Shows I Saw in 2014
Other than local shows I saw/played here are all of the shows I went to last year! |
1 |  | August Burns Red Rescue and Restore
w/ We Came as Romans and Born of Osiris. 4/7 at El Corazon in Seattle. Asking Alexandria was actually headlining this tour but they couldn't
make the Seattle date so they let ABR headline it, which I was totally happy about. They killed it. Seeing them live just reminded me of how
damn talented all five of those guys are. It was great to hear so much of their setlist consist of material from my favorite record of theirs,
Constellations. |
2 |  | Architects Lost Forever // Lost Together
w/ Letlive and Glass Cloud. 5/20 at El Corazon. A stage diver knocked Sam Carter on his face and they had to stop the show for 10 minutes.
Other than that this was a great show. Lots of new material from Architects. Jason from Letlive was his wildly entertaining self, per the usual.
I've never cared for Glass Cloud's music much but those guys put on a really entertaining show as well. |
3 |  | Showbread No Sir, Nihilism Is Not Practical
10 year album anniversary reunion show 8/9 at First Baptist Church in Portland, OR. Maybe one of the most unique concerts I've been to. The
band rented out a church and played in the middle of it and performed No Sir from start to finish with the original lineup plus Garrett. They
added some favorites from other albums for the encore. Check out the footage on youtube. That crowd was loving every second of it. People
flew out from all over to attend this one. |
4 |  | The Classic Crime Phoenix
w/ Peace Mercutio and American Island. 8/31 at Nectar Lounge in Seattle. Lots of great singalongs. TCC plays in Seattle all the time and they're
always great. Their old guitarist Justin came on stage for the end of the set and played some tunes from Albatross with the rest of the
guys. |
5 |  | Linkin Park The Hunting Party
w/ Thirty Seconds to Mars. 9/13 at the Gorge in George, WA. Epic show. Lights, theatrics, you name it, both of these bands had it. Jared Leto is
a really great frontman. Still pissed I missed AFI. |
6 |  | Anberlin Lowborn
w/ The Weather. The Final Tour 10/13 at the Showbox at the Market in Seattle. A really fantastic farewell from one of my favorite bands. Tons
of material from Cities. Come to think of it, they didn't play a single song from Lowborn, they just added part of "Harbinger" to the end of "
(*Fin)." They let Christian McAlhaney talk to the fans for a while since he's from Seattle, which was cool to hear. Fingers crossed these guys get
back together someday, even just for one album or tour. |