Reviews 38 Approval 87%
Soundoffs 192 News Articles 1 Band Edits + Tags 184 Album Edits 239
Album Ratings 2138 Objectivity 87%
Last Active 05-05-20 10:16 am Joined 03-26-13
Review Comments 20,106
| Laked God and Yak Return
The Apotheosized Return of The Eidolon of Unified Detachment and Indelible Autarchy has arrived! Rejoice all men of upstanding moral character and women with large breasts and buttocks! Huzzah and hoorah! Yay and hooray! Woo and woohoo brethren and sistren! As the hip-hop duo of the century return with another 10 song benediction of good faith and love for all mankind FOREVER especially if y'all aren't sinternet, this gospel of Transcendental Cosmic Ganja Meditation and Supreme Virility of the Aryan Metrosexual and Anagogical Exegesis of Saint John Chrysostom's Adversus Judaeos is unleashed upon the unwashed masses, rejoice in this day of incomparable weed-stenched exultation, the birth date of the man that embodied both lightning and sun, and a celebration/reflection on the perennial, immaterial spirit that is Ganja Gaiden. | 1 | | Laked God and Yak Ganja Gaiden | 2 | | Laked God and Yak Ganja Gaiden | 3 | | Laked God and Yak Ganja Gaiden | 4 | | Laked God and Yak Ganja Gaiden | 5 | | Laked God and Yak Ganja Gaiden | |