Reviews 12 Approval 44%
Soundoffs 19 News Articles 3 Band Edits + Tags 12 Album Edits 23
Album Ratings 420 Objectivity 66%
Last Active 07-31-17 11:59 pm Joined 08-30-11
Review Comments 411
03.05.13 | At Wolverhampton? | NapalmCrusader
03.05.13 | Lucky bastard | sleepdirt
03.05.13 | yeah you are | AliW1993
03.05.13 | It will be awesome doesn't even begin to cover it. I saw them in Glasgow on Saturday and it was the best live performance I've ever witnessed by so far it isn't even funny. It was mindblowing. I genuinely couldn't think straight until Monday morning. Here's a (sort of) review I wrote about it, though be warned it might contain a few spoilers.
| Wombat988
03.05.13 | Crap, the train I booked is due in at 11:01. Walking home to Birmingham will be fun... | minty901
03.05.13 | you forgot von | Wombat988
03.06.13 | AliW1993
That was the best gig I've been to | AliW1993
03.06.13 | I talked to quite a few people afterwards, and not a single person thought otherwise. Unbelievable. | Grinddestroyer
03.17.13 | You can't possibly go wrong seeing them live. Best show I've ever seen. |