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A_Perfect_Sonnet 01-29-2005 05:14 PM

Sarah McLachlan is amazing. I've just been playing the usual in my car though: Cursive, Bright Eyes, As I Lay Dying, Death Cab, Sparta, TMV, Atreyu, The Fall of Troy, Beloved; stuff like that. Haven't really found any new bands I like a lot though.

theredwonder 01-29-2005 05:17 PM

Oh my, i forgot Eels :eek:

Nightvision 01-29-2005 05:23 PM

I'm way too stubborn musically... I really need to learn to branch out, but there's just too much crap out there, and I only have so much time.

Anyone like to recommend me a band? I'm into a fair bit of stuff - Thrice, Jimmy Eat World, Funeral For a Friend, Alkaline Trio - I need some new bands that aren't so mainstream, people!

A_Perfect_Sonnet 01-29-2005 05:27 PM

Well Jason, the harsh way to put this is: anything with a catchy guitar line and some heavy hearted, somewhat cliched lyrics.

mshort813 01-29-2005 09:07 PM

^^How was the meet?

Bright Eyes isn't coming on until 11.


^^Link of the concert in case you need it. It's cool...its just playing live concert feed now. But CocoRosie is coming up next and then Oberst. :thumb:

mshort813 01-29-2005 09:10 PM

[QUOTE=theredwonder]Write something.

No seriously choose something that's really touching you at the moment and write about it. Try and think up some interesting metaphors you could use.

heh yeah...it seems obvious at first, but you're totally right. Nothing good needs to come out the first time so I guess I just need to write something.

sparkylp2002 01-29-2005 10:15 PM

Lately i have been listining to the two new bright eyes cd's. Just got Kid A by radiohead which is extremly good. Also i got Elliott smiths "from a basement on the hill" which i m only half way through listing too, but so far it is really good. Can anyone recommend me another cd to go buy?

theredwonder 01-29-2005 10:53 PM

Elliot Smith - Either Or
Eels - Electro Shock Blues/Daisies of the Galaxy
Elbow - Cast of Thousands

They're just a few from my E section.

SubtleDagger 01-29-2005 11:29 PM

[QUOTE=A_Perfect_Sonnet]Well Jason, the harsh way to put this is: anything with a catchy guitar line and some heavy hearted, somewhat cliched lyrics.[/QUOTE]
If you include Thrice in that, you can go straight to hell.

i am the robots 01-30-2005 01:29 AM

[QUOTE=Jason101]I'm way too stubborn musically... I really need to learn to branch out, but there's just too much crap out there, and I only have so much time.

Anyone like to recommend me a band? I'm into a fair bit of stuff - Thrice, Jimmy Eat World, Funeral For a Friend, Alkaline Trio - I need some new bands that aren't so mainstream, people![/QUOTE]

Check out Opeth, Dark Tranquillity, In Flames, Kalmah, Norther, Children Of Bodom, Blind Gaurdian, Beholder, and Nightwish

All great modern music

It seems like I'm the only metalhead on S&L :(

Nightvision 01-30-2005 01:29 AM

I'm not a fan of metal, thanks.

i am the robots 01-30-2005 01:32 AM

[QUOTE=Jason101]I'm not a fan of metal, thanks.[/QUOTE]

Well you said you wanted to broaden your music tastes, and also, check out Opeth, half their stuff is just accoustic and clean singing.

theredwonder 01-30-2005 08:19 AM

[QUOTE=Eleventeen]Well you said you wanted to broaden your music tastes, and also, check out Opeth, half their stuff is just accoustic and clean singing.[/QUOTE]

I think he meant "in his genre". Or probably more specifically "no metal crap".

pixiesfanyo 01-30-2005 11:50 AM

[QUOTE]Anyone like to recommend me a band? I'm into a fair bit of stuff - Thrice, Jimmy Eat World, Funeral For a Friend, Alkaline Trio - I need some new bands that aren't so mainstream, people![/QUOTE]

That's kind of like the "emo" which is really indie. I'm guessing you've only heard "The Artist and The Ambulance" by Thrice so I suggest you check out "The Illusion of Safety". A band like Alkaline Trio lyrical wise is Glassjaw, while they are alot harder and scream more they do tend to write about lots of drinking and violence. For JEW I'd check out some of the mid 90's indie rock like Sunny Day Real Estate, Mineral they aren't that similar, but people that like JEW usually like those bands. Also make sure you get Clarity by Jimmy Eat World it's a great album.

Nightvision 01-30-2005 01:53 PM

Yeah, I'm well into JEW - Clarity has been taking pride of place in my collection for a long time. Static Prevails is an interesting little album by them as well - if only to compare the sounds between Static Prevails and Futures - it's like two different bands.

As for Thrice - actually, I haven't got The Artist In The Ambulance... I got IoS some time back when a friend recommended Thrice. Is TAITA any good in comparison?
Glassjaw are awesome. Daryl Palumbo is an extremely under-rated frontman, in my opinion - I've not seen much mention of him on these boards, whereas people whore Maynard from Tool to death.

