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-   -   Papa Jelle's HOW COULD DIS HAPPEN 2 ME Thread (No No Allowed) (http://www.sputnikmusic.com/forums/showthread.php?t=533321)

Riva 08-10-2007 07:19 AM

Papa Jelle's HOW COULD DIS HAPPEN 2 ME Thread (No No Allowed)
Alright blokes, it's time for some changes to occur. R&M is absolutely sh[font=verdana]ithouse right now, and I'm going to fix it. And I'm starting with this 'ere Community Thread. From now on, I'll be monitoring this as well as I can. You may have noticed a lot of regulars no longer post here, or you may not have because you're new. Needless to say, the old rules that have been abandoned through the carelessness of users and the apathy of we moderators are now back in style.

This means that there are to be:[LIST][*]no more single smiley posts[*]no more 123 style posts.[*]no more hottiebassplaying posts[*]no more idiotic arguments that take up an entire page of posts yet only consist of maybe 30 intelligible words.[/LIST]
In addition, I suggest you all read the Rules that I wrote out so long ago. I know they're corny, that's one of the reasons I stopped enforcing them myself, but I think it's time we brought back a certain standard of posting.


So, it's time to pick up the posting and try to reverse this cancer that is killing R&M.

P.S. Content-free posts may be deleted without prior discussion by any R&M moderator. If you want to cry about it, go to Everything'sFuc[/font]kingFairLand where the razors are always sharp.

P.P.S Looks like I ninja'd your thread again, Jelle.

P.P.P.S I wrote a poem.

Skipping down the sunny side of the street,
I played a happy tune in my silly little head,
When suddenly a funny thought came to me,
Everyone you love will one day be dead.

BoboTheRagingHobo 08-10-2007 07:28 AM

Hopefully this will spread to all the other corners of R&M as well, since they need a bad face lift as well.

At least this will be a start.

mozartv 08-10-2007 07:39 AM


Riva 08-10-2007 07:45 AM

Yes. The link in my post will guide you to them. Judging from your last few posts in R&M, I suggest you read them now.

mozartv 08-10-2007 07:46 AM

[QUOTE=Riva;15113866]Yes. The link in my post will guide you to them. Judging from your last few posts in R&M, I suggest you read them now.[/QUOTE]

what did i do?

Dargon 08-10-2007 07:48 AM

What is the definition of a "hottiebassplaying" post?

Riva 08-10-2007 07:50 AM

[QUOTE=mozartv;15113871]what did i do?[/QUOTE]

You're either a bad troll or a worse poster. :-/

Exhibits A-C:

[QUOTE=mozartv;15113743]jesus metal ftw?[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=mozartv;15113750]jesus christ, rockstar![/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=mozartv;15113851]atheism ftw?[/QUOTE]

Either way, just stop doing it.

mozartv 08-10-2007 07:51 AM

[QUOTE=Riva;15113880]You're either a bad troll or a worse poster. :-/

Exhibits A-C:

Either way, just stop doing it.[/QUOTE]

ok, my bad.

Riva 08-10-2007 07:51 AM

[QUOTE=Dargon;15113873]What is the definition of a "hottiebassplaying" post?[/QUOTE]

0 content.

Meatplow 08-10-2007 08:17 AM

I hardly ever visit this forum anymore, not unless a band i am interested in is being talked about.

Apocalyptic Raids 08-10-2007 08:22 AM

[QUOTE]I hardly ever visit this forum anymore, not unless a band i am interested in is being talked about.[/QUOTE]
I'm a bit like that too. Usually I just check the comm. thread and a couple of others.

Amit 08-10-2007 08:23 AM

mozartv is a very bad user i suggest we send him to his room for a very long time to let him reflect on just how bad of a user he is!

Six Foot Revolver 08-10-2007 08:24 AM

Thank christ, this place has turned terrible.

