Reviews 38 Approval 87%
Soundoffs 192 News Articles 1 Band Edits + Tags 184 Album Edits 238
Album Ratings 2136 Objectivity 87%
Last Active 05-05-20 10:16 am Joined 03-26-13
Review Comments 20,105
08.19.16 | right back at you Yak :) | Relinquished
08.19.16 | more fellatio i see | Flugmorph
08.19.16 | laughable | ArsMoriendi
08.19.16 | phlegm is still on this website?
| Artuma
08.19.16 | you've made some bad lists over the years but honestly this might be the worst | miketunneyiscool123
08.19.16 | itchybutthole
that made my day | Flugmorph
08.19.16 | wow | LotusFlower
08.19.16 | is this the new trend? | adr
08.19.16 | It's your fault | LotusFlower
08.19.16 | its email accounts fault | Relinquished
08.19.16 | no it is your fault | LotusFlower
08.19.16 | ok its my fault | adr
08.19.16 | nah i don't see other worst users list and there's already 4 best users lists it's on you | Keyblade
08.19.16 | 1 and 3 are goat for sure | LotusFlower
08.19.16 | i already said is my fault ya bish | NineInchZeppelinTree
08.19.16 | Add verm fella, I am cool cuz I am djentin while everybody else is derpin | Tunaboy45
08.19.16 | laughable[2]
| Tyler.
08.19.16 | These are some quality users | sixdegrees
02.02.20 | missing a couple to say the least | sixdegrees
02.02.20 | alright pce brb | brainmelter
02.02.20 | bye again dad | Ashen
02.02.20 | what's going on here | sixdegrees
02.02.20 | Hey! What's up? I'm just having a chilled day in, practising singing some songs for my new band and chilling, binge watching new it's always sunny and playing Skyrim, after partying all through last week 😅 Could I add ya on snapchat? I'm on that more than this and you can see what I actually look like and hear my normal voice, which is a very rare thing for me to, considering the fact that I usually jump between like twenty different voices when I meet someone new, I love doing impressions and accents, to the point where you're screaming at me to speak normally...That's when I'll break into full swing Gandalf 😉 Sorry about the one big message btw, I can talk for fun and tend to ramble when I'm in a good mood heheh 😜 I didn't wanna spam you, but yeah, some people don't like reading more than like a sentence, which is pretty fuckin ridiculous in my eyes, considering I'd be this chatty in person! 😅 Anyway, it'd be lovely to have a proper chat with ya! Snapchat is __________ 😇
You've got fucking amazing eyes btw, that's what caught my attention, like omfg man, you could paralyse me with those 😳 Pretty eyes, my biggest weakness....which I probably shouldn't have told you...shit....just don't use it against me, plz? D: Unless it's for something good, obviously, like you looked at me and said that "order a dominoes" I'd be cool with that 😄 But you do have seriously gorgeous eyes 😍 Sorry if I seem a bit forward or whatever, I just say what I see, no bullshit, best way to be! 😄 X
I hope you don't mind me just kinda rambling away to myself, | Ashen
02.02.20 | I had to ask | Deathconscious
02.02.20 | What the fuck |