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morrissey 02-08-2006 09:47 PM

Love and Relationships Thread, no spam allowed
A new thread, same rules apply. Any Love or Relationship advice/questions go in here, serious questions only.


Here are the old threads for reference:

thunderzstruck 02-08-2006 09:50 PM

My last couple of posts:

yeah.. i am starting to realize that. I can't believe I thought she actually had some decency in her once. (That's one of the reasons I liked her a lot)

If she just wants to **** around like this **** her. Seriously. I thought she was one of the only girls I met with some decency but I have just noticed she actually doesn't care.

The fact that all of this is being treated as a joke to her. She has gone and told her friends on how "badly" I treated her. She has over exaggarated every small bad thing I have done and now suddenly the breakup is MY fault.

She was talking to me about her new boyfriend last night and how good he treats her and just this.

There's a lot more too but yeeah these are only what I can come up with off the top of my head.

Special Brew 02-08-2006 09:52 PM

Why exactly was a new thread needed?

Tiger 02-08-2006 09:55 PM

[QUOTE=Wizard.]Why exactly was a new thread needed?[/QUOTE]

The old one was filled with tears and vaginal fluid.

zombie autopilot 02-08-2006 09:55 PM

To start fresh.

Scoot 02-08-2006 09:57 PM

I was worried for a second.

Jom 02-08-2006 09:58 PM

[QUOTE=Wizard.]Why exactly was a new thread needed?[/QUOTE]

I don't know; Amit wanted it closed because it was getting big or something.


pohl_56 02-08-2006 09:59 PM

[QUOTE=thunderzstruck]My last couple of posts:

yeah.. i am starting to realize that. I can't believe I thought she actually had some decency in her once. (That's one of the reasons I liked her a lot)

If she just wants to **** around like this **** her. Seriously. I thought she was one of the only girls I met with some decency but I have just noticed she actually doesn't care.

The fact that all of this is being treated as a joke to her. She has gone and told her friends on how "badly" I treated her. She has over exaggarated every small bad thing I have done and now suddenly the breakup is MY fault.

She was talking to me about her new boyfriend last night and how good he treats her and just this.

There's a lot more too but yeeah these are only what I can come up with off the top of my head.[/QUOTE]

Ya just gotta forget her. Hard but has to happen.

Hey new thread!!! :wave:

I Am a Hat 02-08-2006 10:01 PM

use it to learn from, don't forget it.

the way you acted in that relationship made her bored, made her lose her attraction towards you, and lose all respect for you it seems.

learning process activate

thunderzstruck 02-08-2006 10:03 PM

[QUOTE=pohl_56]Ya just gotta forget her. Hard but has to happen.

Hey new thread!!! :wave:[/QUOTE]

yeah.. im going to try to cut almost to all connection with her..

but its so hard seeing a 2 year friendship just die right now. She emphasized last night when we were talking that she still wants to be friends and that I'll be able to get over it and we just hang out like we used to.

I really wanted to but because of all of what happened tonight I am realizing that I am nothing more than a joke to her. She doesn't care about me or anything to do with me. ****
I just can't comprehend how after being such great friends and such she can just downplay all of this.

JohnXDoesn't 02-08-2006 10:03 PM

Wow. Hello new emo thread. :wave:

EDIT: Where is Kimmie? She's gotta break tihs one in.....

thunderzstruck 02-08-2006 10:06 PM

[QUOTE=I Am a Hat]use it to learn from, don't forget it.

the way you acted in that relationship made her bored, made her lose her attraction towards you, and lose all respect for you it seems.

learning process activate[/QUOTE]

I am REALLY starting to agree with Tiger and Hat's views. I noticed before all of this that they were just pessemisstic but I am realizng it's the TRUTH.

She asked last night "Why didn't you ever call me beautiful? :(" I was just like "COME ON! I called you pretty and everything else but it just flew right past you. Beautiful wouldn't have dont ANYTHING."

goddamn mind playing whores

Tiger 02-08-2006 10:07 PM

[QUOTE=thunderzstruck]I am REALLY starting to agree with Tiger and Hat's views. I noticed before all of this that they were just pessemisstic but I am realizng it's the TRUTH.[/QUOTE]

You guys always say that once you're not blinded by desire or 'love'. The second you guys are thinking rationally and clearly you magically begin to agree with what we say.


thunderzstruck 02-08-2006 10:09 PM

[QUOTE=Tiger]You guys always say that once you're not blinded by desire or 'love'. The second you guys are thinking rationally and clearly you magically begin to agree with what we say.


Yeah, it's the truth.

Now all I have to do is go meet new girls...

