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DurzoBlint 02-20-2011 12:03 PM

Yeah I listen to cult of luna / isis / neurosis / rosetta quite a bit. Never heard year of no light, general lee or humanfly though.

Edit: I enjoyed general lee, but not so much of what I hear from humanfly and year of no light.

alachlahol 02-25-2011 02:11 PM

yo i need some of that deathly grindlike death if you know what im sayin. death metal with a good grind edge or vice versa



Ventriloquist 02-25-2011 03:45 PM

[QUOTE=DurzoBlint;18411496]Hi, is there any bands similar to "the ocean" you would recommend? I really enjoy all their albums (Their newest one is my least favorite), in particular aeolian and precambrian are excellent. I prefer their heavier sections / songs, but I am not too fussy with how much chill is in a bands sound.[/QUOTE]

A Swarm of the Sun
Seven Nautical Miles

[QUOTE=alachlahol;18419254]yo i need some of that deathly grindlike death if you know what im sayin. death metal with a good grind edge or vice versa



Parlamentarisk Sodomi

Pyosisified 02-26-2011 06:28 AM

General Surgery
Blood Duster

etc etc would give u more but too many faggots are watching this thread so

Morumbar 02-26-2011 09:09 AM

If I recall correctly, I remember having read somewhere about there being a band with almost the exact same members of Warning. Now I've been digging the shit out of [i]Watching From a Distance[/i] and I need another album like this. Can anyone tell me what the other band is and which album is most similar to [i]Watching From a Distance[/i]?

DBlitz 02-26-2011 09:15 AM

you might be thinking of this band:


same members as warning. they seem to be releasing their debut next month though

Morumbar 02-26-2011 09:29 AM

Ah, yeah, that's it.

Guess I'll wait for that to come out then. Thanks.

xMalcolmXx 02-26-2011 10:12 AM

need more stuff like johnny hobo/ajj pleeeeease

Element86 02-27-2011 02:00 PM

Doing a post rock list
Like an 'introduction to', for my girlfriend who quite liked what she heard when 65daysofstatic came on the other night. Can you guys please give me some suggestions. I have been out of the loop for a few years now, so I don't know if anything good has come out recently. But anything more accessible would be nice -- I intend to sit her down with 'Lift Yr Skinny Fists' but maybe a bit later.

Here's what I have so far, not really in order:

Explosions in the Sky - First breath after coma
Explosions in the Sky - Your hand in mine
Explosions in the Sky - What do you go home to?
Mogwai - Friend of the night
Mogwai - The sun smells too loud
65daysofstatic - Drove through ghosts to get here
65daysofstatic - Retreat retreat
God is an astronaut - Forever lost
Pelican - Far from fields
Sigur Ros - Glossoli
Sigur Ros - Untitled #3

I don't want too many songs really, and trying to go for 3 songs max per artist. But I would still be interested to hear what else is good, for my own education too. I have put Sigur Ros on there although they're a bit different to the rest, but I think they need to be on there just to mix it up.

Thanks peeps :)

exredhouseresident 02-27-2011 02:31 PM

City of Caterpillar - everything

SlightlyEpic 02-27-2011 02:46 PM

yndi halda

Nepenthe 02-27-2011 03:12 PM

as the poets affirm
this will destroy you
gifts from enola
if these trees could talk

Mikk 02-27-2011 03:44 PM

[QUOTE=SlightlyEpic;18421928]yndi halda[/QUOTE]

Mikk 02-27-2011 03:46 PM

also some mono

mistress2metal 03-01-2011 03:11 PM

[COLOR="Red"]Welcome to the forums, but this thread isn't for arbitrarily naming bands, it's for suggesting based on what people are looking for. - Tyler[/COLOR]

DurzoBlint 03-03-2011 01:37 PM

[QUOTE=SlightlyEpic;18421928]yndi halda[/QUOTE]

I love them :)

@ventrillo - Thanks! All are right up my street.

