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apromisingyear 06-25-2005 12:07 AM

By the way...

I honestly think I smell some jealousy. Honestly. I mean, why are you all taking it to heart. Im just releasing an album. You guys act like guitar center is going on a worldwide strike. Calm the **** down. All i've gotten is **** talking. All you guys (excluding the guys who ACTUALLY helped) have done is come here and tell me how im "t3h SuXxXX0rZzZzz L0lzzzz!!!!!1!!!!!11" and how you can do some much better than I. No one (besides a choice few) have been kind or positive in the least.

Having the opinion that I wont sell 30,000 albums is one thing. Telling me it's absolute garbage is another.

This is going to sound contradicting and all but..."I sometimes ****ing HATE guitarists"

Yeah I know im a guitarist. BUT I just hate the typical "guitarist" attitude and i'm really glad there are some cool people here who havent had that attitude and im glad i dont either. Some of your egos, vai/satch obsessive talk, and ****ty behaviors piss me the **** off. Grow up and stop being a bunch of little stuck up bitches.

To the cool/down to earth guys: You rock :thumb: :chug:

GuitarSlinger 06-25-2005 12:07 AM

[QUOTE=god_hates_us_all]I took a dump on my desk and it composed a better song than this.[/QUOTE]

SRTracer 06-25-2005 12:07 AM

[QUOTE=apromisingyear]Only in the emo scene can you go from your garage to the mainstage of a huge gig in less than 6 months... so im not TOO worried.[/QUOTE]

And likewise, in ANY scene, you can be forgotten in a matter of another 6 months. Don't get your hopes up and make 30,000 copies- spare yourself the heartbreak- and the debt. I'm sure you have local fans, but not anywhere near enough to support even 1,000 dude. Seriously, don't invest into 30,000 freaking copies.

apromisingyear 06-25-2005 12:10 AM

i rest my case with some of the posters above...

excluding: SRTracer & ChickenMcFicken

Hadji 06-25-2005 12:11 AM

[QUOTE=apromisingyear]I have the "upper hand" so to speak. Satch and Vai (and the like) appeal (mainly) to guitarists only. I (for some odd unknown reason) appeal not only to the guitar crowd but the punk/indie/emo crowd as well. The emo/punk/indie scene has spawned and grown so big its kind of like their all carrying me into their scene on their backs. :)

That WILL (and no matter what you say) help with getting the name out. Only in the emo scene can you go from your garage to the mainstage of a huge gig in less than 6 months... so im not TOO worried.[/QUOTE]
This is a joke, right? I can't even begin to understand how a person could be as stupid as you are appearing to be. No one has posted in this thread yet saying they like your music. What makes you think that we are the anomalies? You aren't going to sell 30,000 CD's. It's that simple. Thinking that you are is just foolish. I almost feel bad that you are being brought off your high horse, but people have been lying to you. That's what friends do though. They lie to you so that you have confidence and so you can get better. There is a difference, however, between confidence and stupidity. You are being stupid not confident.

GuitarSlinger 06-25-2005 12:11 AM

[QUOTE=apromisingyear]i rest my case with some of the posters above...

excluding: SRTracer & ChickenMcFicken[/QUOTE]
you should really listen to them, if your not signed how you gonna get your stuff into any major music stores?

the21st_fret 06-25-2005 12:12 AM

Uhhh, well, it's not that we as a body are just dying to flame you and crush your hopes, we are just telling you that that song is what it is.Garbage. And you don't seem to see that, plugging your ears and going "I'M NOT LIIIIIIISSTENIIIIIINGGGG!!!!!!" isn't going to affect the quality of your song, nor the opinions people have about them. Maybe you should ask how you could improve them? I'd suggest for one thing, to get rid of the synth and find a drummer and a bass to play along with. It would sound a million times better.

AJLeadGuitar 06-25-2005 12:16 AM

sorry even if you could get the cds your going no where

SRTracer 06-25-2005 12:17 AM


:amaze: That wasn't very nice... :amaze: :lol:

I don't think I could sell 300 copies of my music myself APY... unless I got the hookups in Brazil, Tahiti, Rowanda, Georgia, New Zealand, AND the freaking states! But, if you really think you can, then more power to your positivity and forward-thinking attitude. But that's unrealistic for even professional musicians who make their living through music (namely Jazz musicians :upset: ) Just face the facts; it's very tough to make it among the musical giants and you're coming into that world as an ant- just waiting to be squished out of the way by someone better. In most cases, even with virtuosos, there will almost always be someone way better or at least way more liked, in turn selling more albums, more meaning nearing 30,000 copies. Just don't be angry with us when you come blurting into the forum with somehting about
"*look at me* I need to sell 3.4 million albums by Tuesday- any blank CD's left at your WalMart?" because that's how it comes across to me, and I tried to be honest and help you, but you're being a jerk to everyone, and keep persisting in getting help on this subject. You've already gotten great suggestions (call sony or TDK) so why don't you try them, because it's obvious that few if any people here are supportive of your CD release effort. I think that calling a CD company is a fantastic idea at least to start with. good luck :thumb: :wave:

pfc_mike 06-25-2005 12:17 AM

ok, i am going to agree and disagree with some of the other posters here...

