Thread: Beat your kids!
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Old 05-24-2006, 03:29 PM   #79
dr chim richolds
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When a child is young, whether they get shouted at or hit for doing something wrong all they know is that they've done something wrong and not to do it again. They don't know why, it's just wrong. As they grow up they understand and they learn why things are wrong and right, they make their own decisions and don't need to be punished anymore, they make their own mistakes.
That's not right. Kids should understand why things are wrong when they are getting punished for them so they can realise that its not just arbitrary violence being inflicted on them. Cause that will really screw them up. You say when they grow up they can make their own decisions, but honestly kids are constatnly making decisions and they should be aware of the repercussions and morals associated with them as soon as possible.

It's obviously not bad parenting if the child turned out alright.
thats false
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