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Haz 06-28-2011 10:55 PM

[QUOTE=Iscariot;18547978]oh shut the fuck up about putting you on ignore

"if i'm a total faggot and everyone hates me, everyone should put me on ignore so i can continue to be a total faggot and ruin the community without those select people directly witnessing it"

here's a novel idea

don't be a total faggot at all

or leave

holy shit you are genuinely the only internet stranger i've ever encountered that i would honestly curb stomp if i ever came across you irl i can't believe what a pompous fucking idiot you are[/QUOTE]


TimJim 06-28-2011 11:00 PM

can we at least try the whole ban adb on site thing for a month and see how it goes, then you as a moderator can decide whether or not to give the rest of the forum their way

adbforever 06-28-2011 11:05 PM

you guys are faggots (esp botb and timjim). You dont report malcolm for posting a naked tranny (bailey jay lol) but report me incessantly.

tyler tells you specifically to shut the fuck up timjim and you dont,this doesn't even concern you

but oh..wait... you're just trolling haha I get it!

Angmar 06-28-2011 11:07 PM

Brent I really don't take issue with your little trolling comments and stuff you throw out now and then but when you go posting stuff from people's facebook and putting an honest effort into derailing discussion by dissecting things like Dan's "about me" and making it your only goal to mock him about it in the community thread it's just kind of lame and really pointless.

botb 06-28-2011 11:08 PM

causing a shitstorm the report thread probably isn't the best way to state your case on why you shouldn't be banned. js. and thats the last thing im posting in here.

illmitch 06-28-2011 11:08 PM

jake posting a naked tranny doesn't derail threads and cause ten page shitstorms

you do

adbforever 06-28-2011 11:23 PM

it takes two people to cause a shitstorm

in this case, it's botb. He's been a little baby ever since coming back

[QUOTE=Angmar;18556926]Brent I really don't take issue with your little trolling comments and stuff you throw out now and then but when you go posting stuff from people's facebook and putting an honest effort into derailing discussion by dissecting things like Dan's "about me" and making it your only goal to mock him about it in the community thread it's just kind of lame and really pointless.[/QUOTE]

his fb was public

you guys posted my public dating profile

you have no argument
[QUOTE=bringonthebreakdown;18556927]causing a shitstorm the report thread probably isn't the best way to state your case on why you shouldn't be banned. js. and thats the last thing im posting in here.[/QUOTE]

the supreme irony is you would rather report me like a little bitch and cause this "shitstorm" rather than just ignore me

Angmar 06-28-2011 11:25 PM

I'm not saying you broke the law, I'm saying what you're doing is really childish, retarded and a waste of forum space.

adbforever 06-28-2011 11:28 PM

what precious discussion did I derail today? if you actually read, there was nothing going on

once more, I make a small non-malicious joking remark, and it spawns the same bitchfest

you guys rip me all the time but I don't get butthurt

easy solution:

ignore list. botb is a sensitive little faggot, he's basically the new mappy

Angmar 06-28-2011 11:29 PM

That's some wonderful logic right there, do you like to take a big crap in the middle of living rooms when people aren't having any discussions in order to get something stirred up or...?

adbforever 06-28-2011 11:32 PM

steve, you're a jackass man. nice backpedal. first you say i derail discussion then you say oh! there was no discussion

you guys really need to quit being little fucking babies. you tell me to grow up but you're the ones who feel the need to whine over insignificant comments I make that turn into huge issues THEN you come crying to tyler which spawns a separate shitstorm


Haz 06-28-2011 11:33 PM


adbforever 06-28-2011 11:35 PM

wow, butthurt has reached new levels here :lol:

botb 06-28-2011 11:35 PM

[QUOTE=adbforever;18556948]you guys rip me all the time but I don't get butthurt

you post things off of facebook with people you don't like in the intent of making fun of them relentlessly... how is that not malicious? and you're not butthurt. okay then. that's why you literally only troll the people that make fun of you.

srsly though, this is the last post.

Haz 06-28-2011 11:38 PM

should be addressed to Tyler Munro, but [I]whatever[/I]

2 signatures and counting

adbforever 06-28-2011 11:38 PM

yea, I'm so butthurt. I post public facebook content and you report me. That makes sense.

seriously, all botb had to do today is ignore me, but he's mappy 2.0 and can't let anything go

botb has blocked me on fb but can't put me on ignore here. how does that make any fucking sense?

TimJim 06-29-2011 12:12 AM

[quote=adbforever;18556922]you guys are faggots (esp botb and timjim). You dont report malcolm for posting a naked tranny (bailey jay lol) but report me incessantly.

tyler tells you specifically to shut the fuck up timjim and you dont,this doesn't even concern you

but oh..wait... you're just trolling haha I get it![/quote]
it certainly concerns me because 1)dan is mah homey and youre an insecure jackass who justifies his existance via picking on nice dudes on a dying internet forum and 2) everytime i go away for like 2 days i come back to 10 pages of everyone arguing with you and no discussion about anything except how retarded you are and them trying to convince you that you are

also tyler hasnt told me to fuck off on this new situation so good try there

xMalcolmXx 06-29-2011 12:16 AM

does anybody actually even care about this

adbforever 06-29-2011 12:17 AM


TimJim 06-29-2011 12:18 AM

if that's what a marketing major can do i would hate to see what a not marketing major can do

Haz 06-29-2011 07:20 AM



Anglachel 06-29-2011 12:50 PM

adb is a strawman in every possible use of the word

edit: woah this isnt the comm thread

Haz 07-02-2011 10:40 PM


botb 07-02-2011 10:47 PM

yeah tyler just ban him srsly.
in b4 shitstorm

Iscariot 07-02-2011 10:48 PM

i love when adb insists he doesn't get angry or upset about anything but then every time he gets reported in here he bombards the thread with whiny posts begging the mods to be fair and ban everyone who wants him removed and launches IM assaults against other users inundating them with profanity and trash talking mx

oh yeah and we can't forget that r&m is very very awful and we're all faggots who should just ignore adb while also ignoring the most important question - if we're all so terrible and this place is so awful, why does he keep coming back

the answer? because he's a friendless faggot who is so desperate for attention that he'd rather take all the shit he does on here than get nothing at all

TimJim 07-02-2011 10:51 PM

im tired of coming on to talk to dudes ive known for 5 years only to get a fucking csb or be greeted by pages of adbism brentlogic circlejerk strawman arguments that are rooted in a dispute over how many calories someone actually eats vs what they report to the community

and fuck ignore its hard to ignore 15 this user is on your ignore list or adbquotes from assholes who wont ignore him

adbforever 07-02-2011 10:52 PM

the usual suspects itt, nothing to see here.

tl;dr jared im sure you have a point or something.

TimJim 07-02-2011 10:53 PM

further proof that there is something right in what we are saying

blatant apathy because he knows nothing is going to change because its alot of work to banonsight

botb 07-02-2011 11:00 PM

[QUOTE=Iscariot;18561746] and launches IM assaults against other users inundating them with profanity and trash talking mx


nah facebook message

adbforever 07-02-2011 11:04 PM

jared obviously doesn't know what the fuck is going on, he's only been here for like a month and literally talks out of his ass pretending he has a clue

I will continue to say I have nothing against him, but it would be cool if he would understand that I do things for a reason

a while ago tyler told me to try to keep debates or trolling off mx, and so that means aim or fb. What happens when I do this? The person blocks me (basically rage quits).

But I'm the butthurt one...yea...no. This is very amusing to me. You guys amuse me. If you ever want to argue with me then i'll give any of you my aim and we'll chat this out...oh...wait...you'd rather bitch to tyler

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