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MikeyEss 07-14-2005 06:18 AM

Thanks for the reply merk
One more thing though, i can only seem to scream a certain note. If i try to go higher, it comes out more like a ... gurgling... or something lol. Is it because my throat it tensing up or something?
I also can't seem to scream words just... sounds. What is the trick to doing that?
[url]http://www.soundclick.com/bands/1/mikeyess_music.htm[/url] << Can anyone listen to the new screams in here and let me know how they sound?

Kosta 07-14-2005 06:54 AM

[QUOTE=MikeyEss]Thanks for the reply merk
One more thing though, i can only seem to scream a certain note. If i try to go higher, it comes out more like a ... gurgling... or something lol. Is it because my throat it tensing up or something?
I also can't seem to scream words just... sounds. What is the trick to doing that?
[url]http://www.soundclick.com/bands/1/mikeyess_music.htm[/url] << Can anyone listen to the new screams in here and let me know how they sound?[/QUOTE]

How the **** do you people scream so...soft? I mean, do you actually scream? I don't get it, when I scream, it's so loud, I can't record it because my scream's volume distorts the mic too much - I'm using a ****ty computer mic, though.

MikeyEss 07-14-2005 09:27 AM

[QUOTE=Kosta]How the **** do you people scream so...soft? I mean, do you actually scream? I don't get it, when I scream, it's so loud, I can't record it because my scream's volume distorts the mic too much - I'm using a ****ty computer mic, though.[/QUOTE]

How close do you scream into the mic? I usually hold it some ways away from my mouth.

Kosta 07-14-2005 10:59 AM

[QUOTE=MikeyEss]How close do you scream into the mic? I usually hold it some ways away from my mouth.[/QUOTE]

I keep it about 3 feet away from me.

I don't have the problem with the regular mic we use at bandpractice, though.

Edit: Merkaba, I searched headvoice/head voice and couldn't find ****. How do I acces my head voice and how do I make use of it?

loki_cmr 07-14-2005 07:53 PM

dude merkaba im still waiting for that Shadow On The Sun recording u promised :confused:

Kosta 07-14-2005 08:52 PM

[QUOTE=loki_cmr]dude merkaba im still waiting for that Shadow On The Sun recording u promised :confused:[/QUOTE]

Believe it or not, the guy has a life. Stop complaining and just be thankful he's helping so many posters out.

luciano 07-15-2005 12:46 AM

[QUOTE=Kosta]I keep it about 3 feet away from me.

I don't have the problem with the regular mic we use at bandpractice, though.

Edit: Merkaba, I searched headvoice/head voice and couldn't find ****. How do I acces my head voice and how do I make use of it?[/QUOTE]

the best way to find it is doing the siren exercise that is described in one of the threads. if you need help, just let me know.

sorry, perhaps you were looking just for his answer, but since he isn't posting, i think we better help ourselves.

hope that helps. bye!!

Kosta 07-15-2005 08:00 AM

[QUOTE=luciano]the best way to find it is doing the siren exercise that is described in one of the threads. if you need help, just let me know.

sorry, perhaps you were looking just for his answer, but since he isn't posting, i think we better help ourselves.

hope that helps. bye!![/QUOTE]

I'm looking for awnsers in general, any awnser is welcome, so thanks.

I'll still wait for Merkaba, though.

robman304 07-15-2005 06:32 PM

Hey Merkaba (or anyone else who can help for that matter)

I've been singing for a few years and I just got to the point where I can hit notes very fluently mostly within a baritone range. I can hit notes from about A2 until about C3 the strongest, but anything too farther above that or below sounds very weak.

I've been trying all kinds of power excercises and it just seems to hurt my vocals, I don't notice any improvements. Could you give me a list (or a link) to a list of good power excercises. Does it help to sing to the radio or to cds constantly, like if I'm in the car. Berkley guys say it's bad to sing in the car...is that true? Thanks.

loki_cmr 07-15-2005 07:38 PM

[QUOTE=Kosta]Believe it or not, the guy has a life. Stop complaining and just be thankful he's helping so many posters out.[/QUOTE]

i'm not complaining and i am thankful. :thumb:

GermanGuy4 07-17-2005 01:10 PM

Hey Merk, I been singing for about 3 months correctly since i found your thread, but in the last two weeks or so, I have had a sharp pain in the left side of my throat. At first it was only a little bit annoying, but now its really bothering me. Singing and screaming don't aggravate it,so I have been practcicing about 2 hours a day like normal, but now its getting bad. Do you know what this is and if i should keep singing and screaming?

