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Riva 01-20-2006 01:06 AM

ATTN R&M: Flaming and You
Okay guys. I've noticed a lot of arguing, debating and flaming has been occuring in the past few months. Now, flaming is a bannable offence, but I believe we can't eliminate opinions from this forum. I mean, what else are we going to talk about?

I think the main problem is that people forget that there is a human sitting on the other side of the computer. Hence we are all guilty of forgetting about difference in opinions and others feelings.

Following soon will be the guidelines by which I seperate flaming, trolling and arguing from discussion and debate.

However, let me say something briefly.

I have come under flak recently from a number of users, mainly regarding actions in a thread. It hurts me that a number of users either a) flat out abused myself, or b) disparaged my modding ability all because I posted an opinion.

I'm here to clear up a few doubts. The mods are [b]not[/b] your lapdogs. We are ordinary users like yourselves, who must also perform other duties. We do not waive our right to an opinion when we gain the 5 stars. We do not automatically agree to bow down to your opinion just because we have an italicised username. We aren't meant to be Holier Than Thou. We are down in the dirt with you guys, except we have duties. And it isn't all fun being a mod either, it's a lot of hard work at times.

The incident in question involved someone who first questioned my opinion, then flat out refused to listen to my rebuttal, and proceeded to insult me personally, all because I tried to debate them. This incident has sparked me to write this thread. I am not excusing my actions or that of the person, by the way. It's in the past, and been resolved, I hope.

Now, this is by no means concrete, so you can all post your definitions/interpretations, and I will edit these guidelines if there is enough demand.



Debating is the art of the discussion. It is a controlled argument. On these forums, that means sticking to the topic, providing facts to support your statement, and avoiding bashing your opponent. It is serious.

e.g: Spinal Architect, I feel, are more technical than Whitesnake, and hence more enjoyable to me. For example, the song {EXAMPLE} is noticeably more difficult to play than {EXAMPLE}.


This is less serious, I feel. It is still your opinion, but you can provide as many or as few facts as you like. No matter how silly your idea may seem, if you discuss it well, others are obliged to respect it. It can be serious or humourous.

e.g. I don't like Arch Enemy. They put me to sleep. I find the continual drone and repeated riffs to be somewhat oppressive.


Arguing is excessively hammering your point through, ad nauseum, without really regarding or responding to other's posts. It's not really acceptable, and there's a fine line between flaming and arguing. However, there's also not far between discussion and arguing.

e.g. Tool sold out. Whatever you think is wrong.


Flaming is when you personally insult a user, a band, without reason.


Trolling is flaming simply in order to get a rise out of people.


Thanks to Eggo.


I also updated the rules thread, to make it more user friendly, I hope. There's some new stuff there, so the regulars might like to take a look.

Amit 01-20-2006 01:09 AM

Awesome thread, Riva. I think it's that dumb religion thread that's really pushed it over the edge.

I'm surprised by how so many people still can't discern the borders between objectivity and subjectivity.

Just so you know...Trolling isn't repeated flaming ;)

Riva 01-20-2006 01:10 AM

Just so you know...Trolling isn't repeated flaming ;)[/QUOTE]

Oh shi

What is it then?

Amit 01-20-2006 01:11 AM

[QUOTE=HeavyRiva]Oh shi

What is it then?[/QUOTE]



kamiccollo 01-20-2006 01:12 AM

[QUOTE=Eggo]Awesome thread, Riva. I think it's that dumb religion thread that's really pushed it over the edge.


I think its doing okay now at least, though it might change during the day.

haha, brilliant,- trolls remorse and chronic troll sydrome

Leukeh 01-20-2006 01:13 AM



:lol: usually results in a fire drill

Riva 01-20-2006 01:15 AM

Haha, great. Okay.

Don't mind me, I'm just a newb.

Mailman 01-20-2006 01:16 AM

[QUOTE=Eggo]Awesome thread, Riva. I think it's that dumb religion thread that's really pushed it over the edge.

I'm surprised by how so many people still can't discern the borders between objectivity and subjectivity.

