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Eliminator 11-20-2006 08:53 PM

why can't we beee friieeennndsssss

doo ssss chhh ssss

chika chika

Foehammer 11-20-2006 08:53 PM


fattymattk 11-20-2006 08:54 PM

this needs to be said: Heaton, you're a fag.


Everyone hates you. If you believe otherwise you are delusional.

Why you'd want to be part of a community that hates you is beyond me.

I can only conclude you're here because you want to argue. Good for you. Debate is a good thing. But you suck at debating. You haven't made a single good point, and you have failed to respond intelligently to all points that have been brought up against you.

You're a fag, and I hope you're proud of this accomplishment. It's too bad you can't actually contribute something worthwhile to the forum.

HeatoN 11-20-2006 08:55 PM

i am very proud but um im sorry but i am happy with the handfull of people who like me

if you expect i will care for your opinion you are the one who needs to leave

Foehammer 11-20-2006 08:56 PM

[QUOTE=fattymattk;13668082]this needs to be said: Heaton, you're a fag.


Everyone hates you. If you believe otherwise you are delusional.

Why you'd want to be part of a community that hates you is beyond me.

I can only conclude you're here because you want to argue. Good for you. Debate is a good thing. But you suck at debating. You haven't made a single good point, and you have failed to respond intelligently to all points that have been brought up against you.

You're a fag, and I hope you're proud of this accomplishment. It's too bad you can't actually contribute something worthwhile to the forum.[/QUOTE]


Foehammer 11-20-2006 08:56 PM

[QUOTE=mx;13665178]So I've reached a point to where I am pretty much fed up with the forums. There's some good things that go on here, sure, but ultimately it's a hassle and no fun to run at all. Our community is generally sarcastic, rude, disrespectful, and immature. Not the kind of site I'm proud to be running.

Everybody knows about the hackings and the spammers. Also those who feel like they are above all the rules and the site is their personal playground. There is a site, nicely hosted by Klown, that is filled with personal attacks on the moderators and on me personally. Petty if you ask me. Do you guys have anything else to do with your time? Seriously, find a girlfriend, play sports, do something useful. Apparently, it's more fun to be dicks on the internet.

So what I'd like to ask is.. why? Did we moderators screw up by not having enough oversight to begin with? Is there just an influx of members who are too young? Is there a bad culture on the boards? Are there too few rules, too many?

In short, what's it going to take for you guys to shape up? We need to have a board where people can have fun, but that also has rules and where moderators and members are respected. There are plenty of examples of successful boards across the internet where this is the case... I honestly spend my time at these boards instead of at my own when I seek conversation. This shouldn't be the case.

So I guess we have two options:

1) Moderators and me can become draconian and enforce our authority (which does exist, and has to exist to keep the site running). We can go on banning sprees, delete posts entirely, and clean up spam by deleting anything remotely close to it.

2) You guys can stop acting like jerks to the moderators and members at the site, and create a peer-supported culture that discourages trolls, hackers, and flamers. This means that instead of laughing or posting spam posts in spam threads, you tell people to stop. Pretty simple. It's perfectly possible to have fun without being idiots.

Right now #1 is probably going to happen very soon if things don't shape up. We've lost the impetus to explain our actions to the community, hence the removal of the site forum. We're close to the end of the line.[/QUOTE]


Surgicalgod 11-20-2006 08:57 PM

way to block the love, fattymattk! enough hate has already been spread in this thread, please take your hatred elsewhere. GD is bleeding!

Klown 11-20-2006 08:58 PM

First post makes me seem like a terrible person. :(

Pete 11-20-2006 08:59 PM

[QUOTE=Klown;13668108]First post makes me seem like a terrible person. :([/QUOTE]

"which is only partially true", i saw your ninja ;)

HeatoN 11-20-2006 08:59 PM

jeremy reads tnp

dont worry i ip banned him


RouteOne 11-20-2006 09:00 PM

I think we just need to increase the number of mods.

fattymattk 11-20-2006 09:02 PM

[QUOTE=HeatoN;13668087]if you expect i will care for your opinion you are the one who needs to leave[/QUOTE]

this is exactly what I am talking about. This makes no sense whatsoever.

"Oh, it's necessary for me to leave now that I have incorrectly assumed that you care what I think."

seriously, you are stupid. I know you're too stupid to understand this, but trust me; you are dumb.

RouteOne 11-20-2006 09:04 PM

Where's the site forum?

Permanent Solution 11-20-2006 09:04 PM

I think the biggest problem on this site is many of the posters here are really immature. They don't get when a joke stops being funny or when they go too far, and then they cry like a baby when someone slaps them on the wrist for it. Then they go and throw a tantrum until an authority figure says sorry.