LegionsofMarduk 08-10-2007 08:26 AM

MX as a whole has gone way downhill over the past couple of years. Only reason I even still come here is the other couple of forums I post/posted at closed or are not music related.

mozartv 08-10-2007 08:27 AM

[QUOTE=Amit;15113946]mozartv is a very bad user i suggest we send him to his room for a very long time to let him reflect on just how bad of a user he is![/QUOTE]

your just mad because i said that girl had FAKE TITS. get over it, it was just a joke.

bwnstl 08-10-2007 08:30 AM


From the last community thread: where abouts do you live? I'm in north St. Louis suburbs.

And to whoever asked about the humidity: yes. It's a goddamn sauna no matter where you are here.

[QUOTE=LegionsofMarduk;15113960]MX as a whole has gone way downhill over the past couple of years. Only reason I even still come here is the other couple of forums I post/posted at closed or are not music related.[/QUOTE]

How has it gotten worse? I'm curious as to what's changed so much. (I've only been here for two years and I've only been posting regularly for a year or so).

Apocalyptic Raids 08-10-2007 08:38 AM

I've found it kind of annoying lately but I find R&M always goes through ups and downs.

However, whether or not this place has gone downhill is all relative to who your e-buddies were and if they still post here. Obviously nearly all the people from Legions' main era of posting are gone, which might explain why he doesn't enjoy the place anymore. It also has to do with how established you are in the community, I know I started enjoying this place a ****load more when people started taking more notice of me.

GenuineImitation 08-10-2007 08:54 AM

Hopefully Jasons Modding will help get this place back into tip top shape. I say bring the Mother MX avatar and go Stalin on the spammers a[I]ss[/I]es.

/first time I got on the first page of a new community thread

repcak 08-10-2007 08:59 AM

cool... the thread is back..

nice poem Jason

(0 content :p ) lmao

bwnstl 08-10-2007 09:02 AM

Hey gice, what's the best book you've read in the last year?

I noticed someone mentioned Pahlaniuk in the last thread. He's an incredible author.

mryrtmrnfoxxxy 08-10-2007 09:18 AM

Mr. Murder by Dean Koontz is an amazing book.

Lunch 08-10-2007 09:22 AM

sup new thread

I hope the rule enforcing continues/works, for serious

superpeer 08-10-2007 09:24 AM

Woah, I guess after I left last night, it got [I]even[/I] worse.

Seriously, though, I'm gonna start banning if some of you don't get just a little bit more mature.

NP: Peter Tosh - Bush Doctor

so legalise marijuanaaa oo ooo oooo

Three days without smoking weed now. It's tough.

GenuineImitation 08-10-2007 09:28 AM

Three days without smoking weed now. It's tough.[/QUOTE]

I have only smoked twice this summer and both were last week. I dont really miss it. just like drinking, I enjoy it, but dont really need to do it to enjoy myself/my company,

Lunch 08-10-2007 09:29 AM

Legalize it

I'm going to Dark Star Orchestra tonight so I'm probably gonna smoke like an eighth and maybe trip

superpeer 08-10-2007 09:30 AM

Yeah, but I'd been doing it pretty much every night for the last 6 months or something. So I do miss it. <-<

I did drink some beer last night, to comfort myself. It's hard to fall asleep if you're really sober.

NP: Pearl Jam - Even Flow

Lunch 08-10-2007 09:31 AM

However, it's easy to fall asleep if you're listening to Pearl Jam

GenuineImitation 08-10-2007 09:32 AM

[QUOTE=Superpeer;15114131]Yeah, but I'd been doing it pretty much every night for the last 6 months or something. So I do miss it. <-<

I did drink some beer last night, to comfort myself. It's hard to fall asleep if you're really sober.

NP: Pearl Jam - Even Flow[/QUOTE]

Yeah, doing anything you enjoy, everyday for 6 months and then skipping it is tough.

I wish I had some beer to help me sleep last night. I laid awake for 4 hours trying to sleep but couldnt. Only 3 more weeks until I go back to school and can drink anytime I want again.

mryrtmrnfoxxxy 08-10-2007 09:33 AM

..I like Pearl Jam. :(

GenuineImitation 08-10-2007 09:34 AM

As do I....Lunch, please do not diss a Pearl that can Jam please.

Anyway, Im off to lunch/work. Catch you guys later.

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