Just so you know...Trolling isn't repeated flaming ;)[/QUOTE]
stop trying to be smart eggo you cum guzzling prog listener

In all seriousness, this should be an announcement.

Amit 01-20-2006 01:21 AM

[QUOTE=Leukeh]:lol: usually results in a fire drill[/QUOTE]

It's happened to me before...Even if I just post a :lol: in an active thread sometimes, the entire forum seemingly vanishes once they know I've logged on :-(

Leper 01-20-2006 01:26 AM

It really bugs me when I come across someone who can't respect others' opinions. This is a good idea to get things cleared up Riva, but I don't know how much it will actually help. People generally know when they're crossing the line, and those who do usually don't care.

Leukeh 01-20-2006 01:27 AM

[quote=Eggo]It's happened to me before...Even if I just post a :lol: in an active thread sometimes, the entire forum seemingly vanishes once they know I've logged on :-([/quote]


I've noticed DarkLikePoe is a big flamer... no offense to him or nothin, just... he is.

Amit 01-20-2006 01:27 AM

[QUOTE=leppermessiah]...And those who do usually don't care.[/QUOTE]

Those are the ones who are useless and should be banned on sight :-)

Good night guys!

gmoneyguy 01-20-2006 01:28 AM

I would also like to point some soem threads will innately breed trolls.
Such as the Metallica, A7X, Axl Rose(:lol:) threads, and etc.

Leper 01-20-2006 01:34 AM

[QUOTE=Eggo]Those are the ones who are useless and should be banned on sight :-)

Good night guys![/QUOTE]

Wouldn't it be nice if they could do that?

Lord Abortion 01-20-2006 03:31 AM

[QUOTE=HeavyRiva]Haha, great. Okay.

Don't mind me, I'm just a newb.[/QUOTE]
That's true.
However, this is an important point that really needed to be clarified.

But Metallica really do lick your ball sack.

Jacaranda 01-20-2006 07:11 AM

[QUOTE=leppermessiah]It really bugs me when I come across someone who can't respect others' opinions. This is a good idea to get things cleared up Riva, but I don't know how much it will actually help. People generally know when they're crossing the line, and those who do usually don't care.[/QUOTE]
stuf faggiah

Ya, I noticed a lot of threads getting worse and worse, although I'm not perfect I try not to step on other peoples toe's, but sometimes its impossible not to.

King_Of_Terrors 01-20-2006 07:19 AM

I don't have time to read all of this, I will when I get back from school today. I can tell your getting your point across, good job.

KittensInMicrowaves 01-20-2006 11:05 AM

I appreciate this thread, I was recently called an idiot by a user on another thread for just stating my opinion on a very debatable issue. Then about 2 or 3 others joined in... I'm not always right and I know some people on here know a lot more than me, but the flaming gets out of control and some people refuse to believe that their opinions aren't fact, then they resort to name calling and other childish behavior or gang up to intimidate. It'd be nice to see less of that...

Carry on

Bartender 01-20-2006 11:07 AM

[QUOTE=HeavyRiva] We do not waive our right to an opinion when we gain the 5 stars.[/QUOTE]

I like this bit.

Arucard 01-20-2006 11:09 AM

As usual with these threads, the people that post regulaly and should read them, won't.

Personally i think that the issue of people (not mentioning any names of course for fear of bannination because i have a history of 'hounding' people) going completly off topic is more pressing than the issue of flaming.

Amit 01-20-2006 11:12 AM

[QUOTE=Bartender]I like this bit.[/QUOTE]

It's a concept a lot of people can't apparently grasp.

Arucard 01-20-2006 11:12 AM

As is the concept that i bought up.

Deth 01-20-2006 11:13 AM

I like all of the mods in R&M and love it when they can actually make a stand on something.

Bring out the Banhammeren.

Jom 01-20-2006 11:14 AM

[QUOTE=Arucard]Personally i think that the issue of people (not mentioning any names of course for fear of bannination because i have a history of 'hounding' people) going completly off topic is more pressing than the issue of flaming.[/QUOTE]

This exercise in writing was to get people to voice their opinions on the matter as well.

Without being completely derogatory to your colleagues, "hound" away so we can remedy the situation(s) next time we see it.

