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SoulSeekerz 07-27-2007 01:46 PM

[QUOTE=Black Ink;15036974]I didn't ask you.[/QUOTE]
This is an open discussion thread. You didn't have to.
I was just encapsulating how ridiculous their demands looked .

Hababi 07-27-2007 01:50 PM

[QUOTE=SoulSeekerz;15036981]This is an open discussion thread. You didn't have to.
I was just encapsulating how ridiculous their demands looked .[/QUOTE]

You of all people have no room to talk about [I]frauds[/I] :\

srs any time you come close to agreeing with me on something, it makes me want to bang my head into my computer table.

unknownsoldier12 07-27-2007 01:51 PM

alright alright, simmer down now

eye on the prize ppl

Black Ink 07-27-2007 01:51 PM

[QUOTE=SoulSeekerz;15036981]This is an open discussion thread. You didn't have to.
I was just encapsulating how ridiculous their demands looked .[/QUOTE]

Thats all very super, but my previous point remains.

SoulSeekerz 07-27-2007 01:52 PM

[QUOTE=Serenity;15037001]You of all people have no room to talk about [I]frauds[/I] :\

srs any time you come close to agreeing with me on something, it makes me want to bang my head into my computer table.[/QUOTE]
Get over yourself, and stay on topic, you have hundreds of other threads to flame me on. Only reason I un-ignored you is because this is a serious discussion about mx. I will put you back on as soon as Jeremy closed this thread. ...or sooner if you keep posting garbage about me.

Brewing Up With 07-27-2007 01:59 PM

Do you care that much about posting on an internet forum? get a life.

Black Ink 07-27-2007 02:00 PM

[QUOTE=Light Fantastic;15037018]That I just want to post here, maybe be a little spammy and trolling but thats nothing for a forum.. I don't need permed for stupid little things, particularly when I have nowhere to discuss them.. and when I do go to the effort of finding a mod who tries to help and tells me it's fixed now and whatever and then it happens again, it's annoying. I can handle getting a deserved shorter ban now and then as long as I can still post in the pit. If I cant then.. well I have some spare time don't I.

And when we post actual suggestions that would help the site they are never implemented, have you even seen the threads we've made for them? Probably not because they get deleted. :\

I'm happy posting, or creating drama here, either one amuses me when I'm bored.. but I'm hardly [I]completely[/I] unfair about it.[/QUOTE]

Well I can see that side of it, but the line between a little spammy and just spam is subjective. Personally if I thought you were going to far spamming or getting out of hand trolling I'd let you know first. If you kept going then probably like just an hour ban just to get you off and let the thread cool down.

I never browsed the site forum all that much, and I can't say I ever saw a thread where you put in a serious suggestion to help the site, but I had seen a few where sarcasm and such were intertwined with the message and with e-pride on the line for everyone things would get deleted and what not.

Plus you know Jeremy is only on this site for like 3 hours in a month unless something happens so I wouldn't expect any drastic changes.

unknownsoldier12 07-27-2007 02:03 PM

obviously you do, since you took it down at all

SoulSeekerz 07-27-2007 02:04 PM

[QUOTE=Light Fantastic;15037052]If I cared about posting on it that much methinks I wouldn't have taken it down for so long.[/QUOTE]

WOW! Bragging about it in Jeremy's open discussion/solution thread. You do have nerve, I will say that.
You are certainly full of yourself for 19 years old. I would love to meet you in real life. You definitely have some issues.

superpeer 07-27-2007 02:07 PM

[QUOTE]ebe9 had a discussion and whatnot, but just yesterday he banned stu for negging him again.[/QUOTE]

:\ That ain't good.

Kage 07-27-2007 02:08 PM

If you would just act like someone who isn't mentally handicapped and not throw a tantrum just because you don't get your way, you could post on the forum ad infinitum as you pleased.

With your history of antagonizing the forum, you can't expect people not to be wary of your posts.

TheClap 07-27-2007 02:08 PM

Yeah, I mean he just admitted he took down the server, and nothing happens to him.

YDload 07-27-2007 02:13 PM

okay im here. i read the thread but im not sure which things are addressed to me, what you need my input on (if anything), but here's one thing:

ebe9 banning stu for giving him negative rep was out of line. i dont think there should be any rules on rep comments unless its part of hacking or whatever. just leave them alone, let users pass notes to each other in class, you know?

SoulSeekerz 07-27-2007 02:15 PM

[QUOTE=Light Fantastic;15037087]Well I meant the serious ones we did after site forum got closed.

And I know he's busy and stuff.. I'm busy too for most of the year so :\

No, I that was done for amusement.. posting here to tell you this is a distraction right now even. Not like I have nothing to do when it's down, or if it were to die.

