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ScorpSath 10-22-2004 07:21 PM


ScorpSath 10-22-2004 07:21 PM

Spam, thats right Ima coming funknbass man!

e p 10-22-2004 07:22 PM

Make sure to defecate on the remains as to let Crap know you thought of him.

iceman3019 10-22-2004 07:22 PM

hello :wave: . . .

ScorpSath 10-22-2004 07:23 PM


FUNKNBASS 10-22-2004 07:24 PM

No Im send him the video of me burning it, I'll carve Crapdragoon in big letters on it while it burns.

ScorpSath 10-22-2004 07:24 PM

I think tonite i've been SPAMMING!

FUNKNBASS 10-22-2004 07:24 PM

Spama Jama.

ScorpSath 10-22-2004 07:25 PM

Spamma jamma ramma

iceman3019 10-22-2004 07:25 PM

mmm . . . spam . . . even though i hate spam because it tastes like salt . . .

Spaceman Spiff 10-22-2004 07:28 PM

i just watched the Jeff Buckley Live In Chicago dvd, it was spectacular.

FUNKNBASS 10-22-2004 07:28 PM

[QUOTE=ScorpSath]Spamma jamma ramma[/QUOTE]

Spamma Jamma Ramma Samma Fee Fi Foe Famma Spamma

ScorpSath 10-22-2004 07:30 PM

Spamma Jamma Ramma Fee Fi Foe Famma Spamma Bannana Fo Spamma Fo Spamma Fo Spam!

e p 10-22-2004 07:31 PM


Quit spamming the computer.

FUNKNBASS 10-22-2004 07:32 PM

[QUOTE=ScorpSath]Spamma Jamma Ramma Fee Fi Foe Famma Spamma Bannana Fo Spamma Fo Spamma Fo Spam![/QUOTE]

Spamma Jamma Ramma Fee Fi Foe Famma Spamma Bannana Fo Spamma Fo Spamma Fo Spamma Fee Fi Foe Damma Makanna Spanna.

FUNKNBASS 10-22-2004 07:33 PM

Sorry e.p., I must be superior.

ScorpSath 10-22-2004 07:35 PM


noob spam.

iceman3019 10-22-2004 07:36 PM

[QUOTE=e p][IMG]http://www.site4u.nl/images/spam-c07.jpg[/IMG]

Quit spamming the computer.[/QUOTE]
:lol: . . .

PaulSimonon 10-22-2004 07:38 PM

I'm still here.

iceman3019 10-22-2004 07:41 PM


:upset: . . .

e p 10-22-2004 07:41 PM

. .





bottlerocket 10-22-2004 07:42 PM

Heyy guys. I just got in from work. Bleh.



iceman3019 10-22-2004 07:42 PM

oh yea, 100 posts, now this post is spam :chug: . . .

FUNKNBASS 10-22-2004 07:43 PM

Hey Gav, how was work.

bottlerocket 10-22-2004 07:46 PM

^ Same as usual...tiring, boring, and I was assualted with overly rude and inconsiderate people. See, the store is located in the center of a ghetto (literally), so I get every inconsiderate jackass in Malden. Blah.

Today, some guy tried to pass off a 40 dollar tool box under department 414 (hardware) as something under department 810 (plumbing and bath) for 18.80. I told him it's an incorrect price tag (that wasn't even stuck on the whole way, and you could see the white peelings from the tag that was peeled off beneath it earlier), and he started an arugment and stormed out of the store. Of course I didn't argue back, just told him the facts.

Blah, I hate my job. But I do get paid $8.21 an hour. :D



e p 10-22-2004 07:47 PM

[QUOTE=e p]. .






bottlerocket 10-22-2004 07:49 PM








e p 10-22-2004 07:49 PM






FUNKNBASS 10-22-2004 07:51 PM


bottlerocket 10-22-2004 07:52 PM

^ ...thanks. o_O

Let's get actual conversation on this thread.

I'm listening to RATM now, and I haven't listened to them in forever. Anyone ever listen to a band for a while, cool off on listening to them for a while, then pick it up again? I do that with almost every band I listen to, most recently, RATM and Bela Fleck.



PaulSimonon 10-22-2004 07:53 PM

Wow... the guitar people suck. 20 seconds after a post, I get yelled at.

bottlerocket 10-22-2004 07:54 PM

^ What happened, I missed a lot of this thread while I was at school/work.



e p 10-22-2004 07:56 PM

Nothing. He just got yelled at by some dick.

Yeah. RATM is good, yet a lot of people I know aren't into them yet are into Linkin Park and that's a shame, being that Rage pretty much influenced all those bands whether they know it or not.

FUNKNBASS 10-22-2004 07:59 PM

Hey everyone.

PaulSimonon 10-22-2004 08:00 PM

[QUOTE=I0Play0Bass]^ What happened, I missed a lot of this thread while I was at school/work.


I just posted, saying I've heard that crate amps suck from what I've heard, and I stay away from them. I also said that a buddy of mine got a line6 2x12 combo, and he likes it more than his Marshall half.

Then I was called ignorant, and meaningless.

bottlerocket 10-22-2004 08:02 PM

^ o_O.

I'm sick of guitarists thinking their **** doesn't stink.

I'm sick of any musician/person/being thinking their **** doesn't stink.

Once again, my theory "people suck" is proved true.



FUNKNBASS 10-22-2004 08:06 PM

Nice Gav.

bottlerocket 10-22-2004 08:06 PM

^ Sarcasm? :evil:



FUNKNBASS 10-22-2004 08:11 PM

"Nice" is my phrase which I use to represent many different emotions.

e p 10-22-2004 08:13 PM

So sadness, as an emotion, would be nice?

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