I had to clean up that Axl thread - went from 180-ish comments down to 65, all from off-topic posting, so I know how it is when a perfectly legit thread gets derailed.

Jom 01-20-2006 11:32 AM

[QUOTE=Spat Out Plath][i]Kudos[/i] to the Js for making a stand the last couple of days; with a bit of management I'm sure it'll pass.[/QUOTE]

Why are the Js plural? This was all Jason. Riva showed me the threads he was referring to, and yeah, they were pretty outrageous. But I didn't have a hand in the writing process at all; the only thing I collaborated with him on was the mailing list policy. Do I agree that something needed to be said? I do, actually.

And yeah, I agree, R&M is in a lull of retard-nation right now. But it'll bounce back - it always does.

Riva 01-20-2006 05:23 PM

There's only one J, and that is the great Jeremy Ferweda.

So where does that leave the 3 Js of R&M? Who knows?

Nostalgia 01-20-2006 05:34 PM

Riva, if you're talking about the religion thread where I was saying that it shouldn't be closed I was just saying that I thought it was healthy to promote debate, not arguing.

MBS 01-20-2006 05:42 PM

[QUOTE=Encyclopedia Dramatica's Definition of Troll]In Dungeons & Dragons, trolls take full damage from acid and fire. Because trolls have green rubbery flesh and naturally enhanced regeneration, damage caused by slashing, piercing or bludgeoning is halved.

Some DMs were cool and let PCs be trolls, but others were like "no they're too powerful, they are NPC only" and then I was like "eff that" and fed his dice to his cat.[/QUOTE]

:lol: Anyway, I kind of agree, the flaming has esclated to a point in R&M where I think everyone should cut the crap. I know I was a part of this, and I promise not to flame anyone unless they heavily deserve it. [size=1]or if I'm joking[/size]

i am the robots 01-20-2006 05:45 PM

[QUOTE=Mister Blue Sky]:lol: Anyway, I kind of agree, the flaming has esclated to a point in R&M where I think everyone should cut the crap. I know I was a part of this, and I promise not to flame anyone unless they heavily deserve it. [size=1]or if I'm joking[/size][/QUOTE]

:lol: that's sooo good.

TheDMV 01-20-2006 06:04 PM

good thinking. I have noticed a lot of regs have been flaming in threads that are already illegal.

gillygan 01-20-2006 06:17 PM

Ya when i first came to MX, and someone flamed me, i felt bad. But now i flame people :upset: Im going to try and be better about it :)

The most annoying flaming is genre arguements.

I also dont like to comment on mods and stuff cause i dont want to seem like im sucking up or some lame bullshi[SIZE="2"]t[/SIZE].

Lord Abortion 01-21-2006 11:19 AM

[QUOTE=Arucard]As usual with these threads, the people that post regulaly and should read them, won't.

Personally i think that the issue of people (not mentioning any names of course for fear of bannination because i have a history of 'hounding' people) going completly off topic is more pressing than the issue of flaming.[/QUOTE]
It depends what you mean by that.

Alot of the threads, such as the Power metal, and Band threads, have a much more community feel to them. This is something I am in full support of, because it helps foster well being in the forum, and enables people to feel welcomed into a group, with the thread regs. A small amount of off-topic talk is a necessary evil to keep that good spirit up.
Again I use the PM thread as an example of this working well.

temporary 01-21-2006 12:26 PM

Good to see Mods noticing problems and doing what they can to fix them. :)

Arucard 01-21-2006 04:27 PM

[QUOTE=custom>standard]Ya when i first came to MX, and someone flamed me, i felt bad. But now i flame people :upset: Im going to try and be better about it :)

The most annoying flaming is genre arguements.

I also dont like to comment on mods and stuff cause i dont want to seem like im sucking up or some lame bullshi[SIZE="2"]t[/SIZE].[/QUOTE]

Genre arguments in my eyes are VERY important. Example : 90% of R+M don't know what Metalcore is. 90% of R+M don't know what Emo or Screamo are. They just like to label bands they don't respect Metalcore, and its ridiculous and annoying.

The more people who are educated through harsh genre discussions, the better.

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