I have noticed talking loudly and shouting does aggravate it, but not all the time...thanks

Merkaba 07-18-2005 06:56 AM

[QUOTE=GermanGuy4]Hey Merk, I been singing for about 3 months correctly since i found your thread, but in the last two weeks or so, I have had a sharp pain in the left side of my throat. At first it was only a little bit annoying, but now its really bothering me. Singing and screaming don't aggravate it,so I have been practcicing about 2 hours a day like normal, but now its getting bad. Do you know what this is and if i should keep singing and screaming?

I have noticed talking loudly and shouting does aggravate it, but not all the time...thanks[/QUOTE]
Well I couldnt tell ya over the internet. But if vocalizing results in any throat pain I would lay off for a while. Or go see a doctor to be sure.
[QUOTE=MikeyEss]My bad, wrong URL
Here's the real one:
The first scream sounds good. The second ones sound like youre tight, constricted and not using the same technique you used in that one single first scream. That scream sounded way more relaxed and free flowing. You might have tried to hard on the new ones when really all you need to do is just maybe do that first scream and then keep sliding up. THe thing is though, you have to be able to do that with the cords while not rising up with the throat which is what most people do.

[QUOTE=luciano]hey merka what about me!!

use the rapidshare link:


you scroll down, put "free" and then scroll down again and wait a couple of seconds and then download.[/QUOTE]
Sounds like you got a nice clean voice. The only thing I could recommend is to watch the larynx. Mostly in those higher runs. Seems like you wanted to reach for the note instead of letting it come to you and if youre tight it will be harder to do a high pitched melody because you'll be constricted. That and dont give up at the end of phrases. Like the one about "time is right" or something like that. Sing it through. You sing that style of music better than I could so dont get me wrong, you should be on tour, compared to alot of the vocalists I see out there and on t.v. Just keep practicing and getting better at what ever youre wanting to do. Nice ending too! Where you doing the back up high stuff too? If so good job. Nice ending too! High D with the falsetto in the back. Or something like that.... :thumb:
[QUOTE=Kosta]I keep it about 3 feet away from me.

I don't have the problem with the regular mic we use at bandpractice, though.

Edit: Merkaba, I searched headvoice/head voice and couldn't find ****. How do I acces my head voice and how do I make use of it?[/QUOTE]
Like Luciano said...do glisses. And dont make it harder by thinking too much. Head is only a term. Its basically your high end, in true voice. Around Middle c for most men is head maybe unless youre bass. So start maybe on the F below middle C and do a simple scale up to the next F to see whats going on, and where falsetto wants to start and all that.

Merkaba 07-18-2005 07:45 AM

Not the greatest but hey, its acapella


Kosta 07-18-2005 08:19 AM

[QUOTE=Merkaba-1]Like Luciano said...do glisses. And dont make it harder by thinking too much. Head is only a term. Its basically your high end, in true voice. Around Middle c for most men is head maybe unless youre bass. So start maybe on the F below middle C and do a simple scale up to the next F to see whats going on, and where falsetto wants to start and all that.[/QUOTE]

Awesome. I kind of thought so, so..thanks a lot!

I'm wondering. How loud are your falsetto screams? I think I got it down but there isn't much volume. There is, but not as much as my lower screams. But my mic distorts a bit.

I decided to post my second ever falsetto scream.

[URL=http://s27.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=0UJ21CNCT4SVB1MCLYD9M58PI1]Falsetto scream[/URL]

I think I close-off my throat too much.

I do as it burns my throat.

luciano 07-18-2005 10:23 PM

Sounds like you got a nice clean voice. The only thing I could recommend is to watch the larynx. Mostly in those higher runs. Seems like you wanted to reach for the note instead of letting it come to you and if youre tight it will be harder to do a high pitched melody because you'll be constricted. That and dont give up at the end of phrases. Like the one about "time is right" or something like that. Sing it through. You sing that style of music better than I could so dont get me wrong, you should be on tour, compared to alot of the vocalists I see out there and on t.v. Just keep practicing and getting better at what ever youre wanting to do. Nice ending too! Where you doing the back up high stuff too? If so good job. Nice ending too! High D with the falsetto in the back. Or something like that.... :thumb: [/QUOTE]

thanx merkaba for taking the time to listen. though i feel that i don't deserve some of your compliments, i want to let you know that some of us really appreciate what you are doing here, using some of your valuable time to help some people you don't know over the internet. that is a very noble gesture and i truly thank you. :)

i'll let you know when i improve some more, so i can hear your valuable opinon once again. however this might take at least a couple of months, and i hope you will be around for that time. in case you won't, drop me a line at [email]hechesi@yahoo.com[/email] so i can keep in touch with you.

and once again, thanx for helping young screamer-wannabes like us. :thumb:

MikeyEss 07-19-2005 10:58 AM

Kosta, that was a pretty killer falsetto scream!
You got any tips for me too buddy? lol :thumb:

