placebo are tearing themselves apart.
16Mad at Gravity


I first heard this on the Reign of Fire soundtrack, but it has since elevated itself above that for me. A wonderful song from a band that I wish had stayed around.
Sound Awake

Roquefort (but specifically with Empire Horns)

This is a great song in its own right, but the addition of the horns on the single is just amazing, it elevates the song so much.
Diamond Eyes

You've Seen the Butcher

Such a simple song, but executed perfectly and is still my favourite Deftones song.
19Porcupine Tree
In Absentia


The way this song twists and turns and has such a catchy chorus makes it stand out for me in their catalogue
20Deaf Havana
All These Countless Nights


I love the lyrical story and the driving beat of this song that finally crescendos to a great anthem climax.
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