I Am a Hat 02-08-2006 10:09 PM

[QUOTE=thunderzstruck]She asked last night "Why didn't you ever call me beautiful? :(" I was just like "COME ON! I called you pretty and everything else but it just flew right past you. Beautiful wouldn't have dont ANYTHING."

goddamn mind playing whores[/QUOTE]
thats the reaction she was looking for there.

i would've just asked her why she never bought me flowers or something.

all throughout the relationship keep it playful and not take her seriously when she throughs out little tes[I]t[/I]s like that.
[QUOTE=thunderzstruck]Yeah, it's the truth.

Now all I have to do is go meet new girls...[/QUOTE]
hell ya

thunderzstruck 02-08-2006 10:13 PM

[QUOTE=I Am a Hat]thats the reaction she was looking for there.

i would've just asked her why she never bought me flowers or something.

all throughout the relationship keep it playful and not take her seriously when she throughs out little tes[I]t[/I]s like that.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I did do it a lot. But some of them would actually get to me.

The ones that didn't though she got mad at me because it didn't work. She was talking on how some guy was staring at her in school and she told me about it. I just said, "that means I have a hot girlfriend, that's a compliment to me!" (joking manner) She then got mad and said "I guess you don't care, you're supposed to get jealous!!"


Timm 02-08-2006 10:21 PM

sounds like a little drama queen
your ex that is

Chaindrive 02-08-2006 10:23 PM

[QUOTE=JohnXDoe]Wow. Hello new emo thread. :wave:

EDIT: Where is Kimmie? She's gotta break tihs one in.....[/QUOTE]

Hi, new thread.

*hugs new thread*

Tillius 02-08-2006 10:24 PM

Holy freakin crap. What did I miss?

mcmurray 02-08-2006 10:29 PM

but its so hard seeing a 2 year friendship just die right now. She emphasized last night when we were talking that she still wants to be friends and that I'll be able to get over it and we just hang out like we used to.

I really wanted to but because of all of what happened tonight I am realizing that I am nothing more than a joke to her. She doesn't care about me or anything to do with me. ****
I just can't comprehend how after being such great friends and such she can just downplay all of this.[/QUOTE]

i've been there, and i know it's shi[i]t[/i]ty. usually when they say they want to still be friends, it's so they don't feel bad and/or mean. that happened to me last year and she only talked to me a minimal amout about a week after the breakup, and never talked to me again after that.

you just have to move on and don't worry about it anymore.

AIRIC 02-08-2006 11:12 PM

[QUOTE=thunderzstruck]yeah.. im going to try to cut almost to all connection with her..

but its so hard seeing a 2 year friendship just die right now. She emphasized last night when we were talking that she still wants to be friends and that I'll be able to get over it and we just hang out like we used to.

I really wanted to but because of all of what happened tonight I am realizing that I am nothing more than a joke to her. She doesn't care about me or anything to do with me. ****
I just can't comprehend how after being such great friends and such she can just downplay all of this.[/QUOTE]

I haven't read the rest of the page to see if you posted anything. But I'm going to harshly recommend that you don't continue any form of relationship.

Chaindrive 02-08-2006 11:21 PM

[QUOTE=Skrunnch]I haven't read the rest of the page to see if you posted anything. But I'm going to harshly recommend that you don't continue any form of relationship.[/QUOTE]

I hope you mean with her, and not forever.

RIP Ian Curtis 02-08-2006 11:44 PM

I dunno, remaining celebate has it's upsides. For one it makes your kung fu 3.7 times more potent. Also it reminds everyone that you're better than your ex, because she's a whore, and you're still all wounded and shi't. And there are ways of dealing with your sex drive. I have drugged mine into submission, and now I am not sexually attracted to anyone except David Bowie.

Doop 02-08-2006 11:53 PM

Dear moz,
I can't get a girlfriend.

love doop

Scoot 02-08-2006 11:55 PM

[QUOTE=Chaindrive]I hope you mean with her, and not forever.[/QUOTE]

Did I scare you at all by informing you about the closure? :p

Chaindrive 02-08-2006 11:58 PM

Just to let you guys know...this is for real problems.

Not new thread novelty.

If you have a legit problem, great, that's what we're here for. If not, be gone from here.


IPolkaLikeThis! 02-09-2006 12:10 AM

woot first page

my ex and i have been broken up for a while, and we have been friends again since like the week after it happened, but recently, i have been pissed off at her. she just seems more annoying now. always wanting me to call her, talk to her because she doesnt have too many friends at college and a lot of our friends from high school have moved away. i have other friends, and she talks about me like i am her only friend, even though when i want to talk, she is busy with her friends, or her attention is elsewhere. i dont want to talk to her right now, but i dont want to tell her the truth and hurt her.