...first off, i kinda liked the song...but u have to put it into context...i liked it as a poppy almost girly love song...but i personally would not buy a whole album of music just like it (and i know a lot of people will feel the same way)...

...secondly, making your own CDs at home is a bad idea...even if u are able to burn, print, package, etc etc its still a bad idea...what happens if someones computer fvcks up without u noticing? someone will buy a fvcked up copy and then tell everyone they know about their fvcked up experience and u will be looked at as a fvcked up amateur who screws people out of their hard earned money...this is not meant as an insult but as the truth...

...thirdly, u claim that u will make $300,000 and your fees/expenses will only be $10,000...one word: HA!...if u honestly think that selling 30,000 CDs globally will only cost 10 K then u are nuts...don't depend only on word of mouth, u have to advertise...also, u would need an attorney to handle all possible legal issues involved in distributing an album (especially globally)...and also, if u are caught selling CDs in certain countries without a permit/permission u can be in some deep sh!t...

...lastly, 30,000 CDs? i mean, come on...

apromisingyear 06-25-2005 12:18 AM

[QUOTE=Jesus of Suburbia]This is a joke, right? I can't even begin to understand how a person could be as stupid as you are appearing to be. No one has posted in this thread yet saying they like your music. What makes you think that we are the anomalies? [B]You aren't going to sell 30,000 CD's.[/B] It's that simple. Thinking that you are is just foolish. I almost feel bad that you are being brought off your high horse, but people have been lying to you. That's what friends do though. They lie to you so that you have confidence and so you can get better. There is a difference, however, between confidence and stupidity. You are being stupid not confident.[/QUOTE]

really...i wont sell 30,000 albums? Bet me.

if you're SOOO confident in yourself...bet me. You dont know who has heard what and you dont know who is interested.

By the way, NONE of my friends have heard my tracks. NONE. I wont play it for them. Instead I went to total ****ing strangers and said...HERE and handed them a sampler cd. a few days later my myspace has 1200+ plays. and a butt-load of people joining. I think my myspace has been up for a litte over a month or so.

I know you're thinking, "what the **** does myspace have to do with total stangers listening to his music?".


on the sampler was the links. Rather than say, "here listen to this...what do you think?"...i just said, "here"...they must have liked it and added me all on their own.

I know what else you're thinking "how you do know it were the same people that you randomly gave it to?"...I got messages saying, "I got your sampler and i liked it and came to add you".

SO it cant suck TOO hard.

Hadji 06-25-2005 12:20 AM

I'll bet you $100 right now that you will not sell 30,000 CD's within a year of selling your CD's. I'm not going to make this a 10 year bet.

comm 06-25-2005 12:20 AM

this thread is going to be a perpetual argument and needs to be assinated

AJLeadGuitar 06-25-2005 12:21 AM

[QUOTE=apromisingyear]really...i wont sell 30,000 albums? Bet me.

if you're SOOO confident in yourself...bet me. You dont know who has heard what and you dont know who is interested.

By the way, NONE of my friends have heard my tracks. NONE. I wont play it for them. Instead I went to total ****ing strangers and said...HERE and handed them a sampler cd. a few days later my myspace has 1200+ plays. and a butt-load of people joining. I think my myspace has been up for a litte over a month or so.

I know you're thinking, "what the **** does myspace have to do with total stangers listening to his music?".


on the sampler was the links. Rather than say, "here listen to this...what do you think?"...i just said, "here"...they must have liked it and added me all on their own.

I know what else you're thinking "how you do know it were the same people that you randomly gave it to?"...I got messages saying, "I got your sampler and i liked it and came to add you".

SO it cant suck TOO hard.[/QUOTE]

we are just tryin to help from being disapointed

your good and al but get 500 not 30000

GuitarSlinger 06-25-2005 12:21 AM

[QUOTE=apromisingyear]really...i wont sell 30,000 albums? Bet me.

if you're SOOO confident in yourself...bet me. You dont know who has heard what and you dont know who is interested.

By the way, NONE of my friends have heard my tracks. NONE. I wont play it for them. Instead I went to total ****ing strangers and said...HERE and handed them a sampler cd. a few days later my myspace has 1200+ plays. and a butt-load of people joining. I think my myspace has been up for a litte over a month or so.

I know you're thinking, "what the **** does myspace have to do with total stangers listening to his music?".


on the sampler was the links. Rather than say, "here listen to this...what do you think?"...i just said, "here"...they must have liked it and added me all on their own.

