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KurtCobain2902 11-30-2007 01:14 PM

Oh yeah dont use that link it doesnt work. Copy and paste that into the address bar.

kidthatplaysguitar91 12-05-2007 09:08 PM

[QUOTE=fr1k0;15612319]Hey Merkba!

Bullet for my valentine is some awsome screamers!!

How do they scream like this:


The bassist; What kind of screams is that, and how do I learn how to scream like that?

The lead singer; Same things here.

Thanks in advance :)


Screams like that are in the Zen of Screaming 2
The way Its described to do, is basically mimick like a teradactile or a creeking door. Or Marge Simpson. I started doing that, then just fooled around till I got what I liked. Another way is go into vocal fry, and to me it feels like I raise the note up while keeping the sound.

Its really hard to describe, hearing/seeing Melissa Cross do it along with other singers helped ALOT.

TheSceneNinja 12-06-2007 09:28 PM

how do i sing like this guy? I quite like him


I mean
I can do all the screaming and growls (i dont think theirs any growls in this song tho) that they do

but i'd like to be able to sing the way he does

Bumbalo 12-08-2007 08:28 PM

I would love it if you could give me some tips on singing/screaming while playing the guitar at the same time.

Plus I can't scream at all right now. I'd like to be able to scream sort of like Alex Varkatzas, although I don't want to mimic his screaming. I plan on adding/modifying it to get it to where I like it.

Any tips?

kidthatplaysguitar91 12-09-2007 12:27 AM

[QUOTE=Bumbalo;15655239]I would love it if you could give me some tips on singing/screaming while playing the guitar at the same time.

Plus I can't scream at all right now. I'd like to be able to scream sort of like Alex Varkatzas, although I don't want to mimic his screaming. I plan on adding/modifying it to get it to where I like it.

Any tips?[/QUOTE]

Tips alone from reading words wont help you. I highly recommend the Zen of Screaming 1/2. 2 is more how to scream. 1 is how to prepare before screaming.

And for playing them at the same time as guitar, just pick a song with easy guitar rhythm, master the vocals/guitar and do it. Thats a good start. For harder things try slowing it down.

kidthatplaysguitar91 12-09-2007 12:30 AM

[QUOTE=TheSceneNinja;15647175]how do i sing like this guy? I quite like him


I mean
I can do all the screaming and growls (i dont think theirs any growls in this song tho) that they do

but i'd like to be able to sing the way he does[/QUOTE]

Its bad to mimick voices....really.
But most punk/screamo type bands sing very nasally. Add some nasal and see how it turns out.

I love escape the fate :)

TheSceneNinja 12-09-2007 01:42 PM

Im not trying to mimic it entirely

just something about the way he's doing it makes it stand out

idk what it is tho

kidthatplaysguitar91 12-09-2007 02:38 PM

[QUOTE=TheSceneNinja;15657649]Im not trying to mimic it entirely

just something about the way he's doing it makes it stand out

idk what it is tho[/QUOTE]

Well I'm pretty sure he's just singing nasally. Other than that its pretty much his voice.

Bumbalo 12-09-2007 07:32 PM

[QUOTE=kidthatplaysguitar91;15656191]Tips alone from reading words wont help you. I highly recommend the Zen of Screaming 1/2. 2 is more how to scream. 1 is how to prepare before screaming.

And for playing them at the same time as guitar, just pick a song with easy guitar rhythm, master the vocals/guitar and do it. Thats a good start. For harder things try slowing it down.[/QUOTE]
Mind telling me where I can get those? :chug:

kidthatplaysguitar91 12-10-2007 01:03 AM

[QUOTE=Bumbalo;15659309]Mind telling me where I can get those? :chug:[/QUOTE]

I downloaded 1 off the internet and bought 2 off melissa cross's site for i think $20.
Unless you can find them both online.

2 is more of screaming so if you already know how to warm up i'd recommend just getting 2.

Bumbalo 12-20-2007 07:36 PM

I think I may know the very basic technique. I can do it without it hurting or even minor discomfort. The only problem is it is too quiet, and when I try to add more power to it and make it louder, it just sort of closes my throat off and it just gets even more quiet, or my voice sort of.. cracks, for lack of a better word.

Any idea what's up?

kidthatplaysguitar91 12-21-2007 07:02 PM

[QUOTE=Bumbalo;15715435]I think I may know the very basic technique. I can do it without it hurting or even minor discomfort. The only problem is it is too quiet, and when I try to add more power to it and make it louder, it just sort of closes my throat off and it just gets even more quiet, or my voice sort of.. cracks, for lack of a better word.

Any idea what's up?[/QUOTE]

Its not really supposed to be loud, but you can get it to louder volumes by just doing the scream. You gain control and learn how to make it louder. It kind of happened by itself for me.

Xero09 01-17-2008 02:30 PM

Hey guys, I was wondering on ways I can improve my vocals based from this example: [url]http://labeledloser.googlepages.com/Mookies.mp3[/url]

It's a small part from the song "Mookies Last Christmas" by Saosin (tenor vocals, high tenor original vocals) I was wondering if my vocal range was cut out to sing this song, but I hear that baritones/baritenors can hit some tenor notes so I'm wondering whether I'm a tenor or not. This sample is just me waking up, with the taste of coffee in the back of my throat. No warm-ups or anything.

