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Volumnius Flush 06-22-2005 08:07 PM

Dinosaurs Compatible With Christianity?
So I was thinking. And I have came to a roadblock in my thoughts. Biblically, man first appeared on the Earth in roughly 4004 B.C. That is if you take the Bible literally. Now it could have been around any amount of time before that. In the seven day period God created the planet though, it was 4004 B.C.

So where do dinosaurs come in? Were dinosaurs alive during the time of man? That is/was my guess. As I thought more though, I decided that dinosaurs may well not have even existed. It may in fact be one of the most elaborate hoaxes, or sinister, known to man.

Here's a thought: Assuming you believe in God, did Pangaea exist? What is the similarity between the shorelines of all the continents? Did God have a hand in this 'Pangaea' or was it by coincidence?

On with the dinosaurs though, where did they come from? Was it a creation of God, or did Satan have an influence? I'd like to add in at this point that the fallen angels, the Nephilim, who spawned most of the Earth's inhabitants, may have had a more sinister plan for the Earth. When God destroyed the population in the Great Flood (minus Noah and his), it was a sort of cleansing for the population. If Pangaea was real, it may have seperated during this great catastrophe. All the dinosaurs may have been destroyed, too.

In retrospect, I have a hard time straying away from the idea that dinosaurs never existed. I think it may have been a hoax. I have no reason to believe God sat them here, and if they did exist, I wouldn't be surprised if He didn't.


BassRevelation1029 06-22-2005 08:11 PM

[QUOTE=Volumnius Flush]So I was thinking. And I have came to a roadblock in my thoughts. Biblically, man first appeared on the Earth in roughly 4004 B.C. That is if you take the Bible literally. Now it could have been around any amount of time before that. In the seven day period God created the planet though, it was 4004 B.C. [/QUOTE]
Depends on how many days on earth=days to God. We really dont know
Were dinosaurs alive during the time of man?[/QUOTE] no
Here's a thought: Assuming you believe in God, did Pangaea exist? What is the similarity between the shorelines of all the continents? Did God have a hand in this 'Pangaea' or was it by coincidence? [/QUOTE]
Pangaea is a possibility itself. Whether or not it existed, i dont know, nor really care.

Against Miik! 06-22-2005 08:12 PM

Dinosaurs are mentioned in the Bible. Well, not actually dinosaurs by name, but descriptions of large beasts that could be called dinosaurs.

As for Pangaea? Its definitely feasable. There is actually scientific evidence that backs it up. Some fossils and things like that are found only on east coast of Africa and the west coast of South America, two locations that would be connected on the Pangaean continent.

Iskandar 06-22-2005 08:12 PM

I don't take the Bible any more literally than I do Greek mythology. I believe that Pangaea existed, and that dinosaurs roamed this planet millions of years before humans [b]evolved[/b] (key word here) into our present state.

Volumnius Flush 06-22-2005 08:16 PM

hey BassRevelation, do you believe in dinosaurs? i don't.

and also, Genesis was written by a man. how can you play that card "God doesn't follow our calendar." ???

RouteOne 06-22-2005 08:18 PM

[QUOTE=Volumnius Flush]hey BassRevelation, do you believe in dinosaurs? i don't.

and also, Genesis was written by a man. how can you play that card "God doesn't follow our calendar." ???[/QUOTE]
Ummmmm.....how can you ignor the fossils and bones they have exevated?

Volumnius Flush 06-22-2005 08:18 PM

It could be a hoax. It was a threat by Satan unto man to mislead you. It's a lie.

MattSharpIsCool 06-22-2005 08:19 PM

Dinosaurs aren't a hoax. They existed long before humans.

That is one of the biggest mysteries of the bible, I think. If the earth is only 6,000-ish (I dont remember exactly) years old, how do they explain dinosaur fossils dated at 100 million years old.

trading_sadness4numbness 06-22-2005 08:20 PM

Incompatible. I personally think it's silly to question empirical evidence of prehistoric life, but im sure you can find a way to bend history around religion as most creationists do...

RouteOne 06-22-2005 08:20 PM

[QUOTE=Volumnius Flush]It could be a hoax. It was a threat by Satan unto man to mislead you. It's a lie.[/QUOTE]
I really, really, really, really, really, really, really hope you are joking.

Reaganista 06-22-2005 08:21 PM

Theology compatible with the Politics, News and World Issues forum?

Signs point to no.