SubtleDagger 01-30-2005 01:55 PM

As for Thrice - actually, I haven't got The Artist In The Ambulance... I got IoS some time back when a friend recommended Thrice. Is TAITA any good in comparison?
It's a lot heavier but more streamlined. Worth picking up just for about 2/3 of the songs.

SubtleDagger 01-30-2005 02:15 PM

Oh, and Daryl Palumbo is severely overrated, because his voice is fu[b][i][/b][/i]cking awful.

theredwonder 01-30-2005 02:46 PM

[QUOTE=SubtleDagger]It's a lot heavier but more streamlined. Worth picking up just for about 2/3 of the songs.[/QUOTE]

Which songs would you recommend. I own it, but i rarely listen to it. Not really my kind of stuff.

Permanent Solution 01-30-2005 03:00 PM

I like all of Thrice's work, I don't dislike any TAITA songs, but some are under par (oh pun :upset: ). The title track is great, paper tigers is good, the abolition of man has my favorite intro, just depends on what you like.

pixiesfanyo 01-30-2005 04:43 PM

All That's Left, the single is pretty good and it gives off the general feel of the album. More pop based core.

CSD & the Soul Machines 01-30-2005 06:24 PM

For some reason, Thrice just can't make me like them. I think it's the singer's voice, it's just too plain or sumtin. Oh and Daryl Palumbo rocks my socks off and I love his voice. So there. :sticksouttongueandrunsaway:

pixiesfanyo 01-30-2005 07:44 PM

Xiu Xiu owns hard.

CSD & the Soul Machines 01-30-2005 07:59 PM

I just got Nick Drake-Pink Moon and it makes me fall asleep while I drive at night. Both amazing and dangerous at the same time.

A_Perfect_Sonnet 01-30-2005 08:32 PM

The title track is the best song in my opinion, but I don't think TAITA stacks up to Identity Crisis or The Illusion Of Safety.

theredwonder 01-31-2005 04:32 AM

The Cure's Lyrics

SubtleDagger 01-31-2005 10:03 AM

[QUOTE=theredwonder]Which songs would you recommend. I own it, but i rarely listen to it. Not really my kind of stuff.[/QUOTE]
Under A Killing Moon, Sillhouette, Paper Tigers, Hoods On Peregrine, Blood Clots And Black Holes, The Abolition of Man, and the title track are my favorites. In that order.

Don't listen to pixies, by the way, All That's Left, Stare At The Sun, and Melting Point of Wax are the softer, poppier songs and they blow. The title track is the only good poppy song.

SubtleDagger 01-31-2005 10:04 AM

[QUOTE=A_Perfect_Sonnet]The title track is the best song in my opinion, but I don't think TAITA stacks up to Identity Crisis or The Illusion Of Safety.[/QUOTE]
You'd have to be pretty fu[b][i][/b][/i]cked up to think it's not better than Idenitity Crisis.

EMO4LYFE 01-31-2005 12:51 PM

Is thrice emo?

Permanent Solution 01-31-2005 12:55 PM

[QUOTE=EMO4LYFE]Is thrice emo?[/QUOTE]
No. Go away.

theredwonder 01-31-2005 12:58 PM

I'm having fun trying to remember if this is the first time i've repped Zep :)

SubtleDagger 01-31-2005 01:57 PM


/me playing Thrice songs from IOS

A_Perfect_Sonnet 01-31-2005 07:16 PM


That one kid just bumped like 8 of his songs.

SubtleDagger 01-31-2005 07:28 PM

What songs?

What kid?


theredwonder 01-31-2005 07:29 PM

Subtle - i always wondered where you got your username from? Was it derived from the Phillip Pullman book?

SubtleDagger 01-31-2005 07:30 PM

"A Subtle Dagger" is a killer Thrice song. One that I will never be able to play.

A_Perfect_Sonnet 01-31-2005 07:34 PM

Lol, did you just delete all his songs? :)

SubtleDagger 01-31-2005 07:39 PM

What songs?

theredwonder 01-31-2005 07:41 PM

[QUOTE=SubtleDagger]"A Subtle Dagger" is a killer Thrice song. One that I will never be able to play.[/QUOTE]

Oh, ok :upset:

I've listened to Thrice a little more and they've grown on me, but i'm still digging TCTC too much at the moment to really pay much attention.

mshort813 02-01-2005 06:20 PM

Old Thrice is awesomer. New Thrice is still good, but not better. Subtle Dagger is amazing*. I was going to cover it once, but realized it sounded ****ty. :upset:

Subtle, I like your covers. The tempo change in "To Awake and Avenge the Dead" sounds a little off in some parts.

*the song. ohh.

[QUOTE=APS]Lol, did you just delete all his songs?[/QUOTE]


theredwonder 02-01-2005 06:58 PM

:eek: Your avatars are still christmasised, tis bad luck.

I'm really getting into Seafood (the band) at the moment. Reccomendations all around.

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