BagONickels 01-18-2008 12:33 PM

Old Dog, New Tricks
Questions for Merk, or anyone else who might be able to answer.

First of all, great job on all the info, samples, feedback, etc. Merk.
We all apreciate it.

First question is about Lip Trills.
Does it matter where your tongue is durring these?
It seems significantly easier if you place your tongue on the roof of your mouth. I can do it if I conciously keep my tongue down but it requires more pressure from my gut. Does it even matter?

Next Question is about pain.
Can a newbie REALLY attempt "screaming" or "raspyness" without ANY pain? I think I'm following all the advice I've ever read or been given, but there is a limit. I don't go until hurts the next day, but it does start hurting eventually while practicing and I know it's time to back off then. But I've seen so many people saying you should NEVER have pain.


fr1k0 01-18-2008 05:45 PM


Can you help to learn to scream like in 1.17-1.24 in this video: [url]http://youtube.com/watch?v=IChe7vLoU5M[/url]

I can kinda scream low, as they do at 1.11 in the same video.

Thank you in advance!

aworldofviolets 01-22-2008 07:48 PM

i haven't had the chance to read through this thread yet so idk if this has been discussed, and i posted this in another forum but i didn't get much so response so...

does anyone out there have any idea how the dude from the used screams the way he does, i can scream in a more metal fashion (lamb of god, mudvayne, etc) but i cannot figure out how to get this kind of scream


aworldofviolets 01-22-2008 07:53 PM

also, does anyone know about inhale screaming, is it good/bad for you?

mike-o 01-23-2008 07:52 PM

I have trouble hitting the right notes. It's not like they're outside of my range, I just have trouble getting my voice there. I'm not tonedeaf - I can hear how I sing off pitch, which really pisses me off. I can get it right on long, sustained notes when i have the chance to correct myself, but when the pitches are moving around, I can't do it.

Any help?

Rejuv3 01-24-2008 05:34 PM

I have been recording my voice a lot lately and have noticed it sounds kind of nasaly in some parts, like I am congested or something. Anyone have tips regarding this?

kidthatplaysguitar91 01-26-2008 12:19 AM

[QUOTE=aworldofviolets;15881465]also, does anyone know about inhale screaming, is it good/bad for you?[/QUOTE]

No screaming is good for you. Inhale is the worst. Your cords are working backwords, their being dried out faster. Thats why sometimes you cough if you do it too hard/too much.
Screaming needs extra air to happen, which means extra pressure on the vocal cords no matter how safe your doing it.

You just have to get it to a point where its like, ok I can play a show and still sing fine and talk after. Or get to a point where you feel no pain and your voice is still perfect.

WantVox 01-28-2008 09:24 AM

Starting out (sorta), Need some help
First time posting, but have read a lot of really helpful stuff here (thanks Merkaba (and others) for sharing the advice). I'm not a natural, but I'm really motivated to get into this local cover band fronting deal (sort of a mid-life crisis I guess ;-)) Not sure if I have what it takes, or how close I am, etc, -- ie is it worth continuing to work at or is it a pipe dream? I do know I've come a long way from where I used to be tho.

Anyway I've got a couple of home-made demos up at


and was hoping to get some honest and helpful feedback. Both overall (relative to my question above) and also specific areas that are weak and need to be beefed up. My email is

[email]brownsrule@earthlink.net[/email] THANKS

Thanks in advance, this will be very very helpful to me. I don't want to send these out until I'm ready, but it's hard to know when I reach that point without qualified sets of ears to listen and comment.

kidthatplaysguitar91 01-28-2008 06:54 PM

[QUOTE=WantVox;15905747]First time posting, but have read a lot of really helpful stuff here (thanks Merkaba (and others) for sharing the advice). I'm not a natural, but I'm really motivated to get into this local cover band fronting deal (sort of a mid-life crisis I guess ;-)) Not sure if I have what it takes, or how close I am, etc, -- ie is it worth continuing to work at or is it a pipe dream? I do know I've come a long way from where I used to be tho.

Anyway I've got a couple of home-made demos up at


and was hoping to get some honest and helpful feedback. Both overall (relative to my question above) and also specific areas that are weak and need to be beefed up. My email is

[email]brownsrule@earthlink.net[/email] THANKS

Thanks in advance, this will be very very helpful to me. I don't want to send these out until I'm ready, but it's hard to know when I reach that point without qualified sets of ears to listen and comment.[/QUOTE]
For that specific song, too nasally, and sounded like some notes were hard to reach. Also in the original he doesnt really do the slow vibrato thing, or any vibrato. The Breaking Benjamin singer sings pretty weirdly anyways, his voice is just....different I guess, cant describe it.

I'm only point out that cuz you said you wanna do a cover band, and cover bands generally want to perfect covers.
Learn to sing without any nasal, some nasal, and very nasally. As a cover band singer, you want to be able to produce many tones similar to other singers, none will be perfect but you should use the same techinques.