DBlitz 03-05-2011 01:36 PM

recommend me upbeat stuff

idk, like phoenix maybe. idc just happy upbeat music, please.

Nepenthe 03-05-2011 01:44 PM

!!! - myth takes
uniquetunes - 8
the legends - facts and figures

Tyler 03-05-2011 03:16 PM

Josh Reichmann Oracle Band - Crazy Power
The Feelies - Crazy Rhythms
Jay Reatard - Blood Visions/Watch Me Fall
Spiral Beach - The Only Really Thing
Two Hours Traffic - Little Jabs

DBlitz 03-05-2011 09:26 PM

thanks, i'll look into all of them today

Destroy All Girls 03-05-2011 09:27 PM

Danielson Famile - [I]Fetch the Compass Kids[/I]

Moon Flavor 03-07-2011 06:07 PM

Haven't been on here in months; haven't gotten any music in even longer. So I'm kind of out of the loop.

So recommend me all the new big discoveries and mx fad bands and new albums that I've missed. Black metal and neo folk type stuff need not apply. In particular im looking for::

-Upbeat/energetic non-metal
-Relatively unique newer-ish death metal
-ridic sweet japanese music of all types
-Math rock
-Stuff similar to Ion Dissonance- Minus the Herd

oh and also who did that song from the beginning of the first kingdom hearts that's kinda j-poppy?

DBlitz 03-08-2011 08:42 AM

[QUOTE=Moon Flavor;18432675]So recommend me all the new big discoveries and mx fad bands and new albums that I've missed.[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE]-Upbeat/energetic non-metal[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE]-Relatively unique newer-ish death metal[/QUOTE]
dunno about unique, but check this out:

Mitochondrion - [I]Parasignosis[/I]

Ulcerate also have a new album out.

[QUOTE]-Math rock[/QUOTE]
idk, i just listened to Snowing for the first time yesterday and they are screamo with math rock-like twinkly guitars

[QUOTE]oh and also who did that song from the beginning of the first kingdom hearts that's kinda j-poppy?[/QUOTE]
Utada Hikaru. song was called "simple and clean".

RFGM 03-08-2011 08:46 AM

[QUOTE=Moon Flavor;18432675]-Relatively unique newer-ish death metal[/QUOTE]
Haunted Shores- Following Ivy

P13 03-08-2011 10:19 AM

[QUOTE=DBlitz;18433652]OFWGKTA lol



Moon Flavor 03-08-2011 02:04 PM

[QUOTE=DBlitz;18433652]OFWGKTA lol


dunno about unique, but check this out:

Mitochondrion - [I]Parasignosis[/I]

Ulcerate also have a new album out.

idk, i just listened to Snowing for the first time yesterday and they are screamo with math rock-like twinkly guitars

Utada Hikaru. song was called "simple and clean".[/QUOTE]

what does ofwgkta mean i don't get it

I'll check out mitochondrion i've heard some good things. same with snowing.

didn't really dig the first ulcerate tho

edit: actually does anyone have any good recs for "hipster bm" or maybe some progressive somewhat bm influenced stuff? nothing completely obvious like arcturus or nachtmystium(lol)

Drugstep 03-08-2011 04:34 PM

its fairly generic and poorly produced rap that is the current trend on mx

DBlitz 03-08-2011 04:50 PM

[QUOTE=Moon Flavor;18433973]what does ofwgkta mean i don't get it[/QUOTE]
bunch of kids making rap music, who are blowing up atm. ofwgkta is their group name, together they released a mixtape. but the separate members have released their own albums for free.

Stevie 03-12-2011 02:22 PM

idk best place to ask pretty much

i've been looking around for some music from the third reich i've been watching world at war and really like the german music from the era like horst wessel lied, deutchland uber alles etc. anyone know a good download of a collection of this stuff?

[disclaimer: liking that music doesn't mean im a nazi]

Drugstep 03-12-2011 02:47 PM

i'll second that request i enjoy the german music

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