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tkb77 12-07-2007 07:27 AM

just wondering
are you guys maybe just a bunch of reject kids who may get pleasure from trying to make fun of people who could possibly be as ugly as you? Do you maybe sit there all day on your computer, sweating profusely and beating your meat to cheap porn and Haddaway? Do you not realize that there aren't 1200 hot kids in one school? Just wondering. It seems like you all could be...

Meatplow 12-07-2007 07:28 AM

i'm not a reject kid... :(

maybe a reject ADULT

tkb77 12-07-2007 07:31 AM

point proven... but my bad

DanD 12-07-2007 07:54 AM


plz tell me you go to that school

Pete 12-07-2007 07:59 AM

tbh, their current female swim team is quite the babefest

Transient 12-07-2007 08:10 AM



big80smullet 12-07-2007 08:34 AM

Ladies name is daryl??? wtf


big80smullet 12-07-2007 08:35 AM



Pastorius 12-07-2007 09:58 AM

[QUOTE=tkb77;15648532]are you guys maybe just a bunch of reject kids who may get pleasure from trying to make fun of people who could possibly be as ugly as you? Do you maybe sit there all day on your computer, sweating profusely and beating your meat to cheap animal photographs and Haddaway? Do you not realize that there aren't 1200 hot kids in one school? Just wondering. It seems like you all could be...[/QUOTE]

you have got to be a kenston high survivor

big80smullet 12-07-2007 10:07 AM

lol "survivior"

fats11 12-07-2007 10:43 AM

Only a complete pervert would sit around all day looking through pictures of kids that go to a high school that they have never even heard of, not to mention some of the pictures are of mentally challenged kids, which is just mean. Also, you have pictures here dating back to the mid 90s. You look through a decade of class photos of any school and you can come up with as many bad photos as you have here, and who has ever taken a decent class photo anyways? You're all wasting your time on a website posting forums about kids you have never met before that constitute a small percentage of the actual students in the school, yet you call [I]them[/I] losers? get a life. Maybe if you werent such creeps you would be out with real people instead of sitting in front of a screen giggling to yourself about how this kid you saw online is uglier than you are. Do you seriously have such low self esteem that you need to see people that arent as perfect as you to feel good about yourself?

gmoneyguy 12-07-2007 10:49 AM

[QUOTE=fats11;15648988]Only a complete pervert would sit around all day looking through pictures of kids that go to a high school that they have never even heard of, not to mention some of the pictures are of mentally challenged kids, which is just mean. Also, you have pictures here dating back to the mid 90s. You look through a decade of class photos of any school and you can come up with as many bad photos as you have here, and who has ever taken a decent class photo anyways? You're all wasting your time on a website posting forums about kids you have never met before that constitute a small percentage of the actual students in the school, yet you call [I]them[/I] losers? get a life. Maybe if you werent such creeps you would be out with real people instead of sitting in front of a screen giggling to yourself about how this kid you saw online is uglier than you are. Do you seriously have such low self esteem that you need to see people that arent as perfect as you to feel good about yourself?[/QUOTE]

Go read the bible or have sex with jesus. Idc just stfu peado

Mister_Che 12-07-2007 10:50 AM


You only look like more of a dumbass by naming yourself "fats."

gmoneyguy 12-07-2007 10:51 AM

Gice, hes the champion of the uglies.

pulseczar 12-07-2007 10:54 AM

[QUOTE=fats11;15648988]Only a complete pervert would sit around all day looking through pictures of kids that go to a high school that they have never even heard of, not to mention some of the pictures are of mentally challenged kids, which is just mean. Also, you have pictures here dating back to the mid 90s. You look through a decade of class photos of any school and you can come up with as many bad photos as you have here, and who has ever taken a decent class photo anyways? You're all wasting your time on a website posting forums about kids you have never met before that constitute a small percentage of the actual students in the school, yet you call [I]them[/I] losers? get a life. Maybe if you werent such creeps you would be out with real people instead of sitting in front of a screen giggling to yourself about how this kid you saw online is uglier than you are. Do you seriously have such low self esteem that you need to see people that arent as perfect as you to feel good about yourself?[/QUOTE]

It's called witnessing phenomena. Do you think hilariously ugly people congregate into groups as naturally as this? this is like the f[font=verdana]ucking[/font] Aurora Borealis of unattractiveness.

