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fatbandit 11-02-2010 11:51 AM

Apparently Chino in Deftones is actually really quiet, and there's just a hell of a lot of compression on him. I actually need to learn to scream pretty quick without fucking my voice up :/

FunkMetalBass 11-02-2010 01:06 PM

[quote=fatbandit;18253148]Apparently Chino in Deftones is actually really quiet, and there's just a hell of a lot of compression on him. I actually need to learn to scream pretty quick without fucking my voice up :/[/quote]

He's so breathy - it makes sense.

Whenever I listen to "Passenger," I always get annoyed with his voice. It sounds way less controlled and present than Maynard's, and I don't think they contrast nicely in that song.

Other than that, I like the Deftones.

FunkMetalBass 11-02-2010 02:21 PM

Not gonna lie, this is pretty sick 8-string playing:

Convectuoso 11-02-2010 02:35 PM

[quote=FunkMetalBass;18252811]Joel, how to vocalists keep that low-end punch when screaming and getting really loud? If I stay close to the mic for proximity, I clip the signal. If I step away, it sounds like my balls are being stepped on.[/quote]
With recording, they probably use an SM7 or SM7b through a really nice pre. Usually good pre's drive well, or they have a pad so if it's instantaneously too hot without any gain on the pre, you can pad that down. Still probably means the mic isn't going to be happy but meh, it usually doesn't make much difference.

So yeah, get a better preamp and use a pop shield.

Convectuoso 11-02-2010 02:41 PM

P.s. Tosin never ceases to amaze me. Favorite guitarist in that style easily.

FunkMetalBass 11-02-2010 03:19 PM

[quote=Convectuoso;18253348]With recording, they probably use an SM7 or SM7b through a really nice pre. Usually good pre's drive well, or they have a pad so if it's instantaneously too hot without any gain on the pre, you can pad that down. Still probably means the mic isn't going to be happy but meh, it usually doesn't make much difference.

So yeah, get a better preamp and use a pop shield.[/quote]

I love my pop filter.

Since I'm still investigating halfway decent mic pres, will using a compressor help out?

Convectuoso 11-02-2010 04:33 PM

Haha I was just coming here to suggest that.

In studios they probably go mic, mic pre then to a nice compressor or limiter, then to the AD converters. So yeah if I was to suggest a cool little rig for you I'd go with:

GAP Pre-73. It's a reasonably priced Never 1073 clone, but with out the EQ section. It's heralded as one of the best bargains in audio.

Then get a FMR RNC (Really nice compressor) it's quite cheap and I think it's stereo. Very clean compression, but very quick attack times too.

Honestly, if you ever picked up a SM7b with that combo, and you don't sound good, it's either then the converters, which is unlikely, or it's you.

P.s. you'll still need and interface after that.

fatbandit 11-02-2010 05:07 PM

That video has some cool riffs, but the tone is horrible :( And I'm 99% sure that he could have played that on a 7 string. I haven't watched his other videos, maybe he uses the F# in them, but I don't think it's a good example of 8 string playing.

fatbandit 11-02-2010 05:09 PM

As for Chino sounding less controlled and present than MJK, I'd take that as a given? MJK has a great voice, and Chino really can't sing, haha. I'm not sure they're the best vocal pairing ever, but I do like the song better than probably half of the rest of White Pony regardless.

FunkMetalBass 11-03-2010 12:45 AM

[quote=Convectuoso;18253532]Haha I was just coming here to suggest that.

In studios they probably go mic, mic pre then to a nice compressor or limiter, then to the AD converters. So yeah if I was to suggest a cool little rig for you I'd go with:

GAP Pre-73. It's a reasonably priced Never 1073 clone, but with out the EQ section. It's heralded as one of the best bargains in audio.

Then get a FMR RNC (Really nice compressor) it's quite cheap and I think it's stereo. Very clean compression, but very quick attack times too.

Honestly, if you ever picked up a SM7b with that combo, and you don't sound good, it's either then the converters, which is unlikely, or it's you.

P.s. you'll still need and interface after that.[/quote]

Gap Pre-73 is reasonably priced. I'll keep an eye out for a used one. The RNC is one of my favorite compressors. So simple.

