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Idiot Martyr 06-24-2005 08:02 PM

[QUOTE=Volumnius Flush]Anti-racism is one of the tenets you cling to?[/QUOTE]

Yes. It's something I cling to dearly. I like to look at us as all one race-humans.

RouteOne 06-24-2005 08:05 PM

Although I believe most of us here are open and accepting of others, I think we are all prejudice in SOME way. It's human nature.

deathgps 06-24-2005 08:08 PM

[QUOTE]Dinosaurs aren't a hoax. They existed long before humans.

That is one of the biggest mysteries of the bible, I think. If the earth is only 6,000-ish (I dont remember exactly) years old, how do they explain dinosaur fossils dated at 100 million years old.[/QUOTE]

exactly....the bibles bull****

Idiot Martyr 06-24-2005 08:11 PM

[QUOTE=amostbitterseason]Although I believe most of us here are open and accepting of others, I think we are all prejudice in SOME way. It's human nature.[/QUOTE]

Yes there's definetely a set of traits and egotistic senses that makes a human, but it's the way we hide those things that makes a man.

Volumnius Flush 06-24-2005 08:15 PM

[QUOTE=Idiot Martyr]Yes. It's something I cling to dearly. I like to look at us as all one race-humans.[/QUOTE]

I want to just tell you a little story. Don't read it if you don't want; I don't believe you're obligated too.

In the 8th grade, I started becoming somewhat of a racist. I hit a black girl in the back with a broom a couple times and almost got suspended. One girl I hit with my lunch bag and cut her head, though it was a tiny cut and wasn't intentional. I was in a class with all girls but if it been a guy we may have been outright fighting. I made several racist comments and got a reputation for being a sort of Grand Wizard of the KKK. I once read from a Civil War-era book and used the word '******' in attempt to rouse the blacks. After I was an established racist, it became a nuisance for the school. One day in science class, my teacher Ms. Stevens asked me my opinion. I told her there were many superior qualitites to the Caucasian population. What she said changed me. She said, "Randall, Jesus Christ doesn't recognize color. You ought to take a good, long look at yourself."

I took a look and I left my borderline racist beliefs. I realized Jesus doesn't see color and that God sends the racists into the Lake of Fire.

There's my rant for the day. Though it wasn't a true rant, we'll call it that. I say that though because you say you like to look at us as all one race-humans. That's what Jesus believes.

RouteOne 06-24-2005 08:20 PM

[QUOTE=Volumnius Flush]I want to just tell you a little story. Don't read it if you don't want; I don't believe you're obligated too.

In the 8th grade, I started becoming somewhat of a racist. I hit a black girl in the back with a broom a couple times and almost got suspended. One girl I hit with my lunch bag and cut her head, though it was a tiny cut and wasn't intentional. I was in a class with all girls but if it been a guy we may have been outright fighting. I made several racist comments and got a reputation for being a sort of Grand Wizard of the KKK. I once read from a Civil War-era book and used the word '******' in attempt to rouse the blacks. After I was an established racist, it became a nuisance for the school. One day in science class, my teacher Ms. Stevens asked me my opinion. I told her there were many superior qualitites to the Caucasian population. What she said changed me. She said, "Randall, Jesus Christ doesn't recognize color. You ought to take a good, long look at yourself."

I took a look and I left my borderline racist beliefs. I realized Jesus doesn't see color and that God sends the racists into the Lake of Fire.

There's my rant for the day. Though it wasn't a true rant, we'll call it that. I say that though because you say you like to look at us as all one race-humans. That's what Jesus believes.[/QUOTE]
Well it's good that you cast aside your racist past.

Idiot Martyr 06-24-2005 08:21 PM

[QUOTE=Volumnius Flush]I want to just tell you a little story. Don't read it if you don't want; I don't believe you're obligated too.