Volumnius Flush 06-22-2005 08:23 PM

[QUOTE=amostbitterseason]I really, really, really, really, really, really, really hope you are joking.[/QUOTE]

MattSharp up above states that dinosaur fossils "hundreds of millions of years old" and a "6000 year old" Earth is a mystery. Think about it. If I keep the time the same way God did in the first few books of the Bible, then someone's lying. Maybe the scientists and their carbon-dating. I think the scientists are the culprits here. The godless bastards. It was a hoax started by Satan and continued on by the scientists. Dinosaurs never existed.

trading_sadness4numbness 06-22-2005 08:24 PM

[QUOTE=amostbitterseason]I really, really, really, really, really, really, really hope you are joking.[/QUOTE]


if not, who sat around and let your parents brainwash you? home schooled?

RouteOne 06-22-2005 08:26 PM

[QUOTE=Volumnius Flush]MattSharp up above states that dinosaur fossils "hundreds of millions of years old" and a "6000 year old" Earth is a mystery. Think about it. If I keep the time the same way God did in the first few books of the Bible, then someone's lying. Maybe the scientists and their carbon-dating. I think the scientists are the culprits here. The godless bastards. It was a hoax started by Satan and continued on by the scientists. Dinosaurs never existed.[/QUOTE]

I'm sorry, I can't take you religious cooks seriously.

Xyloman 06-22-2005 08:27 PM

Maybe dinosaurs were the creation of another god, one that existede before the christian one?

Volumnius Flush 06-22-2005 08:30 PM


if not, who sat around and let your parents brainwash you? home schooled?[/QUOTE]

You're a dumbass. I came up with my dinosaur ideas on my own. I have plenty other ideas, but now isn't the time. No one is stupid enough to think of dinosaurs to not have existed. I am though.

But perhaps the extremity of stupidity and the extremity of genious meet in a parallel reality. Perhaps though I'm looked at and laughed upon, I'm in fact a great genious.

Here's an example for your feeble mind. The extremities of music.

classical music----------------------------------black metal

If you have the slightest idea of black metal, you can see the classical influences in black metal. Sometimes very subtle, but they are there. How can two genres be so different, yet so alike?

So you can see that though my dinosaur theory is somewhat faulty, I could be on to something.

RouteOne 06-22-2005 08:30 PM

And I suppose the actual dinosaur blood found in mosquitos embedded in amber is a creation of Satan to mislead man as well huh?

dislocated214 06-22-2005 08:30 PM

I am trying to learn more about evolution so;

So if evolution is the correct "theory" why aren't animals/humans still evolving today?

max_facekick 06-22-2005 08:30 PM

el oh el,
Well, I don't believe in turkey sandwiches because I believe satan created the myth of thy turkey sandwich. godless turkey-loving bastards.

edit: In response to the question above, everything is still evolving. Evolution is not a short process which no one would notice over hundreds of lifetimes even. Usually, when an ice age occurs, it puts survival of the fittest into effect and boosts the speed of evolution. It kills off ignorant close-minded neandrathals like creationists....oh wait, they probably don't believe in neandrathals..... Ironic, isn't it?

trading_sadness4numbness 06-22-2005 08:39 PM

bah, music doesn't work the same, I listen to both Chopin and Slayer. erm Chopin is from the romantic period, but you get my point.

Volumnius Flush 06-22-2005 08:39 PM

[QUOTE=dislocated214]I am trying to learn more about evolution so;

So if evolution is the correct "theory" why aren't animals/humans still evolving today?[/QUOTE]

Evolution is a lie laid forth by the areligious Darwin. Assuming it was true, we are evolving but evolution is extremely slow. Anyway, it doesn't exist.

BassRevelation1029 06-22-2005 08:42 PM

[QUOTE=Volumnius Flush]hey BassRevelation, do you believe in dinosaurs? i don't.
pretty much. Not something i spend my time thinking about though.

RouteOne 06-22-2005 08:42 PM

[QUOTE=Volumnius Flush]Evolution is a lie laid forth by the areligious Darwin. Assuming it was true, we are evolving but evolution is extremely slow. Anyway, it doesn't exist.[/QUOTE]
So you believe in a big boat saving humanity and all the animals but you can not accept the fact that dinosaurs were real?

trading_sadness4numbness 06-22-2005 08:42 PM

hope you don't get worked up again, but if you're questioning all of these logical and reasonable theories, isn't there a chance that your explanation could be wrong?

max_facekick 06-22-2005 08:48 PM

Hey, the whole noah's ark thing DID happen. I mean, its possible for one human to create a large enough boat for every species of every organism, assuming none of them ate eachother, put a hole in the boat, or died nonetheless. Not to mention there are over 600,000 species of insects alone.... ITS POSSIBLE YOU BABY KILLIN' HEATHENS!!!