I am not always a mature poster, but I don't think I'm that terrible either and I don't see why some people can't just grow up a little bit. I'll also share that I am not a fan of several moderators here and I even used to bitch about DFelon quite a bit because he banned me for a pointless reason. Then I made a new account, kept posting and got my account back a few days later. No big deal. Is an internet account worth inconveniencing so many people over? I don't think so and if you do you need to learn to be a little less selfish.

HeatoN 11-20-2006 09:06 PM

[QUOTE=fattymattk;13668129]this is exactly what I am talking about. This makes no sense whatsoever.

"Oh, it's necessary for me to leave now that I have incorrectly assumed that you care what I think."

seriously, you are stupid. I know you're too stupid to understand this, but trust me; you are dumb.[/QUOTE]


not really

i dont care what you think, you are unimportant to me, so stop trying already :)

fattymattk 11-20-2006 09:11 PM


not really

i dont care what you think, you are unimportant to me, so stop trying already :)[/QUOTE]

I shall now refer to you as Fagtron.

Hey Fagtron! How's it going?!

"if you expected me to care about your opinions then you should stop being like Hitler because my post was deleted because jeremy hates me for no reason"

Oh Fagtron! When will you learn?!

*Fagtron's theme music plays*

HeatoN 11-20-2006 09:11 PM

duuuude thats not even clever or funny

you can be the first person on my ignorelist in like forever

RouteOne 11-20-2006 09:13 PM

[QUOTE=HeatoN;13668190]duuuude thats not even clever or funny

you can be the first person on my ignorelist in like forever[/QUOTE]

Please, go do whatever you do in your "real life" besides crapping up this site. ktnx

HeatoN 11-20-2006 09:14 PM

you have more posts than me

get a life plz

what a stupid argument

Jude 11-20-2006 09:14 PM

[QUOTE=Mr. Ron;13668197]Please, go do whatever you do in your "real life" besides crapping up this site.[/QUOTE]


Jeremy's doing way more than anyone has a right to demand from him by spending all this time talking to you. You just need to grow up a little now.

fattymattk 11-20-2006 09:14 PM

[QUOTE=HeatoN;13668190]duuuude thats not even clever or funny

you can be the first person on my ignorelist in like forever[/QUOTE]

oh wait, am I bothering someone? Well, it's my right to do so, is it not? Even if they ask me to stop? I mean, I have good reason. I don't like you and I disagree with you. Man, I wish I had some pictures of your mother right now.

RouteOne 11-20-2006 09:15 PM

[QUOTE=HeatoN;13668204]you have more posts than me

get a life plz

what a stupid argument[/QUOTE]

Posts mean nothing. I can post and do my work at the same time.

Please, use punctuation as well. :thumb:

HeatoN 11-20-2006 09:15 PM

i can hack this site and still do my work

amazing logic

invaderrox 11-20-2006 09:16 PM

[QUOTE=fattymattk;13668209]Man, I wish I had some pictures of your mother right now.[/QUOTE]

Best retort ever ++

RouteOne 11-20-2006 09:18 PM

[QUOTE=HeatoN;13668222]i can hack this site and still do my work

amazing logic[/QUOTE]

You're talking to me about logic and a real life, but all you do for "fun" is waste time by fagging up a internet forum? Seriously, what went wrong in your sad little world where you picked this up as a hobby? Go do something that actually contributes to the world besides wanking in a god damn forum.

HeatoN 11-20-2006 09:18 PM

[QUOTE]Best retort ever ++[/QUOTE]actually its really stupid but hey who am i arguing with

Surgicalgod 11-20-2006 09:18 PM

stop hating on chad, man :(.

HeatoN 11-20-2006 09:19 PM

[QUOTE=Mr. Ron;13668250]You're talking to me about logic and a real life, but all you do for "fun" is waste time by fagging up a internet forum? Seriously, what went wrong in your sad little world where you picked this up as a hobby? Go do something that actually contributes to the world besides wanking in a god damn forum.[/QUOTE]

does your posting contribute to the world


what is your point do you actually have one because i have yet to see it

Jude 11-20-2006 09:20 PM

[QUOTE=Mr. Ron;13668250]You're talking to me about logic and a real life, but all you do for "fun" is waste time by fagging up a internet forum? Seriously, what went wrong in your sad little world where you picked this up as a hobby? Go do something that actually contributes to the world besides wanking in a god damn forum.[/QUOTE]

You must spread some reputation around etc. etc.

And Jeremy please take it easy, this is not worth your time. Someone who decides to take the trouble of hacking an internet forum because he was banned is not worth 20 pages of arguing.

Marc Johnson 11-20-2006 09:21 PM

This is just what Jeremy is talking about.

We're all being immature. Let's stop the dumb bickering and get on with it. It's only a forum.

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