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LifeInABox 06-26-2007 07:57 PM

Wow......5 star track!!

I just got the news that I'm going to Summer Slaughter!

LegionsofMarduk 06-26-2007 08:05 PM

Well I supposed this is better than the one moron...whatever his name was started. And I finished in the top 10 for number of posts in the old thread. Probably be a lot higher if I hadn't gone MIA a few times. Oh well.

Funny story...true story...On my way home from work today I had my mp3 player plugged in and was listening to Benighted - Identisick. I pulled up next to this light and this little prostitot pulled up next to me. Kind of hot, but beside the point. She was on the phone and she got all annoyed at my music and rolled her windows up (seriously...it wasn't [I]that[/I] loud) and kep giving me dirty looks. Right. As soon as she got off her phone though by the next light she had her windows rolled back down and had some crappy as[size=2]s[/size[ "shake ya booty" type music on twice as loud as my Benighted. So I turned it waaaay up and got a few more dirty looks. What makes it funnier though, is that since my car is still dead I have to drive the wife's vehicle. A 2005 Dodge Caravan soccer mom mini-van. Imagine seeing a soccer mom van pull up next to you in traffic and blast Benighted.

pate 06-26-2007 08:08 PM

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Invicta_Veritas 06-26-2007 08:09 PM

[quote=LegionsofMarduk;14889612]Well I supposed this is better than the one moron...whatever his name was started. And I finished in the top 10 for number of posts in the old thread. Probably be a lot higher if I hadn't gone MIA a few times. Oh well.

Funny story...true story...On my way home from work today I had my mp3 player plugged in and was listening to Benighted - Identisick. I pulled up next to this light and this little prostitot pulled up next to me. Kind of hot, but beside the point. She was on the phone and she got all annoyed at my music and rolled her windows up (seriously...it wasn't [I]that[/I] loud) and kep giving me dirty looks. Right. As soon as she got off her phone though by the next light she had her windows rolled back down and had some crappy as[size=2]s[/size[ "shake ya booty" type music on twice as loud as my Benighted. So I turned it waaaay up and got a few more dirty looks. What makes it funnier though, is that since my car is still dead I have to drive the wife's vehicle. A 2005 Dodge Caravan soccer mom mini-van. Imagine seeing a soccer mom van pull up next to you in traffic and blast Benighted.[/quote]

That's some funny ****.

Dargon II 06-26-2007 08:10 PM

me = listening some terrifyingly real death metal demo from 1985 right now

LegionsofMarduk 06-26-2007 08:13 PM

My playlist has been kind of random today. Benighted, Burzum, Hypocrisy...a few other non-death or black metal things, and even a few non-metal things.

Deth 06-26-2007 08:29 PM

[QUOTE=LegionsofMarduk;14889612]Well I supposed this is better than the one moron...whatever his name was started. And I finished in the top 10 for number of posts in the old thread. Probably be a lot higher if I hadn't gone MIA a few times. Oh well.

Funny story...true story...On my way home from work today I had my mp3 player plugged in and was listening to Benighted - Identisick. I pulled up next to this light and this little prostitot pulled up next to me. Kind of hot, but beside the point. She was on the phone and she got all annoyed at my music and rolled her windows up (seriously...it wasn't [I]that[/I] loud) and kep giving me dirty looks. Right. As soon as she got off her phone though by the next light she had her windows rolled back down and had some crappy as[size=2]s[/size[ "shake ya booty" type music on twice as loud as my Benighted. So I turned it waaaay up and got a few more dirty looks. What makes it funnier though, is that since my car is still dead I have to drive the wife's vehicle. A 2005 Dodge Caravan soccer mom mini-van. Imagine seeing a soccer mom van pull up next to you in traffic and blast Benighted.[/QUOTE]

Would have been better if you had your daughter with you to flash the horns.

Daven 06-26-2007 08:32 PM

:lol: Definitely^^

pate 06-26-2007 08:32 PM

Very true.

FatalEnergy 06-26-2007 08:34 PM

[QUOTE=Dargon II;14889641]me = listening some terrifyingly real death metal demo from 1985 right now[/QUOTE]

What would that be? Some Death or Massacre demo or something?

LifeInABox 06-26-2007 08:52 PM

Death is so awesome.

Invicta_Veritas 06-26-2007 08:53 PM

Death is overrated.

///prepares to withstand flaming

I just don't hear anything great from them. I mean they're ok, but I don't really seriously dig them. Never have.

FatalEnergy 06-26-2007 08:56 PM

You like Behemoth, your opinion doesn't matter. :p

LifeInABox 06-26-2007 08:57 PM

Ouch. That was a tad below the belt, but the username could use changing, man hah.

Angmar 06-26-2007 09:02 PM

Death is so awesome, but I'm not in a death metal mood much at all right now.

Invicta_Veritas 06-26-2007 09:06 PM

[quote=Hbp;14889791]Ouch. That was a tad below the belt, but the username could use changing, man hah.[/quote]

Dude, no. When I first joined, I was on a huge Atreyu and Breaking Benjamin kick. 2 years later, my tastes had evolved and I got sick of ****ing getting **** for my username when I listened to **** like Behemoth and Nile. So I changed my username.

Now I get sh*t for that. I'm not going to change my username every year or so as soon as people here don't think something's kvlt enough or ****ing whatever. I like Behemoth, everyone can deal with it.

