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xKONRADx 11-04-2005 05:45 PM

nobody is responding to my requests in the media forum, so i guess ill ask here. does anyone have a pirated version of reason 3.0, or can anyone get me one? ill love you if you do it.

slack 11-04-2005 07:29 PM

Hm. I bought the new Boards of Canada album today. Anyone else like these guys?

ATC 11-04-2005 07:38 PM

Reason 3.0 is available on bittorrent. isohunt or similar sites have it. It's a wee bit too big for me. I can't seem to get speeds of more than 35 kbps on bitcomet despite being on a uni cable connection.

In other news, I finished recording a new song in the studio. I went in to write a goth prog song and ended up doing an Elliott Smith-ish song since my vocalist preferred to work with that and I have deadlines to meet. It went amazingly well and I swear that I could feel the ghost of Elliott in that room. (not really, but I'll keep telling the story like i did).

[url]www.purevolume.com/anticarnation[/url] has the song on it. It goes from folk to electro in a cool prog way. I love it. Its called Solace and the lyrics are up at [url]http://www.musicianforums.com/forums/showthread.php?t=407551&highlight=solace[/url] .

metaliq 11-05-2005 10:49 AM

18, part time machinist, college freshman (post secondary, senior in highschool).

I am also a vocalist for a metal/indie band. We call it Mindie.


xKONRADx 11-05-2005 11:16 AM

20, college junior.

I am also vocalist/guitar for a indie/metal band. We call it Indale.


i am the robots 11-05-2005 03:36 PM

Mindie, lol.

wkd 11-05-2005 03:41 PM

15 (16 In December)

Sophomore in High School.

Learning guitar as well as working on my voice. Hoping to have a band going once I get a little better.

i am the robots 11-05-2005 05:23 PM

Ah yes, learning guitar = fun time, knowing how to play guitar = more fun.

metaliq 11-05-2005 07:28 PM

Learning how to scream = not fun time
Screaming at a show = fun time

SubtleDagger 11-05-2005 07:36 PM

You shouldn't have to learn how to scream. Natural screams are best.

metaliq 11-05-2005 07:45 PM

By learn, I mean get a consistant scream that doesnt involve you screwing up your chords.

There will always be a slight amount of trial and error. :)

ITRIEDVOODOOONCE 11-05-2005 11:16 PM

i usually have to squelch it a bit to not strain my chords, but it always sounds better raw.

i am the robots 11-05-2005 11:20 PM

[QUOTE=SubtleDagger]You shouldn't have to learn how to scream. Natural screams are best.[/QUOTE]

No, no, no, no, no! Don't ever, [B]ever![/B] suggest that, that is the dumbest thing I have ever read Burt. If you scream how it comes naturally more than 75% of the time the person is gonna be creating rasp by closing his throat and forcing air through, you MUST make sure your throat is open and funnel air up against the back of your throat to create rasp, and you MUST push air from your stomach to get the projection, otherwise your vocal chords will be ruined and you'll rupture a vessel in your throat.

Sloth 11-06-2005 02:06 AM

Just thought I'd drop to be that as-shole and say...It's the 6th.. It's my ****in birthday! and I'll be back later with some more writing..I feel like I'm not here enough....I miss you guys

a'right I'm done

i am the robots 11-06-2005 02:37 AM

[QUOTE=Sloth]Just thought I'd drop to be that as-shole and say...It's the 6th.. It's my ****in birthday! and I'll be back later with some more writing..I feel like I'm not here enough....I miss you guys

a'right I'm done[/QUOTE]

happy bday

thickasabrick 11-06-2005 02:56 AM

I have huge chunks of being uninspired followed by random flashes of brilliance. I don't write when I'm not inspired.[/QUOTE]

That's how I am too. Basically, when I'm not feeling inspired and I still wanna write...I just come to MX. There's a thread for whatever it is you feel like writing about, you can write/tell stories, jokes, anecdotes, lies, poems, songs, opinions, observations...basically anything. And if there isn't a thread for it, you can make a thread for it. MX is a very stimulating environment for me as a writer.

