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gaslight 05-19-2009 11:16 AM

Ah well.

Gah, I need to spend a lot of money on music supplies soon. Both my basses, my electric and acoustic guitars all need new strings. I really want two of those Analysis Plus leads too and a custom moulded set of earplugs and DI for recording and a back-up set of non-moulded earplugs and f[size=2]uck[/size] I hate not having money f[size=2]ucking[/size], f[size=2]uck[/size].

FunkMetalBass 05-19-2009 11:19 AM

[quote=gaslight;17251132]Ah well.

Gah, I need to spend a lot of money on music supplies soon. Both my basses, my electric and acoustic guitars all need new strings. I really want two of those Analysis Plus leads too and a custom moulded set of earplugs and DI for recording and a back-up set of non-moulded earplugs and f[SIZE=2]uck[/SIZE] I hate not having money f[SIZE=2]ucking[/SIZE], f[SIZE=2]uck[/SIZE].[/quote]

We've all been there. Don't worry.

You could always donate sperm or plasma.

funkyhoney 05-19-2009 11:20 AM

I work with liquor, I get paid a lot. Yay!

gaslight 05-19-2009 11:22 AM

Haha I don't think those donations pay terribly much.

What do you funky, liquor store? What's that pay? There's a liquor store up the road from me. Why does liquor pay a lot, is it danger pay for robbery risk?

funkyhoney 05-19-2009 11:37 AM

[QUOTE=gaslight;17251145]Haha I don't think those donations pay terribly much.

What do you funky, liquor store? What's that pay? There's a liquor store up the road from me. Why does liquor pay a lot, is it danger pay for robbery risk?[/QUOTE]

Liquor store, yes, it pays the same as bar work because it classes as hospitality. It'll vary, I'm sure, but it's good money. I get $20 an hour on weekdays and penalties after 6pm, more on sat, more on sun, WAY more on public holidays.

It pays because you have to deal with drunks, really, it's all duty of care and responsible service of alcohol. You can get some EPIC fines for serving minors and stuff.

But it's **** easy work, it's all either scanning booze, moving boxes of booze, or getting into verbals with minors and drunks (which personally makes me smile, it's hilarious).

There's always the danger of robbery, but it's 99% snatch and grab (which you never get blamed for), depending on where you work there's very very rarely armed robbery.

gaslight 05-19-2009 11:39 AM

Nice. I get a $21/hour flat rate for my job but it's casual and there's no penalty rates ever as far I can tell. Never worked a public holiday yet. Sounds like a good job.

FunkMetalBass 05-19-2009 11:50 AM

[quote=gaslight;17251145]Haha I don't think those donations pay terribly much.

What do you funky, liquor store? What's that pay? There's a liquor store up the road from me. Why does liquor pay a lot, is it danger pay for robbery risk?[/quote]

You have to be alcohol and tobacco certified...which is a 4-hour waste of your time basically explaining that you have to check ID and that fake IDs don't count.

Fake IDs are funny. As long as you check it and it's an acceptable form of ID, you are no longer responsible. Your job is only to check for the birthday and whether or not it's an acceptable form of ID.

gaslight 05-19-2009 11:52 AM

I reckon there'd be some hilarious fake IDs out there.

No beard no beer that'd be my motto.

funkyhoney 05-19-2009 11:53 AM

I get 20 flat, 22 after 6pm, 25 on sat, 27 after 6, 30 on sun, 32 after 6pm, I get overtime, I get double time and a half on public holidays. I stay relatively fit and I don't do very much.


funkyhoney 05-19-2009 11:55 AM

[QUOTE=gaslight;17251174]I reckon there'd be some hilarious fake IDs out there.

No beard no beer that'd be my motto.[/QUOTE]

It's a good motto, but sometimes it fails, mate of mine got a $600 fine for selling two 17yo abos with FULL beards some tallies. Pretty lucky considering the max is $8000 here.

There is a good fake ID we confiscated a while ago. Some kiwi kid and the name's like "John Paul Jnr."

gaslight 05-19-2009 11:55 AM

Haha oh man, I wish that was my pay scale.

gaslight 05-19-2009 11:56 AM

[QUOTE=funkyhoney;17251178]It's a good motto, but sometimes it fails, mate of mine got a $600 fine for selling two 17yo abos with FULL beards some tallies. Pretty lucky considering the max is $8000 here.

There is a good fake ID we confiscated a while ago. Some kiwi kid and the name's like "John Paul Jnr."[/QUOTE]

Haha oh the beard thing wouldn't be my only criteria.

"Here's your beer, John."
"Who's John bru?"

FunkMetalBass 05-19-2009 11:59 AM

OMG. That reminds me of a funny story from when I was a manager at a grocery store. This kid tried to buy liquor, and it went down like this.

Me: Can I see some ID please?
Him: Yep. **hands me ID**
Me: Sir, this ID says you're only 19.
Him: Oh sh*t. Wrong one.

