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fingers mccoy 05-21-2012 06:47 PM

you are a misogynist

Aaron 05-21-2012 06:51 PM

Feminism doesn't exist anymore.

Juddybear 05-21-2012 06:51 PM

hey guys

witchxrapist 05-21-2012 07:14 PM

[QUOTE=witchxrapist;18874508]my one friend's aunt payed her $40 to shave her armpits :lol:[/QUOTE]

p.s. i commented something like "fucking finally" on the facebook post and her one feminist friend got really mad at me and started calling me a mysoginist

then my friend who shaved her armpits for $40 was like "mappy shaves his armpits" and it got lolzy

Aaron 05-21-2012 07:22 PM


Hey Juddy

xMalcolmXx 05-21-2012 07:28 PM

soulseek simply will not grant my request for 2pac's critically acclaimed release "strictly for my N.I.G.G.A.Z"

fuck this thing, this is the only reason i got it

blockhead 05-21-2012 07:51 PM

[QUOTE=fingers mccoy;18874545]you are a misogynist[/QUOTE]

I'm not. Just because I don't like unshaven women doesn't make me a misogynist.

btw logical fallacy: bare assertion. That's pretty much your trademark.

witchxrapist 05-21-2012 07:54 PM

i'm so tired of logical fallacies.

@jake i finally got around to dling whetting occam's razor. this album is sick.

blockhead 05-21-2012 07:54 PM

[QUOTE=xMalcolmXx;18874574]soulseek simply will not grant my request for 2pac's critically acclaimed release "strictly for my N.I.G.G.A.Z"

fuck this thing, this is the only reason i got it[/QUOTE]

where is the problem coming up? will it not return anything for your search or will it not start the download?

illmitch 05-21-2012 07:55 PM

just another day in [COLOR="Magenta"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]~*~MaPpYs ZaNy LiFe~*~[/FONT][/COLOR]

witchxrapist 05-21-2012 07:56 PM

i woke up at noon

did some shit around the house for my mom

was like hmm im gonna have people over tonight, chill on my back porch

only two people i got a hold of are two friends who were dating and are now fighting

illmitch 05-21-2012 07:57 PM

theres nobody in town it kinda sux

xMalcolmXx 05-21-2012 07:58 PM

[QUOTE=blockhead;18874589]where is the problem coming up? will it not return anything for your search or will it not start the download?[/QUOTE]

won't start the download

i have no idea what i'm doing

blockhead 05-21-2012 07:58 PM

[QUOTE=witchxrapist;18874588]i'm so tired of logical fallacies.

@jake i finally got around to dling whetting occam's razor. this album is sick.[/QUOTE]

i hate using that term now because brent has ruined it for me but it was an appropriate way to describe the way fingers starts arguments.

someone posts pretty much any thing

he makes a contradictory bare assertion

i think that even HE doesn't believe a lot of the claims he makes

illmitch 05-21-2012 07:59 PM

the person probably has a queue (other people downloading from them who are ahead of you in line)

whats your slsk name? i think i have that album, i can message you so you can get it from me

xMalcolmXx 05-21-2012 07:59 PM

i've seen all my friends from home in the 4 days i've been back i'm very prepared to go back to school already

@mitch my name is ROBOTCOP ya'll niggas should add me or whatever you do on there

blockhead 05-21-2012 08:00 PM

[QUOTE=xMalcolmXx;18874595]won't start the download

i have no idea what i'm doing[/QUOTE]

I always did it by right clicking and selecting "Download containing folder."

Try that.

illmitch 05-21-2012 08:03 PM

says youre offline, weird

fingers mccoy 05-21-2012 08:03 PM

btw logical fallacy: bare assertion. That's pretty much your trademark.[/QUOTE]

it was a statement not an argument

you guys need to learn that an argument needs more than one proposition

xMalcolmXx 05-21-2012 08:08 PM

i tried signing on again but it said i'm already online, idk

illmitch 05-21-2012 08:10 PM

well im illmitch so maybe you can try adding me, either that or were using different versions or something idk

soulseek is weird

blockhead 05-21-2012 08:13 PM

[QUOTE=fingers mccoy;18874602]it was a statement not an argument

you guys need to learn that an argument needs more than one proposition[/QUOTE]

you need to learn to have reasons to back up your ridiculous claims. why am i misogynist? all i said was unshaven women are undesirable to me. that's just a preference. You make it out like i said "i hate women they're less than men in every way."

also you need to learn to not be such a contrarian fag

fingers mccoy 05-21-2012 08:15 PM

all i'm sayin is that a bare assertion is not a logical fallacy until it is used to prove something else

and you're a misogynist

xMalcolmXx 05-21-2012 08:15 PM

yeah it says you're offline too

this thing was probably really awesome in like 1999

illmitch 05-21-2012 08:30 PM

when i was first getting into metal it was the coolest thing ever tbh

blockhead 05-21-2012 08:32 PM

[QUOTE=fingers mccoy;18874612]all i'm sayin is that a bare assertion is not a logical fallacy until it is used to prove something else

and you're a misogynist[/QUOTE]

how am i a misogynist? what are you basing that on or are you just trying to be a prick like usual?

Tyler 05-21-2012 08:38 PM

im interviewing that dude who did paranormal activity tmorrow as part of the press circuit for chernobyl diaries and havent seen a single one of his movies, whoops.

xMalcolmXx 05-21-2012 08:40 PM

when i was first getting into metal i used kazaa and only downloaded individual songs instead of albums

shortz 05-21-2012 08:42 PM

[QUOTE=Tyler;18874619]im interviewing that dude who did paranormal activity tmorrow as part of the press circuit for chernobyl diaries and havent seen a single one of his movies, whoops.[/QUOTE]

Time to study up then :p

blockhead 05-21-2012 08:42 PM

When I was getting into metal I listened to Megadeth and Iron Maiden all the time.

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