I'll just follow the trend:

17 years old, highschool student, guitar teacher, wordsmith (improving daily!), folksinger (also improving daily!). I mainly play folk and bluegrass, but I also love playing blues, jazz and "rock."

I sing, I talk, I whisper, I caterwaul, I've yet to scream though (during one of my songs).

TojesDolan 11-06-2005 03:06 AM

[QUOTE=Sloth]Just thought I'd drop to be that as-shole and say...It's the 6th.. It's my ****in birthday! and I'll be back later with some more writing..I feel like I'm not here enough....I miss you guys

a'right I'm done[/QUOTE]
HEY SLOTH HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! As the image code is on here, I present you the happy birthday dog I give to most people in their birthdays:


OK gotta go.

Nightvision 11-06-2005 03:41 AM

:lol: - best. dog. ever.

Happy birthday Sloth! :)

theredwonder 11-06-2005 07:00 AM

Happy Birthday.

Spectrum 11-06-2005 10:36 AM

Happy Birthday, Sloth.

EDIT: I agree with Jason about the dog. Awesome dog.

i am the robots 11-06-2005 02:47 PM

Wow, that dog is Godlike.

metaliq 11-06-2005 03:19 PM

Happy bday.

So, when you say rasp off the back of your throat, you mean the spot the air hits when you act like you got punched in the gut. HMPH. That spot.

Because that's what I do and my voice is fine post showage.

i am the robots 11-06-2005 05:00 PM

Exactly, I never really knew how to explain it, but that's just it.

TojesDolan 11-06-2005 05:04 PM

mmm... some new stuff to the stickies. :)

The ATC thread (thank god) was put up there, Hopefully I'll make something worth stickying in the future with my T.I.T.T.I.E.S. :)

And the full, thorough crit thread by Dfelon will be useful for most of us, I believe. Although the content [U]HAS[/U] to be rahter astonoshing, though. I could never manage to make such a large observation of most of the poems I've revised lately.

i am the robots 11-06-2005 05:07 PM

You're getting lazy!

TojesDolan 11-06-2005 09:06 PM

What who me?!?!

I'm focusing a lot on the novel, to tell you the truth. Probably I'll crit tomorrow a lot of the first page, and continue with the rest of the novel later... I have started a few chapters in which I resolve a crime where a girl is murdered. Radical. A lot of words are going to be dedicated to that. 6000 words isn't too shabby, but I still need to work. A LOT.

And yeah, I should stop the novel and focus on poems. -_- lol.

RunAmokRampant 11-07-2005 05:06 AM

I think it's a great idea. But how many people are going to have time and be willing to write an indepth crit? A scarce few would do it I reckon. I would consider attempting a crit after I've finished school at the end of the week depending on weather the thread will submerge into the murky depths of the S&L forum or actually work. It's a good idea, I definitely support but I think it's asking a bit too much maybe? Just have to wait to see things pan out I guess

theredwonder 11-07-2005 10:17 AM

Props to Dfelon for creating a way that will hopefully get people (including me) off their backsides and doing some indepth crits without worrying about not getting the same treatment in return. However i do agree that a lot of people won't have time, but hey, if you're "serious about your sh[SIZE="2"]i[/SIZE]t" you'll make the time.

SubtleDagger 11-07-2005 11:06 AM

I foresee a lot of complaining in that thread.

But hey, people need to realize that crits aren't meant to be nice.

TojesDolan 11-07-2005 11:28 AM

[QUOTE=SubtleDagger]I foresee a lot of complaining in that thread.

But hey, people need to realize that crits aren't meant to be nice.[/QUOTE]
Nope. No spam is allowed inside the thread.

I'll be checking that it will be followed as if it were inscripted in stone. ;)

I'll be using it, although maybe it will be a regs-only usage, if you ask me.

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