LifeInABox 06-26-2007 09:07 PM

Well, your going to get crap for any username with any band name in it. Anyone will. Imo, it's best to avoid usernames of the sort.

pate 06-26-2007 09:08 PM

Death > all

And yes, it's best to avoid usernames, screen names, tattoos, etc with band names.

...but that's coming from a guy who goes by MAkerfeldt on more than a few sites.

FatalEnergy 06-26-2007 09:08 PM

well, he doesn't have change the Behemoth part.

He could just change "Rules All" to "Licks Butt"

Invicta_Veritas 06-26-2007 09:12 PM

[quote=Hbp;14889866]Well, your going to get crap for any username with any band name in it. Anyone will. Imo, it's best to avoid usernames of the sort.[/quote]

Yea, but avoiding the issue is the same as giving in. As I said, I like Behemoth, so everyone can deal with it.

NemesisDivina 06-26-2007 09:13 PM

Crap. I hope ATM saw my post proving that I am not a tool.

Yeah you shouldn't have screen names promoting bands

oh wait...

Angmar 06-26-2007 09:15 PM

Haha, mine doesn't really fit me either anymore, but whatever, I don't care.

Invicta_Veritas 06-26-2007 09:21 PM

You know, I listen to bands because I enjoy music. I'm not going to walk around musically analyzing every band just so I can say"oh I can't listen to that band cuz they suck" or "your a tool because you listen to this band".

If you ask me to musically critique a band, I might say yea, bands like Nile or Behemoth or Breaking Benjamin for that matter don't do anything special for thier genre, they aren't groundbreaking, and sometimes they are pretty bland.

But as far as everyday life goes, I enjoy the music, I say it proudly, and I'm not out to please anyone else by namedropping tro0 bands or technically ****ing amazing bands.

I enjoy jamming out to heavy ****, I enjoy listening to more mainstream, catchy ****, and softer **** I can relate to as well.

That's why I get so much crap around here. I'm the only one who supports bands that aren't "interesting", "kvlt", or "talented" enough to get any mention from anyone else. And I gladly take the flaming every day because I really don't give a ****, and I'm proud of the fact that I enjoy a very long list of bands.

Shattered_Future 06-26-2007 09:25 PM

[QUOTE=LegionsofMarduk;14889612]Well I supposed this is better than the one moron...whatever his name was started. And I finished in the top 10 for number of posts in the old thread. Probably be a lot higher if I hadn't gone MIA a few times. Oh well.

Funny story...true story...On my way home from work today I had my mp3 player plugged in and was listening to Benighted - Identisick. I pulled up next to this light and this little prostitot pulled up next to me. Kind of hot, but beside the point. She was on the phone and she got all annoyed at my music and rolled her windows up (seriously...it wasn't [I]that[/I] loud) and kep giving me dirty looks. Right. As soon as she got off her phone though by the next light she had her windows rolled back down and had some crappy as[size=2]s[/size[ "shake ya booty" type music on twice as loud as my Benighted. So I turned it waaaay up and got a few more dirty looks. What makes it funnier though, is that since my car is still dead I have to drive the wife's vehicle. A 2005 Dodge Caravan soccer mom mini-van. Imagine seeing a soccer mom van pull up next to you in traffic and blast Benighted.[/QUOTE]

I'm kind of in the same boat. I don't have enough money to get a car of my own, so I drive my mom's car. Honda Odyssey minivan that usually has metal of some form or another blasting out the windows. Especially fun driving around the mall parking lot and having old ladies give me stares.

Toaster 06-26-2007 10:42 PM


That's why I get so much crap around here. I'm the only one who supports bands that aren't "interesting", "kvlt", or "talented" enough to get any mention from anyone else. And I gladly take the flaming every day because I really don't give a ****, and I'm proud of the fact that I enjoy a very long list of bands.[/QUOTE]

Yeah but.. why would you be proud of supporting bands that are uninteresting, untalented, and worst of all, unkvlt??

Why not just support bands that are good ?

Also my band is playing with Neuraxis on saturday!

pate 06-26-2007 10:45 PM

Well, I sort of understand. I always hear people bitching that a certain band isn't original, hence not worth listening to.

Well, I don't care if they were the first to do something, as long as they do it well.

Invicta_Veritas 06-26-2007 10:45 PM

Interesting is a matter of personal perception, and so is kvlt (relatively). talented, who the **** are we to say? Slipknot is simple boring ****, but Mick can play **** 10 times more complex than what he does with them. He's a virtually unknown guitar genius. We can't judge what we don't know.

And I'm not just interested in supporting "good" bands, because that's a matter of personal opinion. I'm interested in supporting bands whose music I enjoy.

It's not that retarded or complex of a thought.

RiceMonster 06-26-2007 10:49 PM

Whatever, just listen to what you like an shut the **** up about it. Who cares if someone bashes a band you like?

pate 06-26-2007 10:50 PM

But if they have the skill and don't use it, to me it is the same as not having the skill.

Invicta_Veritas 06-26-2007 10:50 PM

I don't, that's my point. I didn't start the ****in argument. I was trying to civilly settle it and make good conversation at the same time. **** dude, seriously.

@ Ricemonster

Pate: I dunno, I really don't think so. I mean I see your point, but they still have the talent and we can't sit and say they don't unless we know it for a fact.

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