Pastorius 12-07-2007 12:34 PM

[QUOTE=fats11;15648988]Only a complete pervert would sit around all day looking through pictures of kids that go to a high school that they have never even heard of, not to mention some of the pictures are of mentally challenged kids, which is just mean. Also, you have pictures here dating back to the mid 90s. You look through a decade of class photos of any school and you can come up with as many bad photos as you have here, and who has ever taken a decent class photo anyways? You're all wasting your time on a website posting forums about kids you have never met before that constitute a small percentage of the actual students in the school, yet you call [I]them[/I] losers? get a life. Maybe if you werent such creeps you would be out with real people instead of sitting in front of a screen giggling to yourself about how this kid you saw online is uglier than you are. Do you seriously have such low self esteem that you need to see people that arent as perfect as you to feel good about yourself?[/QUOTE]

i'm gonna level with you fats

you're an idiot if you think you can convince us that kenston high is anything but god's twisted whim

tyr23 12-07-2007 12:46 PM

You mother ****ers are tupac. i will eat your children. you ****s are dead

Mister_Che 12-07-2007 12:48 PM

[QUOTE=tyr23;15649338]You mother ****ers are [B]tupac[/B]. i will eat your children. you ****s are dead[/QUOTE]

Hellz yeah!

tyr23 12-07-2007 12:52 PM

who ever makes fun of people who they have never met are ****ing retards i swear to god go get a ****ing life. you have insulted and harassed people who are either mentally or physically challenged god will not forgive you and the blood from you your future or current spouse plus your born or unborn children will drain from the skys of heaven and into the bowls of hell. I hope i see your soul at the gates oh heaven and see you get regected and pulled down to the depths of hell. kill yourself and i will do the job of killing your children.

gmoneyguy 12-07-2007 12:53 PM


Mister_Che 12-07-2007 01:01 PM

[QUOTE=tyr23;15649356]who ever makes fun of people who they have never met are ****ing retards i swear to god go get a ****ing life. you have insulted and harassed people who are either mentally or physically challenged god will not forgive you and the blood from you your future or current spouse plus your born or unborn children will drain from the skys of heaven and into the bowls of hell. I hope i see your soul at the gates oh heaven and see you get regected and pulled down to the depths of hell. kill yourself and i will do the job of killing your children.[/QUOTE]

Hey man, who are you?


is this you?

iliketoplaydrums10111 12-07-2007 01:09 PM

[QUOTE=tyr23;15649356]who ever makes fun of people who they have never met are ****ing retards i swear to god go get a ****ing life. you have insulted and harassed people who are either mentally or physically challenged god will not forgive you and the blood from you your future or current spouse plus your born or unborn children will drain from the skys of heaven and into the bowls of hell. I hope i see your soul at the gates oh heaven and see you get regected and pulled down to the depths of hell. kill yourself and i will do the job of killing your children.[/QUOTE]


that made my day

keep saying sh[i]i[/i]t like this, it makes me laugh.

Jude 12-07-2007 01:10 PM

hahahahahhahah who are these gimmicks

fathergoat 12-07-2007 01:11 PM

[QUOTE=tyr23 aka ;15649356] ever makes fun of people who they have never met are ****ing retards i swear to god go get a ****ing life. you have insulted and harassed people who are either mentally or physically challenged god will not forgive you and the blood from you your future or current spouse plus your born or unborn children will drain from the [B]skys of heaven[/B] and into the bowls of hell. I hope i see your soul at the gates oh heaven and see you get [U][I]regected[/I] [/U]and pulled down to the depths of hell. kill yourself and i will do the job of killing your children.[/QUOTE]

oshi heaven has skies? plz post more insightful facts :thumb::amaze:

i bet this kid was regected in school too.

gmoneyguy 12-07-2007 01:12 PM


iliketoplaydrums10111 12-07-2007 01:32 PM

i hope this isn't a gimmick, even though it might be

Pastorius 12-07-2007 01:33 PM

[QUOTE=tyr23;15649356]kill yourself and i will do the job of killing your children.[/QUOTE]

the joke is on you buddy, we're all infertile

fathergoat 12-07-2007 01:38 PM


I would correct him, but he is more advanced than us and probably invented the new word. So I'm just using it back at him to try to be as smrt as him :(

Mister_Che 12-07-2007 01:45 PM

These guys need to hang out here a bit more. :(

gmoneyguy 12-07-2007 01:50 PM

omg, is that a kenston avatar!?!?!

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