Jaylink: I don't brag... you have a lot of room to talk. :\ It's not a feat to cause trouble on an internet forum, I've never made out it was.[/QUOTE]
C,mon Chad you brag about taking down the server constantly. You're talking to a 3 year Psych major. You are a sad, troubled little guy, crying out for help. You're depressed and your life must be horrible. The internet is your only source of power and accomplishment. You must have been terribly neglected or abandoned as a young child. Your behavior is classic. I went from despising you for your actions, to actually feeling very sad for you.

Hababi 07-27-2007 02:22 PM

[QUOTE=YDload;15037124]okay im here. i read the thread but im not sure which things are addressed to me, what you need my input on (if anything)

You could support my uber-cool suggestions ;)

, but here's one thing:

ebe9 banning stu for giving him negative rep was out of line. i dont think there should be any rules on rep comments unless its part of hacking or whatever. just leave them alone, let users pass notes to each other in class, you know?[/QUOTE]

See Chad this illustrates that if you have a legit complaint, mods will listen and it will get addressed. Thus the DDoS was out of line (well, it would've been, anyway), unnecessary, and nothing but a nuisance to everyone.

You're talking to a 3 year Psych major.



i just think the hacker people need a taste of their own medicine for their own good
maybe if someone totally fuked up something they care about for no reason they would shape up

ps light fantastic i still think youre a funny guy i just disagree w/ what youre doing right now so no offense or anything

metalicajaymz 07-27-2007 02:29 PM

here's a problem which is called the entire concept of modding is ridiculous

mods don't deal with things in GD because what incentive is there for them to do so. Basically mods are doing extra volunteer work on a s[size=2]h[/size]itty internet site with no form of recompense, and are actually expected to devote extra time out of their lives to this website with nothing but a small and insignificant e-power trip in return

modding works in the non-GD forums because the people there don't understand the internet and enjoy their orderly discussion, but it is a useless concept in GD because the majority of the 'clique' has no need or want of moderated posting so the mods are faced with either fighting an uphill battle where they're unwanted or just sitting back and doing nothing/joining in, even when the problems escalate

so just pay the mods or something

unknownsoldier12 07-27-2007 02:30 PM


actually get mods that don't do it for any other reason than out of "want"

Hababi 07-27-2007 02:32 PM

so just pay the mods or something[/QUOTE]

And if you decide on this option, I would like to mod again :p

metalicajaymz 07-27-2007 02:35 PM


actually get mods that don't do it for any other reason than out of "want"[/QUOTE]
yeah but why would any mod want to do what they do

it is still bizarre to me that people volunteer for this thankless 'job'

unknownsoldier12 07-27-2007 02:37 PM

well, i suppose for some, they feel they invest so much time into the site anyway, might as well make a difference.

valid point, but obviously, its not for everyone

Hababi 07-27-2007 02:37 PM

[QUOTE=metalicajaymz;15037263]yeah but why would any mod want to do what they do

it is still bizarre to me that people volunteer for this thankless 'job'[/QUOTE]

Yeah at least the peace corp sends you some place interesting. Or dangerous.

anal gravy 07-27-2007 02:37 PM

guys chad is a **** disturber and he likes e-attention

i mean he's #1 for posts in this thread already

YDload 07-27-2007 02:39 PM

[QUOTE=metalicajaymz;15037263]yeah but why would any mod want to do what they do

it is still bizarre to me that people volunteer for this thankless 'job'[/QUOTE]


Black Ink 07-27-2007 02:43 PM

Oh to have my name in italics. :(

metalicajaymz 07-27-2007 02:48 PM

and you can have the infinitesimal e-ego that modding gives you without actually doing anything

SoulSeekerz 07-27-2007 02:48 PM

[QUOTE=Black Ink;15037313]Oh to have my name in italics. :([/QUOTE]
Hey Black Ink, I'd vote for ya as mod, plus you hate my guts, so you'd be perfect for the job.

unknownsoldier12 07-27-2007 02:49 PM

[QUOTE=metalicajaymz;15037338]and you can have the infinitesimal e-ego that modding gives you without actually doing anything[/QUOTE]

in my experiences...

I'd have to agree with you here

anal gravy 07-27-2007 02:49 PM

he's probably reading all these replies and going to quote them with long paragraphs about how the site is bad and how he doesn't break the rules and how people ban him for no reason

(*The Noonward Race*) 07-27-2007 02:50 PM

I think the biggest thing is the reduced level of users in General Discussion, for two reasons, the closure of Mxtabs and the post limit. Without a large varied community there can be no chaotic flow to destabilize strong social movements that go against common polite decency and morality.

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