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i am the robots 06-27-2007 12:01 AM

I'm listening to screamo.

Tyler 06-27-2007 12:02 AM

[QUOTE=i am the robots;14890676]I'm listening to screamo.[/QUOTE]

I'm listening to ska/reggae. Hah.

i am the robots 06-27-2007 12:02 AM

And yet we post in a death metal thread. /artsy

FatalEnergy 06-27-2007 12:03 AM

I'm listening to jazz.

Stormrider 06-27-2007 12:04 AM

[QUOTE=Cocaine;14890674]Meh, he's talented and whatnot but I really hate what he writes. The dude who's touring with them now (or was), the dude from Jag Panzer, he's way better.[/QUOTE]

Chris Broderick.

Nepenthe 06-27-2007 12:04 AM

But I'm listening to Ulver, so I must be the artiest right?

Dane's vocals are about the only thing I like about Nevermore. Loomis can play yes, but as far as writing interesting and intriguing riffs and solos, he fails.

i am the robots 06-27-2007 12:08 AM

I think Nevermore just flat out stanks.

pate 06-27-2007 12:09 AM

[QUOTE=Stormrider331;14890691]Chris Broderick.[/QUOTE]

Damn right. Loomis is mad overrated, but Broderick is godly.

Stormrider 06-27-2007 12:14 AM

[QUOTE=pate;14890711]Damn right. Loomis is mad overrated, but Broderick is godly.[/QUOTE]

I wasn't agreeing with Cocaine. I was just naming the guy he was talking about :p

Nepenthe 06-27-2007 12:15 AM

You're just supposed to say 'yeah pate that's right, good job'. It makes him feel better.

i am the robots 06-27-2007 12:16 AM

:lol: ownted

Poofy 666 06-27-2007 12:16 AM

power metal discussion in DM thread

way to go guys :p

pate 06-27-2007 12:17 AM

[QUOTE=Stormrider331;14890736]I wasn't agreeing with Cocaine. I was just naming the guy he was talking about :p[/QUOTE]

I meant "Damn right" that it's CB.

**** off Anthony.

rattlehead42147 06-27-2007 12:35 AM

[QUOTE=Poofy 666;14890751]power metal discussion in DM thread

way to go guys :p[/QUOTE]

there's no power metal about nevermore, maybe jag panzer though
chris broderick is damn good, but jeff loomis for the win...

pate 06-27-2007 12:41 AM

[QUOTE=rattlehead42147;14890824][B]there's no power metal about nevermore[/B], maybe jag panzer though
chris broderick is damn good, but jeff loomis for the win...[/QUOTE]

Are you kidding?

Tyler 06-27-2007 12:42 AM

Broderick is at least thirty times better than Loomis. Loomis does lame, generic shred. I was bored when I saw Nevermore.

Broderick does cool ****, like this.



rattlehead42147 06-27-2007 12:49 AM

[QUOTE=pate;14890851]Are you kidding?[/QUOTE]

i know what you're thinking, omg those vocals! nope. no power metal. just because they have a song called the river dragon has come doesn't count either.

Tyler 06-27-2007 12:52 AM

[QUOTE=rattlehead42147;14890887]i know what you're thinking, omg those vocals! nope. no power metal. just because they have a song called the river dragon has come doesn't count either.[/QUOTE]

This coming from the guy who said
[QUOTE] The Fragile Art of Existence blows Death's albums out of the water.[/QUOTE]

Angmar 06-27-2007 01:01 AM

opinions ftw

C.O.A. 06-27-2007 01:56 AM

yeah i don't see how nevermore is power metal either.

and i rather enjoy them tbh.

Invicta_Veritas 06-27-2007 01:58 AM

Nevermore irritates me. Probably the vocals tbh.

FatalEnergy 06-27-2007 03:20 AM

The guy can't sing in key.

Sanctuary was so much better.

antihippy 06-27-2007 03:39 AM

he's alright. doesn't really irritate as such.