RouteOne 06-22-2005 08:50 PM

[QUOTE=max_facekick]Hey, the whole noah's ark thing DID happen. I mean, its possible for one human to create a large enough boat for every species of every organism, assuming none of them ate eachother, put a hole in the boat, or died nonetheless. Not to mention there are over 600,000 species of insects alone.... ITS POSSIBLE YOU BABY KILLIN' HEATHENS!!![/QUOTE]
Don't foget the sea life and bacteria he somehow fit on the boat.

tourniquet 06-22-2005 08:51 PM

[QUOTE=amostbitterseason]So you believe in a big boat saving humanity and all the animals but you can not accept the fact that dinosaurs were real?[/QUOTE]

Evolution itself is a theory that is only compatible for animals. Despite the fact that humans and animals have many similarities, there is one unique difference. Animals adapt themselves to better fit and live in their surroundings. Humans, on the other hand, make changes in their enviorment to make it easier for them to survive: buildings, weopons, hospitals, clothing. This is what completly seperates us from the animals and provides a strong arguement against evolutionism.

tourniquet 06-22-2005 08:53 PM

[QUOTE=amostbitterseason]Don't foget the sea life and bacteria he somehow fit on the boat.[/QUOTE]

Since it was a flood im pretty sure that the sea life could survive in the ocean, since thats where they live anyway

RouteOne 06-22-2005 08:54 PM

[QUOTE=tourniquet]Evolution itself is a theory that is only compatible for animals. Despite the fact that humans and animals have many similarities, there is one unique difference. Animals adapt themselves to better fit and live in their surroundings. Humans, on the other hand, make changes in their enviorment to make it easier for them to survive: buildings, weopons, hospitals, clothing. This is what completly seperates us from the animals and provides a strong arguement against evolutionism.[/QUOTE]
No, humans do change with enviroment. Less hair, people being born with-out wisdom teeth, tail bones. We are a result of evolution.

RouteOne 06-22-2005 08:54 PM

[QUOTE=tourniquet]Since it was a flood im pretty sure that the sea life could survive in the ocean, since thats where they live anyway[/QUOTE]
It said 2 of every creature. Is god lying?

BassRevelation1029 06-22-2005 08:58 PM

[QUOTE=amostbitterseason]It said 2 of every creature. Is god lying?[/QUOTE]
you obviously didnt read the passage correctly.

RouteOne 06-22-2005 08:58 PM

[QUOTE=BassRevelation1029]you obviously didnt read the passage correctly.[/QUOTE]
I go to a chatholic high school and have a bible study class.....

trading_sadness4numbness 06-22-2005 08:59 PM

[QUOTE=amostbitterseason]It said 2 of every creature. Is god lying?[/QUOTE]

and also wouldn't most sea life die, "if they remained in the ocean," due to such a large amount of freshwater"

Volumnius Flush 06-22-2005 08:59 PM

[QUOTE=trading_sadness4numbness]hope you don't get worked up again, but if you're questioning all of these logical and reasonable theories, isn't there a chance that your explanation could be wrong?[/QUOTE]

How about you answer my question first. You stated earlier that you, "…Personally think it's silly to question empirical evidence of prehistoric life, but im sure you can find a way to bend history around religion as most creationists do..."

Did it ever cross your mind that science is working it's way around creationism? Or more accurately, contradicting it completely?

trading_sadness4numbness 06-22-2005 09:01 PM

yes it has crossed my mind..... "great post"

BlindWriting 06-22-2005 09:03 PM

Funny thread.
Keep up the comedy, Volumnius.

BassRevelation1029 06-22-2005 09:04 PM

[QUOTE=amostbitterseason]I go to a chatholic high school and have a bible study class.....[/QUOTE]
and this is now the 12th time ive heard the "i go to a catholic chruch" excuse.

max_facekick 06-22-2005 09:05 PM

ugh, religions suck......big time.

Volumnius Flush 06-22-2005 09:06 PM

Funny thread.
Keep up the comedy, Volumnius.[/QUOTE]

What do you have to say for yourself? You believe in dinosaurs, Nephilim, conspiracy theories, creationism, evolution, me?

[QUOTE=trading_sadness4numbness]yes it has crossed my mind..... "great post"[/QUOTE]

I know it's a great post. You haven't answered my question.

Bazarov 06-22-2005 09:06 PM

The Bible mentions Leviathan, a sea monster which could be the dinosaur Plesiosaur. And it speaks of the beast Behemoth. I believe that dinosaurs were once in existence, and the bible makes vague refrences to them such as Levianthan and Behemoth.

Now, about people living during the time of dinosaurs. Maybe it's possible that dinosaurs didn't roam the world where humans were living and rarely came into to contact?
But then there's carbon dating and such which would raise more questions. But I think dinosaurs were one of God's creations... maybe the God created people after the dinosaurs and other extinct animals, and decided to recreat the world which is what the bible talks about?

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