I'd love a Shure SM7b, but I have some pretty high hopes for this Blue to serve me very well for studio usage.

I really need to work on my vocals, though. A pitch pipe is next on my agenda. Hello pitch-practice singing in the car.

Convectuoso 11-03-2010 12:49 AM

Yeah I mean for what you get, it's an amazing price. It's on my list for my eventual dream home setup.

Yeah SM7b's are pretty overpriced to be honest, they just have a reputation so Shure can charge more than it's worth. Same with 421's.

You should be able to get a GAP on eBay if ya lucky. I have no hope over here, I can never find good gear on the second hand market :(

FunkMetalBass 11-03-2010 09:52 AM

[quote=Convectuoso;18254405]Yeah I mean for what you get, it's an amazing price. It's on my list for my eventual dream home setup.

Yeah SM7b's are pretty overpriced to be honest, they just have a reputation so Shure can charge more than it's worth. Same with 421's.

You should be able to get a GAP on eBay if ya lucky. I have no hope over here, I can never find good gear on the second hand market :([/quote]

If shipping and imports weren't so damn high down there, I'd gladly be an intermediary for you.

By the way, I just got a .wma track back from a studio session that I did a few months ago. If you're interested, I can email it to you. From what I can tell through my sh**ty desktop speakers, the bass turned out pretty well.

Convectuoso 11-03-2010 01:09 PM

[quote=FunkMetalBass;18254753]If shipping and imports weren't so damn high down there, I'd gladly be an intermediary for you.

By the way, I just got a .wma track back from a studio session that I did a few months ago. If you're interested, I can email it to you. From what I can tell through my sh**ty desktop speakers, the bass turned out pretty well.[/quote]
Yeah I've always thought about asking someone on here to hook a brother up, but you're right you get fucked by customs usually.

Sure man, send it on through, be glad to hear it.

FunkMetalBass 11-03-2010 01:24 PM

[quote=Convectuoso;18254959]Yeah I've always thought about asking someone on here to hook a brother up, but you're right you get fucked by customs usually.

Sure man, send it on through, be glad to hear it.[/quote]


funkyhoney 11-03-2010 08:22 PM

So a good friend and I drank a bottle of wine each whilst watching Goodfellas last night, then decided to go on a Fallout-esque scavenging raid through some local construction and industrial sites.

I got a bottle of sunscreen, a traffic cone, a fake echidna and a bell.

While we were in one of them we saw some other people, there was this sort of awkward moment when our silhouettes and their silhouettes were starting at each other. Then we sort of moved slowly away and hid behind a shitload of empty pallets, found a shovel and got the hell out of there.

Cool story.

FlamingCouch 11-03-2010 08:28 PM


[QUOTE=Convectuoso;18188647]Did you not get my email the other day? Sent it to your nps vampire acc or whatevs.

it's: my first name + halford at windows live dot com[/QUOTE]

And Ryan, that's actually a really cool story. Especially "found a shovel and got the hell out of there." I had to laugh at the idea of random dudes finding other randon dudes and then... "fuck we better bolt... oh hey a shovel!" *gank*

I used to love scavenger hunts, especially construction site scavenging. Damn that brings back memories.

anyways I just came in to tell the bass forum that after nine days dead, my truck is now back up and running. 31 kilometers into the franken-engine. Had to combine my dead engine and the salvaged one to build the mecha-omni-destructo-superbeastro-engine. But so far, so good. :D

FunkMetalBass 11-03-2010 09:09 PM

I'm a bit unsure as to why you quoted me there. :lol:

Ryan, you make my life look boring as sh*t.

FlamingCouch 11-04-2010 09:46 AM

[QUOTE=FunkMetalBass;18255669]I'm a bit unsure as to why you quoted me there. :lol:

Ryan, you make my life look boring as sh*t.[/QUOTE]

Just to give ya a hard time. :P

FunkMetalBass 11-04-2010 10:20 AM

You wanna go, mo'fo?

FlamingCouch 11-04-2010 10:26 AM

Woah, woah woah. Do a fellow bass forum chum a favor and now I'm being [I]threatened?[/I]

Well. How we doing this. If it's a bass-off I immediately concede defeat.