Dargon II 06-27-2007 05:22 AM

****ing 4 pages of cockbouncers babbling away since last night and not one sentence related to death metal, this is as bad as the ****ing black metal thread

Stevie 06-27-2007 05:27 AM


Dargon II 06-27-2007 05:32 AM

[QUOTE=Behemoth_Rules_All;14889778]Death is overrated.

///prepares to withstand flaming

I just don't hear anything great from them. I mean they're ok, but I don't really seriously dig them. Never have.[/QUOTE]
oh wait, I was wrong. looks like our chromosomally challenged friend dropped this little gem.

guess what you ignorant spermburper, death (as mantas) pretty damn nearly invented death ****ing metal in 1984, about, what, 10 years before you were born?

overrated my ***.

Stoic 06-27-2007 05:42 AM


:lol: Awesome!

[QUOTE=LegionsofMarduk;14889655]My playlist has been kind of random today. Benighted, Burzum, Hypocrisy...a few other non-death or black metal things, and even a few non-metal things.[/QUOTE]

What are the non-metal things?

[QUOTE=RiceMonster;14890509]Whatever, just listen to what you like an shut the **** up about it. Who cares if someone bashes a band you like?[/QUOTE]

EddieVanHallen on the Go! Hail dude ;)

[QUOTE=PinkFreud;14890673]Loomis is a great guitarist.

Nevermore's pretty cool. Dane's vocals are a bit ridiculous sometimes though.[/QUOTE]

This is what I think as well.

Sanctuary was so much better.[/QUOTE]

I don't like comparing Nevermore with Sanctuary but I've found myself enjoying the latter more.

[QUOTE=Dargon II;14891224]oh wait, I was wrong. looks like our chromosomally challenged friend dropped this little gem.

guess what you ignorant spermburper, death (as mantas) pretty damn nearly invented death ****ing metal in 1984, about, what, 10 years before you were born?

overrated my ***.[/QUOTE]

Well, BRA is 22 :p

But yeah, Death are too huge to say they're overrated. I think they get the credit they deserve.

Dargon II 06-27-2007 05:45 AM

yeah I saw BRA's myspace, he looks in his 20s.

problem is he looks like some pencilnecked, birdchested, malnourished 90 pound mallgoth complete with unbelievably gay dyed stylized hair and a giant hooked hebrew beak

people like that should be buried alive

repcak 06-27-2007 05:48 AM

death invented yes... cause mainly of their debut album, which is really good, but i have to agree with behemoth: afterwards they got just average. they have some good songs on each of their album but overall, their albums are not that good.

Dargon II 06-27-2007 05:49 AM

[QUOTE=repcak;14891246]death invented yes... cause mainly of their debut album, which is really good, but i have to agree with behemoth: afterwards they got just average. they have some good songs of each of their album but overall, its not that good.[/QUOTE]
it's not because of their debut album you faggot, I said "as mantas", i.e. with their demos and rehearsals from 1984-1986 which they released under the name of mantas.

and yeah everything after Leprosy pretty much sucks, but that doesn't affect the greatness of their demos.

repcak 06-27-2007 05:57 AM

thats what i said, more or less....

RetiredAt21 06-27-2007 05:58 AM

New death thread...cool. :)

repcak 06-27-2007 05:59 AM

yeah pretty cool.... ^^

Stoic 06-27-2007 06:03 AM

Death or Possessed?

How did you like the new Nile?

RetiredAt21 06-27-2007 06:07 AM

Nile has always sucked balls.

repcak 06-27-2007 06:09 AM

is it released? i thought they will release it in july?

Stoic 06-27-2007 06:10 AM

Dude, there's a link to their album in the last daily upload issue :)

repcak 06-27-2007 06:12 AM

i'm not in the daily upload... i will wait until its offically released, and i will buy it with my own money,... you know? cd-shops still exists :p

Stoic 06-27-2007 06:13 AM

Aren't you curious at all?? I can't wait when it comes to my favourite bands. But all of my favourite bands have died or they have stopped releasing quality stuff so ... :P

repcak 06-27-2007 06:15 AM

^^ soo true.

no, even if its my fav. band i can wait... nile and symphony x will be the next two albums i will buy :)

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