MikeyEss 07-19-2005 11:34 AM

The last post you had for me sent me back to square one merkaba :upset:
but its good that i don't go in the wrong direction. I've been practicing today and i have a new sample scream (wellitry.mp3), so merkaba and/or anyone else with time, could you please give me some feedback on it (let me know if i'm going in the right direction). This one might be too much like my other ones that were wrong, but lemme know. Thanks a lot


Kosta 07-19-2005 11:40 AM

[QUOTE=MikeyEss]Kosta, that was a pretty killer falsetto scream!
You got any tips for me too buddy? lol :thumb:[/QUOTE]

Haha thanks, I really liked your second falsetto screams, too. I decided tou just try one myself, after I heard yours, to be honest. As I usually just use my chest voice to scream. Which kind of gives it that "grindcore" tone. But, now I just tried something.

But, I'd wait for Merkaba for some tips, as the scream really heats up my throat. It doesn't hurt, but, it sounds like I'm frying my cords - kind of hard to explain. And I really don't want to give you tips that could possibly mess up your voice.

Edit: your third scream sounded awesome.

MikeyEss 07-19-2005 12:48 PM

Thanks buddy :thumb:

MikeyEss 07-19-2005 01:05 PM

Oh one more thing merkaba, I remember a previous post where you mentioned something about people only being able to scream vowles. So has been the case for me, and i was wondering how you go about screaming consonants? Thanks man!

Rats 07-20-2005 03:41 AM

lol how du scream liek teh used

Kosta 07-20-2005 07:51 AM

[QUOTE=Rats]lol how du scream liek teh used[/QUOTE]

lolz idunno lol maybe u shud chek teh furzt page of dis topik out

Merkaba 07-20-2005 12:31 PM

Kosta my falsetto screams are pretty loud...about as loud as I can sing any other note.

Mike, I was saying that the vocal cords can only make vowels. Everything else comes from the teeth and tongue,etc. Thats how you make vowels, by obstructing the sound basically. Sometimes it leads to problems for people when they're screaming, like making a K or H sound, they might squeeze the throat again. Just be aware of what youre doing but dont overthink it.

MikeyEss 07-20-2005 12:34 PM

Sry for another pointless post, but i need to lay something to rest. When i was younger my friends always told me that i was a ****ty singer and whatnot, and that kinda kept me away from singing in front of anybody for the next 7 or so years. I just pretty much sang to myself in the car and in front of the computer. I decided to record something (mind you this is without warming up or anything of that nature), and i want some honest opinions.

The song is War all the time by Thursday


If you think I do suck, tell me to what degree.. lol

MikeyEss 07-20-2005 12:37 PM

And please listen to all of it if you're going to make a comment plz

MikeyEss 07-20-2005 01:21 PM

**** posting a lot today... sry!
Sorry for another post all! This one is a question for merkaba though.

I was reading through the isolation post again, and practicing singing and screaming while holding my fingers to my larynx. I can sing all the time without movement from my adams apple, but whenever i scream it moves up. I listened to the falsetto scream lesson one you posted as well, and noticed that my adams apple moves whenever i make the grunt... the ha! or hu! sounds.

Do you have any suggestions?? :confused:

Kosta 07-20-2005 01:45 PM

[QUOTE=Merkaba-1]Kosta my falsetto screams are pretty loud...about as loud as I can sing any other note.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I got mine louer, too.

How is my falsetto scream, though? I posted it earlier in this topic.

LeadSinger327 07-20-2005 05:45 PM

Hey Guys, I need some help lol...I'm 16 and started singing last year...and I like the high pitch sounds of Tyson Ritter of All American Rejects, but the dude's voice is crazy high pitch, but I think he uses alot of falsetto...since im going through voice changes and stuf f lol is there anything i can do to make sure when im Tyson's age (23) to have the same pitch...and is it possible for a voice to become more high pitch after voice changes? lol alright if anyone could help me out there i'd appreciate it, thanks guys


Violent_Bill 07-20-2005 06:21 PM

[QUOTE=LeadSinger327]Hey Guys, I need some help lol...I'm 16 and started singing last year...and I like the high pitch sounds of Tyson Ritter of All American Rejects, but the dude's voice is crazy high pitch, but I think he uses alot of falsetto...since im going through voice changes and stuf f lol is there anything i can do to make sure when im Tyson's age (23) to have the same pitch...and is it possible for a voice to become more high pitch after voice changes? lol alright if anyone could help me out there i'd appreciate it, thanks guys


Cutting off your testicles should help you maintain that 16 year old voice.

Rats 07-20-2005 06:35 PM

[QUOTE=luciano]still waiting....
if you want to, you can mail me at [email]hechesi@yahoo.com[/email]

first version (mp3)

last and better version (ogg)

if rapidshare doesn't work, mail me and i'll send it through mail.[/QUOTE]

sounding good man. nice upper register. it suonds like you're straining to hit the highest ones but just keep practicing and it will get easier. i think you should work on your pronunciation/articulation because i can barely understand what you're singing or if its even english.

