Thread: berklee
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Old 10-28-2008, 10:09 PM   #5
Omega Red
Omega Distoryer
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Is it a good idea to go?
it depends
first off i'd have to ask what you want to do with studying bass.

if you're going to go school for 'Bass' i'd say don't do it. now if you're going to study 'Music'. then i'd say thats cool. but i'd first have to ask what do you want to do with your career as far as being involved in the music industry. do you want to Produce and Record, do you want to work in film or video games, do you want to be a songwriter, do you want to perform, what is it that you're looking to accomplish and are interested in?

what style of music do you enjoy playing? do you play upright aswell?

what should I know for auditions?
as much as you can. now that they have auditions, good players are getting turned away. what do you have that makes you diffrent from everyone else?
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