In the 8th grade, I started becoming somewhat of a racist. I hit a black girl in the back with a broom a couple times and almost got suspended. One girl I hit with my lunch bag and cut her head, though it was a tiny cut and wasn't intentional. I was in a class with all girls but if it been a guy we may have been outright fighting. I made several racist comments and got a reputation for being a sort of Grand Wizard of the KKK. I once read from a Civil War-era book and used the word '******' in attempt to rouse the blacks. After I was an established racist, it became a nuisance for the school. One day in science class, my teacher Ms. Stevens asked me my opinion. I told her there were many superior qualitites to the Caucasian population. What she said changed me. She said, "Randall, Jesus Christ doesn't recognize color. You ought to take a good, long look at yourself."

I took a look and I left my borderline racist beliefs. I realized Jesus doesn't see color and that God sends the racists into the Lake of Fire.

There's my rant for the day. Though it wasn't a true rant, we'll call it that. I say that though because you say you like to look at us as all one race-humans. That's what Jesus believes.[/QUOTE]

Really? In 8th grade I was a devout Christian. Oh how we change. I also don't want you to think that because I'm an atheist that I'm a bad person. Please don't make that mistake. I have very high moral standards, I just don't believe in a god.

I can get along with you just fine if you don't call my morality into question.

RouteOne 06-24-2005 08:27 PM

[QUOTE=Idiot Martyr]Really? In 8th grade I was a devout Christian. Oh how we change. I also don't want you to think that because I'm an atheist that I'm a bad person. Please don't make that mistake. I have very high moral standards, I just don't believe in a god.

I can get along with you just fine if you don't call my morality into question.[/QUOTE]
What made you become an atheist? I ask this because I began to see religion differently in 8th grade also.

Volumnius Flush 06-24-2005 08:29 PM

[QUOTE=Idiot Martyr]Really? In 8th grade I was a devout Christian. Oh how we change. I also don't want you to think that because I'm an atheist that I'm a bad person. Please don't make that mistake. I have very high moral standards, I just don't believe in a god.

I can get along with you just fine if you don't call my morality into question.[/QUOTE]

It's strange you say that…

But it is a question on the Political Compass test. I don't believe you're immoral. I don't know what you believe but from what I've taken, you aren't immoral. Morality isn't a product of religion but more of maturity. Why are black people predominantly democrat? Because they are irresponsible. Welfare and abortion. Once you've matured, you become more conservative and matured. In most cases, as people get older and more matured, they become more conservative. I could go on, but frankly, I'm boring. :upset:

So what made you leave Christianity?

RouteOne 06-24-2005 08:31 PM

[QUOTE=Volumnius Flush]It's strange you say that…

But it is a question on the Political Compass test. I don't believe you're immoral. I don't know what you believe but from what I've taken, you aren't immoral. Morality isn't a product of religion but more of maturity. Why are black people predominantly democrat? Because they are irresponsible. Welfare and abortion. Once you've matured, you become more conservative and matured. In most cases, as people get older and more matured, they become more conservative. I could go on, but frankly, I'm boring. :upset:

So what made you leave Christianity?[/QUOTE]
That post was pretty ignorant. There are plenty of succsessful blacks.

Trivium 06-24-2005 08:36 PM

I have so much to say, sadly he wont see my post so I wont waste any time.

He's a typical southern retard, the way tv portrays them

overly religious, ignorant, racist, dumb

Volumnius Flush 06-24-2005 08:36 PM

[QUOTE=amostbitterseason]That post was pretty ignorant. There are plenty of succsessful blacks.[/QUOTE]

Bear with me. I'm not quite as ignorant as you may think, and that is just a short intro into a much larger topic I wrote an essay about. I think you'd like it.

And if it's a consolation, I'm talking about the standard ghetto black or liberal black. There are some good black people. But it's a very big subject to talk about.

Volumnius Flush 06-24-2005 08:38 PM

Hey trivium, you had something important to say, you should have said it earlier. Like I said, there is a proper way to post, and an improper way. If you post something that woos me, I may talk to you again.

Trivium 06-24-2005 08:44 PM

I honestly dont care, id have to lower myself to your level to get your attention, and im not willing to do that.

RouteOne 06-24-2005 08:46 PM

Sooooo who belives in past lives?