LeadSinger327 07-22-2005 01:19 AM

Hey guys, I got some recordings i did with my 200 dollar recording equipment lol, eh gets the job done, anyways if anyone would like to listen and give me some feed back on 3 of the songs with my singing that'd be cool, oh yeah I warn you its nasal and emo like sorry lol alrighty seeya



Kosta 07-23-2005 11:13 AM

Heh, this is the second falsetto scream I ever recorded;

[url=http://s11.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=2SL0PKS9M795W04SJSU7CRMDX7]falseto scream.........2[/url]

aznrocker 07-23-2005 04:10 PM

You are a God.

Merkaba 07-23-2005 04:44 PM

[QUOTE=LeadSinger327]Hey Guys, I need some help lol...I'm 16 and started singing last year...and I like the high pitch sounds of Tyson Ritter of All American Rejects, but the dude's voice is crazy high pitch, but I think he uses alot of falsetto...since im going through voice changes and stuf f lol is there anything i can do to make sure when im Tyson's age (23) to have the same pitch...and is it possible for a voice to become more high pitch after voice changes? lol alright if anyone could help me out there i'd appreciate it, thanks guys

The only thing you can do is make sure you using proper technique and practice singing. Chances are youre not gonna be a Jaimie Venderra or a freak, but practicing your true voice will help keep things strong and flexible while everything is changing. You should take some lessons to make sure youre using proper technique and breathing that way you wont be weakening your self over the long run. I always wish I had been into singing when I was a teen and had sang through puberty. I'd be a freak no doubt. Too bad I was playing video games and trying to get all of the Constructicons to make Devastator.
[QUOTE=Kosta]Yeah, I got mine louer, too.

How is my falsetto scream, though? I posted it earlier in this topic.[/QUOTE]
I didnt listen to the first one, or if i did i cant remember but that second one sounds pretty kick arse! Keep it up

lloydapalooza 07-23-2005 11:38 PM

how do you falsetto scream mikeyess and kosta? is there any way that you can describe it in words for me? ive wanted to learn to falsetto scream for the longest time but i never knew how to get that sort of rasp.

Kosta 07-23-2005 11:53 PM

[QUOTE=lloydapalooza]how do you falsetto scream mikeyess and kosta? is there any way that you can describe it in words for me? ive wanted to learn to falsetto scream for the longest time but i never knew how to get that sort of rasp.[/QUOTE]

Just...do it.

Seriously, that's the best advice I can give you. I was overthinking it, and hell, I forgot the technique again, but I'll figure it out.

Thing is, I was just...posting all of these questions and whatnot, trying everything, but it just doesn't work. It's so hard to explain. But after I heard Mikeyess, I thought, "heh, I'll listen to Merkaba's audio's again". I tried it, and BAMN, first try. I did my first falsetto scream. I recorded my second one. And I recorded another one later that night, and yeah. That's pretty much my falsetto scream.

My tip;

First, just..make sure that using your diaphragm in your screams or singing is just..second nature. You don't have to prepare for it, or think of using it, you do it automatically.

If you got passed that point, here's my ultimate tip

Clear your thoughts. Don't think. Don't think about rasping it, using your falsetto, or anything. Just do a falsetto scream. Just go for it.

Chances are, you'll be able to do it right away if you know the background of the falsetto scream. If not, check out page one of this topic.

Also, try not to think too much about [i]how[/i] you did it. That's what I did, and guess what? I thought I could work from there, and I forgot how to do one. Although, I will be able to do another one later tonight - I'm sure - forgetting the technique is a burden.

So yeah, as I said, just do it.

Merkaba 07-24-2005 12:36 AM

there ya go! :thumb:

lloydapalooza 07-24-2005 01:53 AM

are you sure you're not working for nike? haha just kidding

ill try man

Po0sH 07-25-2005 02:32 AM

Hey merkaba, when I push from my stomach, I push so my stomach is out as if im trying to show that I am pregnant if you know what i am trying to say. Am I pushing too hard? I get dizzy and it feels like an ab workout if i do that, yet somehow i feel as if I can get better tone that without pushing that hard.

Merkaba 07-25-2005 02:49 AM

You dont push from your stomach, its from your diaphragm. You shouldnt really pay much attention to your stomach...other than it should bellow out a bit when you breath IN. Not out. You shouldnt be squeezing your stomach or feeling tired abs or getting dizzy. And I'm sure you'd get better tone. Practice taking a breath and holding the Z sound for thirty seconds or so You'll have to use the diaphragm to get the air controlled enough to last that long.

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