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DrumIntoTheNight 12-02-2007 06:50 PM

I'm praying that someone from the Highschool stumbles upon this thread, and becomes suitably emotionally crippled for life.

Zmev 12-02-2007 06:59 PM


Spiney_Norman 12-02-2007 07:09 PM

Hahahahaha this thread is hilarious! I can't believe all these people go to the same school! :lol:

Glitterati 12-02-2007 07:33 PM

[QUOTE=A Dead Modernist;15627365][url]http://archive.kenston.k12.oh.us/khs/class_photos_2004-2005/10/pages/0009_christopher.htm[/url][/QUOTE]

ok um

it's like....his face starts too soon, if that makes sense. like, his hairline should be a bit shorter and his face should be further up



he got caught

McP3000 12-02-2007 08:11 PM

This is the second greatest day of my life.

Static 12-02-2007 08:14 PM


iliketoplaydrums10111 12-02-2007 08:30 PM

[quote=wikipedia]Today the site receives nearly 35,000 unique visitors a day. It received almost 200 million hits during the 2005-2006 school year.[/quote]

I wonder if they realized it's because everyone laughs at how terrible these kids look.

McP3000 12-02-2007 08:35 PM

[quote=Wikipedia fix'd]Today the site receives nearly 35,000 unique visitors a day. It received almost 200 million hits during the 2005-2006 school year. 10 million of which were all directed from [url]http://www.sputnikmusic.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=122[/url][/quote]

Zmev 12-02-2007 08:42 PM

hey did you fixd it i couldnt tell

Anglachel 12-03-2007 01:38 PM


Mazeppa 12-03-2007 01:44 PM

[QUOTE=Wiki]Today the site receives nearly 35,000 unique visitors a day. It received almost 200 million hits during the 2005-2006 school year, many of which where from [url]http://www.sputnikmusic.com/forums/[/url] with their in depth discussion of the school and students in threads similar to these [url]http://www.sputnikmusic.com/forums/showthread.php?t=544556[/url][/QUOTE]


negrodamus 12-03-2007 01:46 PM


Pastorius 12-03-2007 01:52 PM

Someone has got to see this thread from that school soon. It would be so easy to find some e-mail address and e-mail them a link.

negrodamus 12-03-2007 02:02 PM

I just went through and read all of the posts in this thread, and I can safely say I have never laughed so hard while posting.

negrodamus 12-03-2007 02:07 PM


gmoneyguy 12-03-2007 02:21 PM



Mister_Che 12-03-2007 02:27 PM

Sweet jesus, how could I have forgotten about this place?

Now that I think of it, this is what had inspired me to post some of my own High School pictures. No way I'll be able to get nearly as many ugly people as there are in this thread.

sobelecta 12-03-2007 03:02 PM


This one beats you all.

Static 12-03-2007 03:06 PM


sobelecta 12-03-2007 03:07 PM

ummm wha

Pastorius 12-03-2007 03:36 PM

You guys are posting some really average looking people. We want real freaks please, or at least some odd expressions! I'll come up with the goods now.

oh yes, already
i feel bad for that one, may actually be mentally challenged
we want squashed faces and bad shirts
we want leprechauns gone wrong

ok these guys have been playing around with image editing software

Amit 12-03-2007 04:39 PM

lol whats up pasty

Mat 12-03-2007 04:48 PM

i seriously want to know why this happened

how are all of these faces so deformed in just one school, there must be some scientific reason?

Can't Stand Your Funk 12-03-2007 04:57 PM

Maybe it's photoshopped.

Maybe it's the greatest mindf[size=2]u[/size]ck ever.

Maybe Illuminatis was in on it.

Glitterati 12-03-2007 05:35 PM

[QUOTE=Mat;15631941]i seriously want to know why this happened

how are all of these faces so deformed in just one school, there must be some scientific reason?[/QUOTE]

something in the water

Anglachel 12-03-2007 05:38 PM

[QUOTE=Can't Stand Your Funk;15631964]Maybe it's photoshopped.

Maybe it's the greatest mindf[size=2]u[/size]ck ever.

Maybe Illuminatis was in on it.[/QUOTE]
When you see it

negrodamus 12-03-2007 07:23 PM


Jude 12-04-2007 09:23 AM

Oh my God this is amazing

Laughing hurts me like hell because my abs are recovering from an appendectomy and I still couldn't stop myself from clicking through this whole thread.

How the hell did that one girl look like a 50-year old plastic-surgeried to look 35? I can't even comprehend that.

DanD 12-04-2007 03:19 PM


that was me, tbh

Linkinbassist 12-04-2007 03:30 PM

[QUOTE=A Dead Modernist;15627365][url]http://archive.kenston.k12.oh.us/khs/class_photos_2004-2005/10/pages/0084_john.htm[/url][/QUOTE]

There was an uglier guy like that who went to my 6th form.

He was a evangelist christian and we all hated him.

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