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Surtr 07-27-2007 03:55 PM

Well, I think that really, Nath's ideas are very good.

It's worth a shot to try out Banning people supporting obvious stupid actions and users who aren't acting properly.

And also, if Chad gives you any more trouble, I think that just Perma-Banning any and all of his accounts until he decides to just leave and gives up is maybe worth the shot too. I know he won't quit right away, but if we had mods willing to keep banning 'em, it'd be good.

I think perhaps, re-thinking who are mods are wouldn't be a horrible idea either.

YDload 07-27-2007 03:56 PM

[QUOTE=SoulSeekerz;15037751]I get it, and I never said you were a bad mod, you do the best you can in a tough situation Ian. But, like Jeremy I am tired of all the trolling and flaming and everyone blaming me for their unpleasant experience on GD. I really don't need this forum at all. I come here because I like a lot of the people. Wish is awesome, Tojes is cool, Kimmie is my pal irl and you're ok most of the time, Guess I'll just post way less and take my knowledge of music and the music biz to other mx forums that would be appreciative. Plus I have most eveyone on ignore lol. If they really can't stand me or my posts I suggest they do the same.[/QUOTE]


metalicajaymz 07-27-2007 04:00 PM

Jaylink what knowledge of music and the music business do you have

you listen to such diverse genres as 'rock' and 'hard rock', you can maybe name the members of Van Halen or something, and your band that sounds like redneck Trapt has played a few low profile shows and has a lot of myspace friends

I know you think you are this invaluable font of insider knowledge but really you have nothing to offer to any serious music fans here

JohnXDoesn't 07-27-2007 04:00 PM

[QUOTE=mx;15037691]You don't have to pay for server hosting or put hours into a site that doesn't work because a bunch of teenagers are taking it down for lolz. I'm sure it's fun with no responsibility.

Honestly, I don't want to be a grinch and take away fun. But there's a difference between fun and some of the junk in here.[/QUOTE]
but i don't think a swing to "meaningful content" or any sort of change like that is going to solve anything. the people doing this aren't stupid (in fact they show a degree of intelligence) and promoting a kinder, gentler Pit isn't going to change anything. the quality of the individual poster / person is not the problem.

you closed the Pit last year and reopened it. nothing has changed. you have had it your way a long time (its your site) and nothing has changed. you do the things you want to do here with the guidance of your staff. nothing has changed. maybe you can start doing things a little different. IF, you can change the avatar size to 100X100 (or larger), do it. for everyone. it would be a good start.

oh, and "the junk" isn't so bad. we have some bad posters, a lot of good. comes with the territory. and it is an lol when you come in and say how everyone should leave jaylink alone. i don't bother the guy, but some of us have it comin', ask for it, whatever. he's one of those. if they left him alone he would find a way to have them not.

i would ban him on site, but its not personal. just the way it should be.
[QUOTE=mx;15036178]Leave the man alone, honestly. This is exactly what is wrong with this forum.[/QUOTE]
lol nope. not even close.

Hababi 07-27-2007 04:02 PM

i would ban him on [B]site[/B], but its not personal. just the way it should be.


Axe 07-27-2007 04:04 PM

Not to Argue John but 100x100 isn't much worth it...

JohnXDoesn't 07-27-2007 04:04 PM

its taking over me :(

EDIT:120X120 @ Axe

(*The Noonward Race*) 07-27-2007 04:07 PM

Big avatars are annoying don't do it.

Kif 07-27-2007 04:07 PM

A special access forum could be kinda cool thinking about it. Bringing that back as The Pit and pretty much just keep it closed and say whatever happens there is on the people that post it and not the mods.

JohnXDoesn't 07-27-2007 04:08 PM

[QUOTE=Noonward;15037841]Big avatars are annoying don't do it.[/QUOTE]
ok [i]no[/i] avatars then. what else we got?

ImusInTheMorning 07-27-2007 04:09 PM

sexual favors?

Hedgedive 07-27-2007 04:10 PM

ugh you guys, your spam bumped my huge post off the last page :mad:

JuggerKnoT 07-27-2007 04:12 PM

make everyone with a big avatar be set to 40x40 avatar

JohnXDoesn't 07-27-2007 04:18 PM

i shall sacrifice mine for the cause!

TimJim 07-27-2007 04:21 PM

i second that!

no offense,J.

Iscariot 07-27-2007 04:24 PM

if there was an increased dimension limit with the same file size limit on avatars like chad suggested but capped at like 110x110 everyone would be happy

Surtr 07-27-2007 04:36 PM

For sure, I'd definitely like a larger avatar, 110x110 sounds lovely, but I think we should maybe focus a wee bit less on Avatars. Bigger or smaller or no avatars at all won't exactly solve some of the issues Mx has.

mx 07-27-2007 04:37 PM

Man, I feel stupid. The whole problem with the Pit is that the avatars weren't big enough! ;)

Insomniac20k 07-27-2007 04:38 PM

I've always thought that.

SoulSeekerz 07-27-2007 04:39 PM

[QUOTE=mx;15038073]Man, I feel stupid. The whole problem with the Pit is that the avatars weren't big enough! ;)[/QUOTE]How did you miss that one? :)

Hedgedive 07-27-2007 04:41 PM

Jeremy I hope you are thoroughly examining each and every suggestion in this thread!

JohnXDoesn't 07-27-2007 04:48 PM

now he is catching on. :rolleyes:

TimJim 07-27-2007 04:51 PM

big avies help...
but dont the servers crash enough?sometimes,sputnik wont come on...

JohnXDoesn't 07-27-2007 04:52 PM

no bigger avi's don't help that has been tried and failed we shall bring quality to the Pit if its the last thing we do fun with avatars be damned!

TimJim 07-27-2007 04:54 PM


TojesDolan 07-27-2007 05:00 PM

I would like to understand what's going on here, but apparently what the administration wants from us moderators is:

1. Tighter, Heavier Iron Fist regarding rules (no bu‪llshit tolerated).
2. Avoid spam.
3. Avoid problems.

The only way to solve some issues would be making this an invite-only site, so you can monitor who comes in and what not, but that might be difficult since the only active admin you have is Superpeer, and even he has other things to do besides checking new users.

So yeah, internet security.

dei 07-27-2007 05:02 PM

I'd have no problem checking new users. But no one wants to trust me with that kind of "power." It hurts my feelings.

Actually, no. I have school soon and that's going to keep me busy.

TimJim 07-27-2007 05:02 PM

[quote=TojesDolan;15038213]I would like to understand what's going on here, but apparently what the administration wants from us moderators is:

1. Tighter, Heavier Iron Fist regarding rules (no bu‪llshit tolerated).
2. Avoid spam.
3. Avoid problems.

The only way to solve some issues would be making this an invite-only site, so you can monitor who comes in and what not, but that might be difficult since the only active admin you have is Superpeer, and even he has other things to do besides checking new users.

So yeah, internet security.[/quote]
that is a good idea.
super cam used to plague D&P with pron with all kinds of accounts.
the he got them all perm'd :D

Iscariot 07-27-2007 05:04 PM

[QUOTE=mx;15038073]Man, I feel stupid. The whole problem with the Pit is that the avatars weren't big enough! ;)[/QUOTE]

i've been a happier poster since i got a larger avatar :)

9 out of 10 researches agree big avatars make big smiles

JohnXDoesn't 07-27-2007 05:05 PM

what is "invite only?" how does it work?

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