If it's a swear-off, I'm French-Canadian so I can come up with some radical shit, [I]mon tabarnacle[/I].

that's all I've got. :lol:

FunkMetalBass 11-04-2010 11:48 AM

It would have to be a bass-off, I can't compete with an insult like that.

FlamingCouch 11-04-2010 11:55 AM

Uh-oh.... well in that case I fold. I only ever competed in one of the bass-offs here and was blown away when I heard the competition. I still have Havic's track from that comp, I think it was called Metonymy or something crazy.

Incidentally, re: our bass-off... I really liked what you did with the harmonics on that piece, I couldn't pull that off if I tried. and was that bit at 1:34 reversed with a bow on? It almost sounded classical man.

FlamingCouch 11-04-2010 11:56 AM

I guess in hindsight I could've suggested a maple syrup drink-off, a ride a grizzly bear to Parliament-off, a toque-off or a hockey-off, but hey that's why hindsight's 20/20.

FunkMetalBass 11-04-2010 12:14 PM

[quote=FlamingCouch;18256548]Uh-oh.... well in that case I fold. I only ever competed in one of the bass-offs here and was blown away when I heard the competition. I still have Havic's track from that comp, I think it was called Metonymy or something crazy.

Incidentally, re: our bass-off... I really liked what you did with the harmonics on that piece, I couldn't pull that off if I tried. and was that bit at 1:34 reversed with a bow on? It almost sounded classical man.[/quote]
(I think that second part was direct at HaVIC)

I think it'd be kind of cool to have another comp, but there's such a lack of participation that it just wouldn't happen.

FlamingCouch 11-04-2010 12:29 PM

[QUOTE=FunkMetalBass;18256579](I think that second part was direct at HaVIC)

I think it'd be kind of cool to have another comp, but there's such a lack of participation that it just wouldn't happen.[/QUOTE]

Nah, the second part was me joking about your bass track recorded for the bass-off we didn't do, because I'd be totally digging into Chris Farley-like probings of the track were I to hear it. If it existed.

Ahem. anyways.

yeah, I totally agree that the lack of participation would make a comp pretty useless. and as far as I go personally, my playing hasn't really developed over the last long while... I kind of got stuck in a repetitive rut and the whole 'not having internets' at home thing means I'm not constantly locked in my room playing instruments and surfing.

Man, I've got to get back into that groove! Move back into my parents' house, sit around pumping out tunes and playing instruments... although my drums wouldn't really fit in my old room.

hehehe here come the memories. I remember one time I was playing bass in my birthday suit, because I had just woken up with an idea in my head and hadn't bothered to get dressed. My mom came in saying something along the lines of "oh, well I hear you playing so you must be awake" and then stopped midway when she noticed all I was wearing was my bass. Damn was that ever awkward.

"I haven't got dressed yet! I wanted to get the idea out before I forgot it!"
"That's why I have a door! So people can knock!"

In hindsight she could've caught me doing much worse.

Woah, 1,400th post.

funkyhoney 11-04-2010 04:33 PM


funkyhoney 11-04-2010 04:36 PM

[QUOTE=FunkMetalBass;18255669]I'm a bit unsure as to why you quoted me there. :lol:

Ryan, you make my life look boring as sh*t.[/QUOTE]

Getting drunk and stealing crap from construction sites isn't exactly a high point of activity in my life, but I guess that's a compliment to me AND an insult to you. So, cool.



FunkMetalBass 11-04-2010 11:59 PM

[quote=funkyhoney;18257052]Getting drunk and stealing crap from construction sites isn't exactly a high point of activity in my life, but I guess that's a compliment to me AND an insult to you. So, cool.



I hate Jeff Berlin. I can't believe he's so revered at TalkBass.

burtonbassist_102 11-05-2010 01:26 AM

Yeah but his signature bass is a [I]DEAN.[/I]

FunkMetalBass 11-05-2010 03:56 AM

Before I forget, the APC show was F**KING AMAZING!!!

Be jealous that I have another night of awesomeness ahead!

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