Chaindrive 02-09-2006 12:15 AM

[QUOTE=Ibasslikethis!]woot first page

my ex and i have been broken up for a while, and we have been friends again since like the week after it happened, but recently, i have been pissed off at her. she just seems more annoying now. always wanting me to call her, talk to her because she doesnt have too many friends at college and a lot of our friends from high school have moved away. i have other friends, and she talks about me like i am her only friend, even though when i want to talk, she is busy with her friends, or her attention is elsewhere. i dont want to talk to her right now, but i dont want to tell her the truth and hurt her.[/QUOTE]

Tell her when you want to talk she's busy. So when she wants to talk, you may be busy, as well.

Revolt! 02-09-2006 02:04 AM

I feel like s[size=2]hit[/size] right now.

I wrote this earlier in my LJ, just for reference.

[quote]Sometimes you feel so dangerous, when you're standing on that pencil thin line between rupture and rapture. The air is like a hurricane, tearing you in one direction and then another - lights bouncing off the corners of your eyes just outside of your realm of perception.

There is life where hope is lost, but it's faint and fleeting because it's afraid - afraid of the consequences for being happy. Taking a chance is nothing more than signing away your resignations and letting yourself fly. I don't know how many times I've woken up with my eyes tightly shut and wondered - if I open my eyes, will the dream still hover; stagnant and pale like a ghost of memories I wish I really had? If I open my eyes, will this nostalgia of times I've never had kill me the way it's killed so many already?

I sit here throughout the day and watch the hours tick away, one after another, and I realize I'm getting older. The older I get, the wiser I should become; but I'm still infantile. I'm so scared of my perfectly round peg falling into a square hole, and seeing my life bounce off the unwelcoming boundaries into total oblivion.

My heart, soul and eternal faith lies in the hands of just one person, but at times I feel as though she's merely grasping at the knots in my strings and helping me dance for the audience to this sadistic puppet show. I don't want to be led, I want to be supported. I don't know what support is though. I could say that I've put everyone through hell, but that would be a lie. No, I haven't put anyone through hell. I've drug them through the purgatory that I'm floating in - waiting for that one chance to make everything come around. That one chance to make everything ok.

But everything isn't ok.

The burden of knowing one's life before they've ever lived it is near unbearable. I see myself growing and aging. I see myself reaching the best years of my life - and then I see myself coming to an end. Life at the age of thirty is a shallow reflection of the grandeur we all experience at the age of ten. By this time next year, my life will be 3/4 of the way finished, and I know that's ok. I know it's ok because I'll have had a chance to do everything I knew I should do, and though I've thrown so many of those chances away, I still had my opportunities. That's more than some people can say for themselves.[/quote]

Tonight Lela and I had the biggest fight I've probably ever had with a girlfriend. Right now her grandpa is dying and it's putting her under a lot of stress. However, instead of opening up and letting me in, she's shutting me out completely. She's become frustratingly cynical and domineering and she's started throwing everything I try to do for her right back in my face.

Tonight I told her I don't think we're spending enough time together. She told me, "Well I'm trying to finish my last year of high school and you know what's going on with my grandpa. You should be happy we're spending [i]any[/i] time together right now."

I told her that I'm sympathetic of her problems right now and I'm doing my best to be supportive, but she's not reciprocating it. She then proceeded to tell me how ungrateful I am for all the money she's spent on me since I've lost my job and how I need to stop whining about the amount of time we spend together and so on and so on.

I told her that I'm tired of her treating me like a bad person because I want to see my girlfriend for more than ten minutes every other day and that if I knew she was going to throw money back in my face, I never would have let her spend a dime on me because I don't put monetary value on a relationship like that.

Then she proceeds to tell me that I'm not appreciative of her job at the store. That I think she's a bum for working at Dollar Tree when, as she puts it, "a job is a job and money is money".

I told her that it has nothing to do with the amount of appreciation I have for her job. It has to do with the fact that I see her achieving so much more than working as a cashier in a strip mall. I said, "Why am I the bad guy for seeing potential in you? How does it make me wrong to think that you could do so much better than what you're doing now?"

It grew from there and finally she hung up on me and turned off her phone.

EDIT: And now I'm talking to my ex for advice and she says I should dump Lela. Oh man I'm so stressed out right now.

comptonassrobert 02-09-2006 02:14 AM

Wow, the sh[FONT="Verdana"]i[/FONT]t just keeps piling up for you, sorry to hear it man :(

As for the situation with your lady, you know that you aren't the bad guy and so does she. And since she knows you're not a bad guy (or she wouldn't be with you.) you shouldn't take the things she says to heart. She's obviously at a bad stage aswell with her grandpa and whatnot, and good on you for being there for her but maybe she just needs time to get her act together. You've gotta believe she's pretty stressed too. Afterall, if you both like each other as much as it seems you do, you can make it work. Give her a little time to see if she is getting her emotions together, and if by then things are still the same, then you've got to take action on it.

Don't listen to your ex, what she is saying holds no water whatsoever.

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