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BridgeToSolace 10-29-2004 10:25 PM

Why is a modest mouse-ish band on hxcmp3?

chips88 10-29-2004 10:30 PM

[QUOTE=BleedthesKY]Why is a modest mouse-ish band on hxcmp3?[/QUOTE]

because we rock out hXc!!! :thumb:

haha, i dont know, probably because we all like more hardcore bands than say, bands on purevolume. i am the exception in the band. but i didnt have anything to do with the song, other than i am in the band. so, i dont know, ill ask the guitarist sometime

cbmartinez 10-30-2004 09:18 PM

[QUOTE=BleedthesKY]Why is a modest mouse-ish band on hxcmp3?[/QUOTE]

Hahahahahahaha, I was going to say the exact same thing.

chips88 10-31-2004 12:14 AM

/wonders why i even bothered.lol

apromisingyear 11-01-2004 03:57 PM

Pop-Punk/Emo/Indie In California
Check this out: [url]www.purevolume.com/apromisingyear[/url]


Join yahoo group here: [url]http://launch.groups.yahoo.com/group/apromisingyear/[/url]

Dax 11-07-2004 11:14 PM

My band is a pop/rock/ska band... we are pretty new, weve been together about 1 year. check out [url]www.purevolume.com/thegrams[/url] and we have 3 really bad MP3s up. We play kindof a suburban legends kindof music that we all enjoy. We are all 15. We are called The Grams.

teetermusic 11-18-2004 11:57 PM


code151drumr 11-21-2004 08:57 AM

I got a band
hey i am in a band u should all check out

we are called code 151(after a mixed drink)

we are punk influenced and our website is [url]www.code151.com[/url]

peace :chug:

A Child And His Lawnmower 11-22-2004 01:03 AM

Suck My Emo

2sizes2small 11-23-2004 03:33 PM

Catchy pop-punk.

Check them out.


JeEBiS 11-24-2004 12:48 PM

Hey heres my band
these recordings are from a show we did


Paul/Borderline 11-26-2004 07:41 AM

Borderline - From Manchester UK
Pop Punk/Post Hardcore/Emo/Metal Mix, we dont really class ourselves, just try to incorperate a mix of everythin we draw from.
Currently recording our latest EP should be ready sometime before christmas, when it is il update the post, giving links to the new songs
for now you can go to [URL=http://www.borderline-online.co.uk]Borderline-Online[/URL] there are some earlier recordings, not the greates quality tho

blueseptember 11-27-2004 03:04 PM

this isnt my band, but its my best friend's band...i think they are really good and their shows are great so check them out
their site is : [url]www.lakesideband.com[/url]
They are my really good friends so let me know what you think and spread the word.

imbay 11-29-2004 06:02 PM


unknown band coming from an unknow nieghborhood.
tell me what you think about these guys.

Happymeal 11-29-2004 08:36 PM

OMG I know that band. I haven't heard their stuff though, but I read they're pretty good. Cheers pare.

edit: Pilipino ako no.

*to imbay*

imbay 11-30-2004 10:01 AM

what? you mean the ambassadors? they're from cebu.

dave the bass guy 12-01-2004 08:50 PM

check out my band
ya this is my band 10 bucks short we recorded a demo and these songs are on it tell me what ya think. sorry about the crappy quality of the recording


Agent_Orange 12-08-2004 12:35 PM

Apartment 26
This is not my band but a friend of mines check them out
[url]www.apartment26.com[/url] (website may not be up yet may have to wait)

Opposite of December 12-08-2004 07:42 PM


Check them out, really neat! Pop Punk band from Sweden.

funkinmybooty 12-08-2004 11:24 PM

Jingle punx

punk xmas music, we do this for fun/free...we have ben doing this since 1998. I guess we never got over it

punk eric

Crusted 12-11-2004 06:39 AM

Koopa news - First professional video
Koopa's first trip to a real film studio with proper story board began on Thursday 9th December 2004.
They spent 16 hours filming.
There is more to be done with proper actors and special effects to complete. The video is based around the song "No Trend" which is on purevolume.
It is a story, as nearly all Koopa's songs are, about a father who leaves his wife and children for another woman.
The video and single are due for release on 14th March 2005.:D:thumb::D:thumb::D

More news on their web site and on their forum when they get back from playing in Liverpool. Should be Sunday.

Koopa are a pop/punk band with three members
Ollie (17) main songwriter, guitarist and singer
Joe (24) songwriter, singer, bass player, producer of recordings and most talkative
Stu (22) Drummer, muso (degree in music performance) and the bands mr reliable (and also Ollie's elder brother).

Can be heard at [url]http://www.purevolume.com/koopa[/url] (very latest recordings)
[url]http://www.koopatheband.com[/url] (other recordings and gigs and pics and stuff)
[url]http://kooparock.proboards32.com/index.cgi?board=general[/url] (forum)

one-eight-seven 12-11-2004 07:00 PM


our name is buried in denmark.

bassisbest 12-14-2004 12:53 PM


Be nice!

Anyone in a band similar to NOFX?

wicked_innit 12-16-2004 09:12 AM


We've just started up....first few songs kinda punkish...a little rock..

we are going for a bit heavier stuff next few songs


recording is crap n timing is a bit funny

ska182 12-19-2004 04:48 PM

need i say any more downlaod the mp3's this band will be goin sumwhere,
tell me what u think!!

dannyb1 12-26-2004 10:42 AM

Im the drummer in a band called Hetradox. We don't have a great site at the moment, but the designer will sort that out. We are in our early days, but check out the site anyway:


BridgeToSolace 12-26-2004 12:06 PM


We've just started up....first few songs kinda punkish...a little rock..

we are going for a bit heavier stuff next few songs


recording is crap n timing is a bit funny[/QUOTE]

Any relation to the band "Mourningstar"?

10571z 12-31-2004 01:13 AM

all fools day rock the guys from sweden

10571z 12-31-2004 01:16 AM

all fools day rock the guys from sweden

mosaic 01-12-2005 08:52 AM

six point five


we have 3 new mp3s for u to listen to and a new song called proppa ****in hassle! visit, listen and buy our album!

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