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TimJim 07-27-2007 05:56 PM

all my hair is red.

everywhere :(

Axe 07-27-2007 05:57 PM

[QUOTE=Iscariot;15038570]i have dark brown hair and a red beard my genes are confused[/QUOTE]

what colour are your pubes?
Also it could be exposure to sunlight or even that it's thinner and wirier hair so it gives the impression of being red when its realisticly nutty brown or something.

Other guy: yes I do, but being Irish it happens to be one of those stereotypes that gets on my rag a bit... and the one of us being raging alcoholics, but im not going to pull the racism card lol...
tojes is right about that stuff, just leave it in the past...

angry armadillo 07-27-2007 06:00 PM

[quote=mx;15036015]Hey guys,

So right now General Discussion isn't any fun for people who aren't in a select clique of 30 or so users. The forum is filled with inside jokes, incredibly weird threads, and hacking, racism, and junk.[/quote]
well, have you asked any of them? Obviously my pov is skewed from being here so long but I dont think it is _that_ bad being here, compared to being a new member in any other community, every community has its cliques and every clique has its in jokes and whatnot (be it on the internet or real life)

[quote=mx;15036015] 1) What kinds of things would you ideally like to discuss here? Should some of the sports/movies forums be returned to here, or do you like the current format?[/quote]I like it how it is.

[quote=mx;15036015] 2) Should we have a closed discussion forum for selected members? [/quote] if mx as a community was much bigger, sure but i think that would kill the forum at its current size

[quote=mx;15036015] 3) What makes you post here? Boredom? Entertainment?[/quote] bit of both

[quote=mx;15036015] 4) How do you propose that we deal with the users that ruin it for everyone else?[/quote]you need to get some mods who arent faggots and who will just ban the culprits and their 2nd account, and who wont give any leeway once the trouble makers go to instant messengers, this has been the fundamental problem since the days of plexi, all the mods were too soft and gave people another chance and then another chance.

if you just give the mods the responsibilities to stick by their decisions and ban on sight then sure they will keep circumventing the bans but eventually they will get bored and go cause trouble somewhere else

its really dead simple yet never been done.

[quote=mx;15036015]5) Will re-opening the site forum help to resolve problems?[/quote]no the site forum is just a place to give trouble makers leeway into negotiating another chance

Iscariot 07-27-2007 06:01 PM

[QUOTE=Axe;15038586]what colour are your pubes?[/quote]

why i never

[quote]Also it could be exposure to sunlight or even that it's thinner and wirier hair so it gives the impression of being red when its realisticly nutty brown or something.[/QUOTE]

well my beard is actually calico not just red it goes blonde brown black and red

red being the color furthest from my face

[quote=aa]you need to get some mods who arent faggots and who will just ban the culprits and their 2nd account, and who wont give any leeway once the trouble makers go to instant messengers, this has been the fundamental problem since the days of plexi, all the mods were too soft and gave people another chance and then another chance.[/quote]

whoa i agree with this

Alf™ 07-27-2007 06:02 PM

I actually think GD is fine how it is.

Axe 07-27-2007 06:03 PM

[QUOTE=Iscariot;15038614]why i never

well my beard is actually calico not just red it goes blonde brown black and red

red being the color furthest from my face[/QUOTE]

lol, thats very strange...
You still armying it up Jared or are you out? last time I was on mx properly you were still in service...

Iscariot 07-27-2007 06:04 PM

[QUOTE=Axe;15038633]lol, thats very strange...
You still armying it up Jared or are you out? last time I was on mx properly you were still in service...[/QUOTE]

broken ankle >>> physical therapy >>> pills pills pills >>> honorable discharge

TimJim 07-27-2007 06:05 PM


the only reason the pit is fine to you,alf, is cause youve been around for all the inside jokes...

Axe 07-27-2007 06:05 PM

[QUOTE=Iscariot;15038638]broken ankle >>> physical therapy >>> pills pills pills >>> honorable discharge[/QUOTE]


telemore 07-27-2007 06:06 PM

i love the pit how it is

angry armadillo 07-27-2007 06:06 PM

[quote=Iscariot;15038614]whoa i agree with this[/quote]
used to be cool my a[COLOR=Black]s[/COLOR]s

Alf™ 07-27-2007 06:08 PM

idk what is wrong with gd seriously

maybe if we banned jaylink it would be a bit better

and features could be implemented around the site to fine tune it

but on a whole, it is a pretty chill place

telemore 07-27-2007 06:12 PM

123 with jake on this one

Strum 07-27-2007 06:13 PM

[QUOTE=Alf™;15038674]idk what is wrong with gd seriously

maybe if we banned jaylink it would be a bit better

and features could be implemented around the site to fine tune it

but on a whole, it is a pretty chill place[/QUOTE]
you, shut up

your opinion = nothing

now get back to rimming chad and let the big people talk

angry armadillo 07-27-2007 06:15 PM

[quote=Strum;15038724]you, shut up

your opinion = nothing

now get back to rimming chad and let the big people talk[/quote]
if youre going to criticize at least make it constructive and post something that will further the forum then, or you are just as bad as the people you try to correct.

Alf™ 07-27-2007 06:21 PM

[QUOTE=Strum;15038724]you, shut up

your opinion = nothing

now get back to rimming chad and let the big people talk[/QUOTE]

You are an idiot. This thread is for suggestions and thoughts, and I voiced mine. Stop going around trying to be internet tough guy.

TojesDolan 07-27-2007 06:23 PM

[QUOTE=Wish;15038651]This isn't the community thread.[/QUOTE]
Let's close this for a while.


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