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Juddybear 10-09-2011 02:08 PM

get blazed as shit

cannabis corpse


witchxrapist 10-09-2011 02:08 PM

I was supposed to go to that, one dude I know was supposed to pay me back some of the $70 he owes me with a ride and ticket to that, but he fucking spent his money on weed instead. Didn't bother telling me until this morning. Such a piece of shit.

xMalcolmXx 10-09-2011 02:08 PM

its not the lineup that makes me not want to go its i have to ride with my scumbag friend so its going to be a miserable time

he claims to have made 300 dollars yesterday alone off these clippings some dude gave him for free that he made brownies out of, but doesnt have enough for gas or tolls so i have to pay all of them again for the second week in a row

nodding 10-09-2011 02:09 PM

no school thsi whole forever

xMalcolmXx 10-09-2011 02:09 PM

[QUOTE=witchxrapist;18674564]I was supposed to go to that, one dude I know was supposed to pay me back some of the $70 he owes me with a ride and ticket to that, but he fucking spent his money on weed instead. Didn't bother telling me until this morning. Such a piece of shit.[/QUOTE]

is he from upstate new york by chance because i might know him ^^^

witchxrapist 10-09-2011 02:10 PM

No, he's from Allentown.
[QUOTE=xMalcolmXx;18674565]its not the lineup that makes me not want to go its i have to ride with my scumbag friend so its going to be a miserable time

he claims to have made 300 dollars yesterday alone off these clippings some dude gave him for free that he made brownies out of, but doesnt have enough for gas or tolls so i have to pay all of them again for the second week in a row[/QUOTE]

At least your scumbag friend didn't bitch out on the show altogether.

nodding 10-09-2011 02:10 PM

[QUOTE=witchxrapist;18674564]I was supposed to go to that, one dude I know was supposed to pay me back some of the $70 he owes me with a ride and ticket to that, but he fucking spent his money on weed instead. Didn't bother telling me until this morning. Such a piece of shit.[/QUOTE]

why do you do stupid stuff then dont u learn

xMalcolmXx 10-09-2011 02:12 PM

look at us with our white trash friends

witchxrapist 10-09-2011 02:12 PM

This dude is the biggest example of the lazy Mexican stereotype.

He lives in a hotel and is on disability for Schizophrenia, but he takes his meds and can totally function, he's just lazy. He just spends his SSI checks on weed and spends his food stamps on ice cream and sushi, and goes to a food bank for his actual groceries - which is just junk food, I mean he gets like cases of Mac N' Cheese and boxes of Cap'N Crunch - AND he gets left over lunch food from the elementary school his mom works in the cafeteria at.

Like, he spends his food stamps on ice cream and sushi.

GottaPost 10-09-2011 02:13 PM

i usually end up paying for everything cuz my friends are poor and im rich i dont care though tthey dont really have expensive taste so it doesn treally put a dent in my budget

Haz 10-09-2011 02:15 PM

I try not to spend money

witchxrapist 10-09-2011 02:17 PM

Did I mention he's the BIGGEST example of a lazy Mexican? Because I was being literal, he's like 400 lbs now.

Aakon_Keetreh 10-09-2011 02:18 PM

[QUOTE=Haz;18674580]I try not to spend money[/QUOTE]

me too, but its hard

xMalcolmXx 10-09-2011 02:20 PM

my friends just a little bitch, this summer i grabbed him by the throat and dragged him through my friends house and was about to pain his face but he started whimpering and shit and then started verbally attacking me about how shitty of a friend i am because i dont do things with him every day and i was like come on bro, i just spared your life, just leave me alone

nodding 10-09-2011 02:21 PM

if hes 400 lb.......duz that mean ur a mexican mapyp???

witchxrapist 10-09-2011 02:25 PM

Damn son, you should've pained his face.

nodding 10-09-2011 02:35 PM

gonna start being a vegetarian tomorrow

witchxrapist 10-09-2011 02:36 PM

do it faggot, it feels so good

Aakon_Keetreh 10-09-2011 02:37 PM

do you just feel better generally

P13 10-09-2011 02:43 PM


adb 10-09-2011 02:46 PM


Aakon_Keetreh 10-09-2011 02:52 PM

brent you have too much free time

beans 10-09-2011 02:59 PM

nothing new. he should be prohibited from using the web

Morumbar 10-09-2011 02:59 PM


[i]"And so he brought forth a carrot, and said: "behold this, for it is a carrot." And all about him knew that it was so, for it was orange, with a green top."[/i]

GottaPost 10-09-2011 02:59 PM

my powers been going off and on in 5 second intervals for like 20 minutes now...

lukeskywalkertakingadump 10-09-2011 03:02 PM



Haz 10-09-2011 03:06 PM


reaching a new low, dude

adb 10-09-2011 03:15 PM

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Aakon_Keetreh 10-09-2011 03:18 PM

lol its kinda funny but sad at the same time

Haz 10-09-2011 03:18 PM

i'm surprised you don't have more pictures of him up there

witchxrapist 10-09-2011 03:32 PM

Wow, that is beyond creepy.

Messaging tumblr webmaster tbh.

Haz 10-09-2011 03:36 PM

[QUOTE=adb;18674697]:lol: :lol: :lol:[/QUOTE]

at best this situation is worth half a laughing smiley

P13 10-09-2011 03:36 PM

[I]but it's just so hilarious[/I]

witchxrapist 10-09-2011 03:39 PM

I'm genuinely weirded out that he's so upset I have him on ignore that he needed to make a blog quoting me.

And why the fuck does he equate making fun of people to whining? And why the fuck does he think the purpose of a blog is to whine?

adb 10-09-2011 03:42 PM

omg ctrl+v posts on a blog that took 30 seconds to create is soooooooooo creepy

witchxrapist 10-09-2011 03:43 PM

stop obsessing with me you fucking weirdo

P13 10-09-2011 03:43 PM

it actually is adb

adb 10-09-2011 03:44 PM


P13 10-09-2011 03:45 PM

I sincerely doubt you're actually laughing your ass off

witchxrapist 10-09-2011 03:45 PM

the creepiness isn't determined by how long it takes to copy and paste something you dolt

it's creepy that you're so obsessed with me that you made a blog about me because i ignored you on a forum

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