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Tyler 12-08-2010 07:52 PM

you asked for it when you refused to shut up

Meatplow 12-08-2010 08:08 PM

completely apathetic about this situation, lets put it clearly

you are all fuckwits sometimes

that is all

TimJim 12-08-2010 08:11 PM

that's not very apathetic

Meatplow 12-08-2010 08:15 PM

do I have to start handing out goodwill presents to promote good cheer around here

have a new scooter Timothy

TimJim 12-08-2010 08:26 PM

Thank you Hazworthy

2muchket! 12-09-2010 03:37 AM

so why didn't brent get banned ? PRETENTIOUS RAVIOLI afterall

Tyler 12-09-2010 11:48 AM

Nobody was banned other than Anglachel and he was banned for refusing to shut up in this thread, and even then only for one day.

P13 12-17-2010 03:44 PM

[QUOTE=adb;18317895]lol old men on a site for college kids[/QUOTE]

adb is purposefully derailing threads and starting fights for no obvious reason other than his own entertainment

adb 12-17-2010 03:47 PM

every thread gets de-railed thats the nature of conversation

my statement is once again valid (this site is for college kids and dan and elder brent are the exceptions) and I'm not trying to start a fight, yet you perceive me as trying to do so.

P13 12-17-2010 03:50 PM

the point of a thread is to be a place for conversation on a specific topic

I don't see how this site is for college kids, and I also don't see how you going into a thread to basically tell someone that they shouldn't be allowed to post because they don't fit your made up standard isn't starting a fight

put him on my ignore list, so nevermind

adb 12-17-2010 03:59 PM

[QUOTE=P13;18317915]the point of a thread is to be a place for conversation on a specific topic

I don't see how this site is for college kids, and I also don't see how you going into a thread to basically tell someone that they shouldn't be allowed to post because they don't fit your made up standard isn't starting a fight[/QUOTE]

I know, but conversations naturally branch off into other topics

The place is obviously for ages 18-24, the music is a clear example of that too. Why do people love btbam and pth but hate linkin park? Use common sense

I never said they couldn't post, idiot. Yet another case of a user putting words in my mouth.

Tyler 12-17-2010 04:59 PM

if you start an argument in here i will permanently ban you and ban every account you make on sight.

also, if you use the word demographic or implying on here i will ban you for a month.

adb, stop being a pissy little brat. everyone else, start ignoring him.

don't reply to this. i'll delete it if you do.

adb 12-18-2010 12:28 AM

please delete all the posts w/ my full name in the comm thread

Meatplow 12-18-2010 06:53 AM

why you've been so easily compliant with our requests so far :rolleyes:

really now 12-18-2010 06:17 PM

[U]I'm not trying to argue[/U], but since I'm getting banned on sight already here's a tl;dr for you tyler when you see this, I'm just trying to simplify what has happened, repeat: [U]not trying to argue[/U]:

you guys both ignore my simple request to have all those posts of my full name deleted last night.

ok, fine. Whatever.

[QUOTE]if you start an argument in here i will permanently ban you and ban every account you make on sight.

also, if you use the word demographic or implying on here i will ban you for a month.

adb, stop being a pissy little brat. everyone else, start ignoring him.

don't reply to this. i'll delete it if you do.[/QUOTE]

I completely adhered to this post the minute I saw it

I go to bed

plow says I am not compliant even though I have been for the most part, me and him had a deal on tinychat and I accepted it, mappy did but broke it. Wasn't banned because plow said it was the holidays. Yes I get into arguments and say shit occasionally, but then again people don't ignore me and arguments are inevitable when there's disagreeing view points.

Anyway, I wake up to like 5 pages of people saying those words that I can't say or I'll get banned. And I come in the comm thread and get perm banned for pretty much doing nothing except saying nothing will probably happen but I'll get banned. Which DID in fact happen.

So if you want to ban me on sight, you care [I]that [/I]much about me to do so ok.

If you want me to post less and ignore hsg and anglachel (worst trolls, contribute nothing to the forum except troll, even mappy will agree about hsg) I will do that, and if I don't I'll accept bans.

Meatplow 12-18-2010 08:10 PM

You are everything that is wrong with white people

blockhead 12-19-2010 12:36 AM

I honestly don't think this is fair to brent. I read all of the community thread and it was just a bandwagon of trolling him every other user jumped on and then he gets banned on sight. it seems to me like haz is just going along with the other users giving him a hard time

Meatplow 12-19-2010 01:27 AM

people like brent abuse notions of "being fair", I couldn't have been more fair with him over the past several months. he is a whinging lunatic

as far as I am concerned he can find something else to do with his time for the next month, and if keeps playing the cunt when he returns, well, we'll be back to square one.

blockhead 12-19-2010 01:54 AM

what did he really do though?

aria 12-19-2010 01:56 AM

yea sorry plow this is gay bro

Meatplow 12-19-2010 02:04 AM

like I said you can't please everyone, I don't need to explain myself several times over. moving on

blockhead 12-19-2010 02:09 AM

i think you just jumped on the bandwagon. people just take him too seriously, why do people still take trolls seriously? i don't get it

woofrabbit_ 12-19-2010 02:10 AM

i dont have a problem with any1 in r&m

Meatplow 12-19-2010 02:11 AM

alright, criticism noted.

blockhead 12-19-2010 02:12 AM

so you basically banned him because the majority of people don't like him

Meatplow 12-19-2010 02:30 AM

[QUOTE=blockhead;18320471]so you basically banned him because you don't like him[/QUOTE]

No, because he is the center of attention in every argument that has broken out on this forum for the past several months. It's hard to resist the temptation to bait him and I can't blame every junior troll in this subforum when arguments break out over pages and pages over stupid bullshit. I've humoured him several times myself.

c'mon Blockhead I like you but you advocate the removal of people you dislike from these forums on the regular it's kind of hard to be playing that you shouldn't ban people because you don't like them card. I don't, in any case.

I'll give him one more chance only because no other cunt actually does any modding of this nature on here and users like Chad and Banyan run around unchecked, but I don't think i'm being completely unreasonable. I've unbanned your main Brent.

Anglachel 12-19-2010 02:33 AM

[QUOTE=blockhead;18320471]so you basically banned him because the majority of people don't like him[/QUOTE]
if the forum doesnt like him
and discussion is ruined by him
why should he not be removed

yeah nobody likes him its about time he gtfo

Meatplow 12-19-2010 02:53 AM

eh, I give up trying to improve these forums

it's been fun

Anglachel 12-19-2010 02:54 AM

you dont have much to mod now just keep dat power to delete drug ads

blockhead 12-19-2010 03:34 AM

the forums went downhill naturally as the user base grew up and moved on, now all we have left is the poorly socially adjusted people

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