I know what else you're thinking "how you do know it were the same people that you randomly gave it to?"...I got messages saying, "I got your sampler and i liked it and came to add you".

SO it cant suck TOO hard.[/QUOTE]
i'll bet ya you wont sell 30k cds

AJLeadGuitar 06-25-2005 12:22 AM

it sounds like rap beats but no rapping

Diatonic Dissonance™ 06-25-2005 12:23 AM

[QUOTE=comm]this thread is going to be a perpetual argument and needs to be assinated[/QUOTE]
Assinated? :rolleyes:

the21st_fret 06-25-2005 12:23 AM

actually, its impossible to only spend 10k selling 30k cd's, because for one thing, cd's are gonna cost like, at least a dollar each, or even if you paid 50cents each, it would still cost 15k just to BUY the BLANK F"ING CD'S!!!!!!plus shipping, promotion, printing/designing of album covers. We did go through 5th grade math for a reason. Multiply, man....jeeze.....

Diatonic Dissonance™ 06-25-2005 12:23 AM

[QUOTE=AJLeadGuitar]it sounds like rap beats but no rapping[/QUOTE]
At least it's in time.

CannedSpaghetti 06-25-2005 12:24 AM

Man, DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY 30k is? A ****ing ridiculous amount!

lawlstorm 06-25-2005 12:24 AM

my god, this is the best thread ever. It deserves to be mounted, im bookmarking it. Honestly. Just stop trying. I mean wow. Nobody is jealous of you. The plain truth is that instrumental guitar albums aren't popular. Let alone the GOOD ones. I will honestly cut off my pe[color=white]nis[/color] if you sell 30k, and i absolutely love my pe[color=white]ni[/color]s!

AJLeadGuitar 06-25-2005 12:24 AM

[QUOTE=god_hates_us_all]At least it's in time.[/QUOTE]

yeah but you dont see me trying to sell it

lawlstorm 06-25-2005 12:25 AM

[QUOTE=god_hates_us_all]At least it's in time.[/QUOTE]
it even falls out of time when he starts going faster

apromisingyear 06-25-2005 12:26 AM


if you all want to doubt me and shoot it down then fine. I already see you're dead set on it anyway. but where i go with this isn't dependent on what the "musicians" see it as...its what the "fans" see it as.

What is good to a musician isnt always good to a fan and visca versa. Why DO you think Good Charlotte sell millions of albums but almost every musician has a deep hatred for them? They appeal to the fans. Why do you think Vai doesnt have videos in full rotation on VH1 or MTV or what have you? because he doesnt appeal to the average music fan. he appeals to guitarists. END OF STORY

Diatonic Dissonance™ 06-25-2005 12:26 AM

[QUOTE=Solos_are_Mandatory]it even falls out of time when he starts going faster[/QUOTE]
I didn't notice; I was too busy having my ears operated on.

AJLeadGuitar 06-25-2005 12:27 AM

leaves thread

ihavesoldout 06-25-2005 12:28 AM

I hope this is a joke.
The songs are not good
Your tone is not good
Your guitar skills are not great.

Hopefully you will sell 5 copies.

Sorry to tell you the truth.

AJLeadGuitar 06-25-2005 12:28 AM


if you all want to doubt me and shoot it down then fine. I already see you're dead set on it anyway. but where i go with this isn't dependent on what the "musicians" see it as...its what the "fans" see it as.

What is good to a musician isnt always good to a fan and visca versa. Why DO you think Good Charlotte sell millions of albums but almost every musician has a deep hatred for them? They appeal to the fans. Why do you think Vai doesnt have videos in full rotation on VH1 or MTV or what have you? because he doesnt appeal to the average music fan. he appeals to guitarists. END OF STORY[/QUOTE]

good luck if you got the fans then you can do it

the21st_fret 06-25-2005 12:28 AM


if you all want to doubt me and shoot it down then fine. I already see you're dead set on it anyway. but where i go with this isn't dependent on what the "musicians" see it as...its what the "fans" see it as.

What is good to a musician isnt always good to a fan and visca versa. Why DO you think Good Charlotte sell millions of albums but almost every musician has a deep hatred for them? They appeal to the fans. Why do you think Vai doesnt have videos in full rotation on VH1 or MTV or what have you? because he doesnt appeal to the average music fan. he appeals to guitarists. END OF STORY[/QUOTE]

So you're saying you're perfectly happy with putting out Sh1t, as long as people like you and you make money????? G0Dam you, you aren't even a musician, you're a poser....

apromisingyear 06-25-2005 12:29 AM

[QUOTE=Solos_are_Mandatory]it even falls out of time when he starts going faster[/QUOTE]

**** you cocksucker. that track is ON ****ING time. How do I know? the ****ing metonome says so. So dont give me that "its out of time" bull ****. I ****ing triple checked that **** and I went back to the master tape just now to be sure. SO...you have a ****ty sense of time...period.

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