Volumnius Flush 06-24-2005 08:49 PM

Past lives? Remind me what that is?

Iskandar 06-24-2005 08:49 PM

[QUOTE=amostbitterseason]What made you become an atheist? I ask this because I began to see religion differently in 8th grade also.[/QUOTE]

So did I, interestingly enough. That's about the time I stopped attending church.

RouteOne 06-24-2005 08:49 PM

[QUOTE=Volumnius Flush]Past lives? Remind me what that is?[/QUOTE]
It is kind of like reincarnation. Where a person's personality is "recycled" into another body when you are born.

Iskandar 06-24-2005 08:50 PM

[QUOTE=Volumnius Flush]Past lives? Remind me what that is?[/QUOTE]

Reincarnation, basically. I don't believe in it myself.

Volumnius Flush 06-24-2005 08:51 PM


Iskandar 06-24-2005 08:52 PM

You don't believe in reincarnation, as well? I think very few people on these boards would. Perhaps Merkaba-1 might ... he's into that Eastern/alternative spirituality thing.

RouteOne 06-24-2005 08:55 PM

I personally do not believe in it. My art teacher does though. He is a buddhist. he met this little girl once who was very mature for her age and they talked for hours over thinngs like politics and history a normal little kid wouldn't know. She said she was from the 19th century and gave a shocking story that explained where she lived and what she had done in the past. She gave a lot of accurate historical info that a normal 12 year old wouldn't know. He said it scared the crap out of him.

Volumnius Flush 06-24-2005 08:56 PM

[QUOTE=The Dropper]You don't believe in reincarnation, as well? I think very few people on these boards would. Perhaps Merkaba-1 might ... he's into that Eastern/alternative spirituality thing.[/QUOTE]

Merkaba is a strange one… It's hard to talk to him. I tried last night and he thought we were playing chess. 'I checkmated you.' 'You are easy to pawn'
Reincarnation is just goofy to me.

RouteOne 06-24-2005 08:59 PM

[QUOTE=Volumnius Flush]Merkaba is a strange one… It's hard to talk to him. I tried last night and he thought we were playing chess. 'I checkmated you.' 'You are easy to pawn'
Reincarnation is just goofy to me.[/QUOTE]
Jesus was reincarnated. You know, after he rose and came back down to tell his apostles everything was fine?

Volumnius Flush 06-24-2005 09:01 PM

[QUOTE=amostbitterseason]Jesus was reincarnated. You know, after he rose and came back down to tell his apostles everything was fine?[/QUOTE]

If you look at it that way. It was Jesus body, but his soul had left. But it came back…to the same body.

RouteOne 06-24-2005 09:02 PM

[QUOTE=Volumnius Flush]If you look at it that way. It was Jesus body, but his soul had left. But it came back…to the same body.[/QUOTE]
No. His body was gone when the apostiles checked the tomb. His soul AND body ascended into Heaven.

Iskandar 06-24-2005 09:05 PM

[QUOTE=Volumnius Flush]If you look at it that way. It was Jesus body, but his soul had left. But it came back…to the same body.[/QUOTE]

That's true; it's not really reincarnation. It's life being restored to a body, like Jesus did to Lazarus. (I know a bit of Bible lore, see?)

However, I don't believe in life being restored to a body that's been dead for some time ... although it can be done to those who have been dead (medically speaking) for a short time.

Iskandar 06-24-2005 09:07 PM

[QUOTE=amostbitterseason]No. His body was gone when the apostiles checked the tomb. His soul AND body ascended into Heaven.[/QUOTE]

Flush was right, though. His soul did return to the same body. That isn't reincarnation; that's just rebirth.

Volumnius Flush 06-24-2005 09:08 PM

[QUOTE=amostbitterseason]No. His body was gone when the apostiles checked the tomb. His soul AND body ascended into Heaven.[/QUOTE]

His soul ascended. They buried him as dead. His soul returned after three days and he exited the tomb. I think he went to Heaven then.

Iskandar 06-24-2005 09:09 PM

He should know that story ... even I do.

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