Normally i'd recommend dont copy singers, but you wanna be in a cover band, so be very versatile.

Just get out the nasal, work on range, and work on hitting notes more "on" pitch.

I'd say if you work on it you could have a huge improvement in something like 2-3 months, depending on how much you practice.

If the cover band is a now thing where you need to try out. Try out when you can before its too late, and if they say no, ask them why they dont want you, if they say yes, keep practicing and woot.

Screamin_Demon_Auz 01-28-2008 08:05 PM

The nasality is something i'm always careful about; I use a lot of nasality in my own singing for effect, and most of my favorite singers (Stevie Wonder and Paul Stanley come to mind immediately) are incredibly nasally. But, yours is a result of tension more than a stylistic thing I think. Your not supporting correctly, so your throat is closing, and your soft palate and blocking air from going into your nasal cavities so you have that kind of stopped up sound going on. This is also why your flat as well, your controlling your pitch by squeezing your throat and raising your larynx, so when a note requires to much squeezing and pulling, you fall a little under the note.

To improve, do scales on open vowels like "AH" as in father and "OH" as in ho :D

Also, tongue tension is part of the problem too, so do scales while holding your jaw down and singing "LAH GAH". Make sure your tongue goes all the way up to your top front teeth to get the stretch you need.

BagONickels 01-29-2008 02:21 PM

[QUOTE=mike-o;15886515]I have trouble hitting the right notes. It's not like they're outside of my range, I just have trouble getting my voice there. I'm not tonedeaf - I can hear how I sing off pitch, which really pisses me off. I can get it right on long, sustained notes when i have the chance to correct myself, but when the pitches are moving around, I can't do it.

Any help?[/QUOTE]

I'd realy like to get some feedback on this too. I've just started getting serious about singing again. Picked up the guitar, wiped of a few years worth of dust and started learning (and re-learning) a some covers. So I've been recording myself lately, and honestly, it's painful at times to listen to. Occasionaly I'll get a recording that sounds decent all the way through, but more often than not, there just seems to be bad notes all over the place.

I figure I need work "hearing myself" while singing.
And nailing the notes instead of sliding into or around them.

Any advice on how to achive these?
Is it just a matter of time+training?

aworldofviolets 01-29-2008 03:09 PM

there's probably a lot of things you can do, one exercise is to just hit notes on a piano (or any instrument) randomly and try and sing them without any sliding and whatnot, the more you do it the easier it'll get

BagONickels 01-29-2008 03:10 PM

Ok, here's a sample... no screaming or anything, but I'd like to get a little feedback if possible. In this sample I think my voice is pretty damn relaxed, I even got that Drooopy/Mark McGrath thing going on.
Like I said though, pitch is my biggest concern.
Anyway, hope this link works...


There's a couple old (very old) demos on the "sounds" page too at [URL]http://www.shrednet.com/thc/[/URL]


BagONickels 01-29-2008 03:15 PM

[QUOTE=aworldofviolets;15912033]there's probably a lot of things you can do, one exercise is to just hit notes on a piano (or any instrument) randomly and try and sing them without any sliding and whatnot, the more you do it the easier it'll get[/QUOTE]

Like I said, I've only been back at it for a short time, focusing on pitch for just a couple weeks so... Time will tell.

There was a post some time ago that said DON'T work on pitch in the car. Any explanation for that? I have recorded some scales on to CD then I'll play them in the car while recording on my mp3 player for reference/review. Any thing wrong with that?

Thanks again

aworldofviolets 01-29-2008 07:21 PM

I think the car is a great place to practice, but maybe they meant something about all the background noise that cars have, i just recorded this song with my band and this one part sounds completely out of tune until you remove the drums, so its like some resonance from the drums is conflicting with the pitch of the guitars, i could see how that could be applied to your voice and your car (your car being the drums, and your voice being the guitars). But other than that, i've always found the car to be a great place to practice. hope that made sense

BagONickels 01-31-2008 08:42 AM

[QUOTE=BagONickels;15912049]Ok, here's a sample... no screaming or anything, but I'd like to get a little feedback if possible. In this sample I think my voice is pretty damn relaxed, I even got that Drooopy/Mark McGrath thing going on.
Like I said though, pitch is my biggest concern.
Anyway, hope this link works...


There's a couple old (very old) demos on the "sounds" page too at [URL]http://www.shrednet.com/thc/[/URL]


So...No feedback?
C'mon guys, I can take it....

kidthatplaysguitar91 02-02-2008 10:20 PM

[QUOTE=BagONickels;15912049]Ok, here's a sample... no screaming or anything, but I'd like to get a little feedback if possible. In this sample I think my voice is pretty damn relaxed, I even got that Drooopy/Mark McGrath thing going on.
Like I said though, pitch is my biggest concern.
Anyway, hope this link works...


There's a couple old (very old) demos on the "sounds" page too at [URL]http://www.shrednet.com/thc/[/URL]


The Pink Floyd song......Wish you were here, thats it.
Sounded pretty good actually. Besides some random pitch things every so often. The guitar was just straight 8ths instead of its actually rhythm.
Your voice could just sound better in its relaxed way =P.
Mine I think sounds better when its pushed a bit.

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