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superpeer 07-29-2004 10:10 AM

I don't like the idea of a lot of stickies either. I'll leave Mekka's competition up, because it's only temporary.

What I can do is make a new post in the rules thread and give links to Important R&M threads of the past and the present.

3074326 07-29-2004 11:30 AM

[QUOTE=Superpeer]What I can do is make a new post in the rules thread and give links to Important R&M threads of the past and the present.[/QUOTE]

I've always been a fan of that. We have something like thet in the Guitar forum, and it works well.

superpeer 07-29-2004 11:33 AM

I think I might do that soon.

Not that anyone actually reads the rules, but oh well...

SonorKen 07-29-2004 11:53 AM

Thats a good idea Super, that should cut down on alot of this stuff in theory. I hate it that its going to come to us having to temp. ban alot of new people because they will not take the 5 minutes to read the rules. But in all fairness it isnt fair for the established veteran members here to have to constantly see us gripe at the new people about not reading the rules either. Its a double edged sword.

It would be cool if we could program a way to not allow people with less than 20 posts to post in here unless they had read the rules. Kind of like a software agreement, it won't let you into the software until you agree to thier distribution policies.

superpeer 07-29-2004 12:41 PM

Yeah, but to be honest, whenever I install software, I just click 'I agree' and go on. :o

Stevie_P 07-29-2004 04:24 PM

Close it
Some one please close the offical metallica thread. its got nothing new that hasnt been seen befoere, ppl ramble on about stupid stuff, they talk about nothing of importance, its about time it should die, They were talking something bout cum :confused: and well it keeps comming back. I dont care if another one is started but that one has gone on way to long. It should be closed basically because nobody knows what the hells going on any more!!!

Mekkalayakay 07-29-2004 04:25 PM

Every time I go in there, there's a bit of spam, and not much Metallica, but I could be wrong. I don't go in there often. (a). That thread is extremely useful though, so if anything, close the current one, and make a new one.

superpeer 07-29-2004 04:45 PM

Wouldn't the spam just return though?

Mekkalayakay 07-29-2004 04:54 PM

Eventually, yes. But if you started a new one, people would actually talk about Metallica for quite a few pages, in my opinion. :-/

You're the boss.

superpeer 07-29-2004 05:00 PM

What would Adam say if I closed his winner thread?

Per Ardua Ad Astra 07-29-2004 05:40 PM

"I met stevie ray vaughan"
Making fun of a dead person...

3074326 07-29-2004 05:45 PM

I reported him in the Mod forum. He should be gone soon.

He was being an idiot in the Guitar forum as well..

superpeer 07-29-2004 05:48 PM


Per Ardua Ad Astra 07-29-2004 07:46 PM

Apparently there is an official Led Zepellin thread. I'm wondering if you mods are going to let this stay or not.
I don't think that it's gotten to the point where it needs it's own official thread yet, it's not even close to the amount of Metallica threads there used to be.

manuscriptreplica 07-29-2004 07:53 PM

Could you possibly make it so the rules thread is always the top thread? I never really notice it (and didn't notice STK's new rules) because it's always at the bottom of the stickied threads, and is never in bold (because it rarely gets added to). And do something to it (if you can, that is) to make it more obvious... like always in bold, different colour etc..
And if you have a problem with the amount of stickied threads, I think you should get rid of the Recommended Metal Websites also. I mean, all people are doing in that thread is giving their own bands' website, or giving various bands' official sites. I mean, is it that hard to type 'Black Sabbath' into Yahoo or something?

Per Ardua Ad Astra 07-29-2004 08:00 PM

Refl, Rainbow Rules.
I do think though that if the Rules were the first thread that newbs would see it, i'm not quite sure if they'd read it though.

Mekkalayakay 07-29-2004 08:13 PM

The only thing you could really do is bump it, but I think it's closed. :(

Mekkalayakay 07-29-2004 08:16 PM


The thread is worthless now, and it's turning to spam.

Per Ardua Ad Astra 07-29-2004 08:50 PM

Official Pantera in disguise

Stevie_P 07-29-2004 09:22 PM

its a really stupid thread, close it

Stevie_P 07-29-2004 09:40 PM

Question, why'd u guys change the whole look of MX Tabs and all. I aint sayin it bad or anyhting bu there is definatly some sstuff i liked better on the old one but some on this on. just curious

manuscriptreplica 07-30-2004 03:04 AM

Try the site forum. You will get a better answer there.

superpeer 07-30-2004 07:03 AM

Fixed, and I didn't change mxtabs. :p

superpeer 07-30-2004 08:53 AM

There, I added a list of important threads in the rules thread. :thumb:

+ Corrected spelling/grammar of the previous posts in that thread. :cool:

Mekkalayakay 07-30-2004 11:03 AM

Bumped Thread


[size=1] I've got more posts than Superpeer :eek:[/size]

superpeer 07-30-2004 11:17 AM

Yeah, you merged bastard. :mad:

Since all the merging I got kicked of off first page memberlist. :(

superpeer 07-30-2004 11:25 AM

Oh and I closed that thread.

Mekkalayakay 07-30-2004 12:08 PM


Well close this one too, or move it, or something...:evil:

There's also a duplicate of it.

superpeer 07-30-2004 12:22 PM

Taken care of.

manuscriptreplica 07-30-2004 01:11 PM

Good job removing unrequired stickies.

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