He then grabbed that ID and tried to hand me his fake that said he was 22.


gaslight 05-19-2009 12:02 PM


He should have been like, nah dude I'm really 22 I just have a fake 19 year old ID so I can get with the young chicks.

FunkMetalBass 05-19-2009 12:06 PM


He should have been like, nah dude I'm really 22 I just have a fake 19 year old ID so I can get with the young chicks.[/quote]

Lol. That would have been epic.

funkyhoney 05-19-2009 12:10 PM

I've got so many good stories I'm too tired to type out now. A lot of them involve Indians, minors, drunk people, idiots who don't know how to steal things and Asian minors.

The latest and greatest were two Indians (usually they come in groups of 3 or more and I'm seriously not kidding, spend a minimum of 20 minutes in store and buy approximately 1 standard drink worth of beer per person) spent over 20 minutes looking at the red wine. Chose a bottle of complete ****, got a single stubbie of beer as well, a bottle of coke and a bottle of ginger ale.

He went on to ask me in his terrible English, if mixing the red wine with the ginger ale would be good. I was more than a bit miffed. This was stupid even by their standards. I wish I was making this up hah.

My mate was in the shop just talking with me and told him to get Sprite instead, I was nearly pissing myself laughing. Then he asked me "how many people" could drink the bottle of wine. I just stared for a second before telling him it depended how ****ed up he wanted to get.

Then he came back 10 minutes later, had a 5 minutes debate with his friend including close to yelling and some head slapping and bought two small packets of cashew nuts.

This kind of **** makes me want to hate Indians.

gaslight 05-19-2009 12:16 PM


Cashew nuts, seal the borders.

funkyhoney 05-19-2009 12:18 PM

They take everything so seriously, at one shop in particular, 6 guys in a 2 door Hyundai Excel rock up every monday night, spend 10-15 minutes jabbering in their bullshit "language" and buy like, 2 tallies of Tooheys Extra Dry. I'm not even exaggerating, they're ****ing stupid.

FunkMetalBass 05-19-2009 12:22 PM

Indians are ridiculous everywhere. There's this one guy that come in every other day to buy a 40 of Mickey's with ALL PENNIES.

I don't even know how he acquired so many pennies, but I dealt with him 3-4 times a week for 2 years.

gaslight 05-19-2009 12:22 PM



I wish I had pennies.

FunkMetalBass 05-19-2009 12:24 PM


The funniest people buy liquor.

gaslight 05-19-2009 12:26 PM

That reminds me I should buy some liquor.

funkyhoney 05-19-2009 12:26 PM

[QUOTE=FunkMetalBass;17251217]Indians are ridiculous everywhere. There's this one guy that come in every other day to buy a 40 of Mickey's with ALL PENNIES.

I don't even know how he acquired so many pennies, but I dealt with him 3-4 times a week for 2 years.[/QUOTE]

I refuse people like that sometimes, if they get angry or offensive I just ban them haha, love the authority.

3 stories about dickheads with change

1) One guy bought a case of beer for $40, all $1 coins, sure, that's not too bad.

2) Some Korean guy, asked if he could buy a pack of smokes with coins, it was like $12, I said sure. He has ALL 5 and 10c pieces. Kinda annoying.

3) Mark and I were at one of the shittier stores once, two old ladies had "got lucky" at bingo, and asked if they could get two bottles of scotch with the coins. We were feeling nice and said sure, we'd love a bit of extra change. What we didn't expect was $80 in nothing bigger than 20c pieces. **** THAT.

funkyhoney 05-19-2009 12:28 PM


lol @ racial stereotyping on the news.

Maybe if you didn't have a huge urban tank on credit and 5 kids you could afford to buy some VEGETABLES.

gaslight 05-19-2009 12:31 PM

Vegetables are essential.

funkyhoney 05-19-2009 12:34 PM

I've actually managed to stay up long enough to not be drunk anymore. With that, I say goodnig- morning.

FunkMetalBass 05-19-2009 12:49 PM

[quote=gaslight;17251234]Vegetables are essential.[/quote]


Vegetables are extranneous.


Obviously babies are the best source of nutrition. We just eat through the veggies to get to the delicious baby goodness.


FunkMetalBass 05-19-2009 01:32 PM



nisakss 05-19-2009 03:47 PM

Hey all, what's up?

I watch Donnie Darko last night. Creepy but cool....anyway, has anyone noticed the increible soundtrack that movie has!?

FunkMetalBass 05-19-2009 04:20 PM

[quote=nisakss;17251580]Hey all, what's up?

I watch Donnie Darko last night. Creepy but cool....anyway, has anyone noticed the increible soundtrack that movie has!?[/quote]

It's an intense soundtrack, but I always felt is was TOO intense for the movie.

I'll have to watch it again.

Hey Nick, sup dawg?

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