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Album Ratings 4844 Objectivity 82%
Last Active 01-10-23 7:31 am Joined 08-03-13
Review Comments 25,441
| (SPOILERS) Many Saints of Newark First Impressions
on first watch, it's a very well made (hehe) movie. a few things to note tho: | 1 | | Dalek From Filthy Tongue Of Gods And Griots
the timeline of the movie felt a little out of sync considering tony's sudden development as a child to a teen. movie starts in 1967 (tony is presumably eight years old) and fast forwards four years into the future where he's suddenly well into high school and on the varsity football team thinking about university | 2 | | My Chemical Romance Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge
some of the flashback renditions of the main characters felt very inorganic and rather feel more like a bunch of random improv actors playing dress up and doing Sopranos impressions on the spot (*cough* silvio *cough*) | 3 | | Discordance Axis The Inalienable Dreamless
it also really doesn't help that the writers recycled very recognizable one-liners from the original series and pasted them into the prequel as if to give the viewer a sense of "deja vu" | 4 | | Rorschach Protestant
they focus way too much on dickie and giuseppina's relationship to the point where you tend to forget that she is just his mistress, meanwhile joanne feels almost non-existent in the movie as if they wrote her to be completely oblivious (or apathetic) of her husband's unknown whereabouts | 5 | | The Number Twelve Looks Like You Put On Your Rosy Red Glasses
the worst part of the movie tho is how it feels like chase wrote in a random romantic subplot between giuseppina and harold as an excuse to complete the film by shoehorning a misogynist death scene, especially since there is no further conflict between the two in the rest of the movie | |
10.01.21 | what did y'all think? i know i said a lot of negative stuff (chase is always not quite perfect) on here but it's a great film overall | Trebor.
10.01.21 | Retconning characters ages is fucking stupid
There was waaaaayyyyy too many "that's a thing I know!" references.
Most of the characters are way underdeveloped in context of the movie because you're supposed to keep the show in mind, but my biggest takeaway is that this would have worked much better as a mini series
twin Liotta is the best part | Trebor.
10.01.21 | It's canon that Sil is two years older than Tony, but Chase was like fuck that he's actually 20 years older which makes no sense just so Nu-Sil and his horrible acting can have more screen time | Snake.
10.01.21 | at first I thought that was supposed to be his dad or smth I was like wtf is up with the combover | Rowan5215
10.02.21 | movie was great, Livia was the highlight. Ray Liotta and Leslie Odom Jr were terrific additions too | Jasdevi087
10.08.21 | yeah this looks like shit, don't remember anyone asking for this | Rowan5215
10.08.21 | I specifically emailed David Chase and asked for this actually | Jasdevi087
10.08.21 | bastard |