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illmitch 01-15-2011 10:48 PM

that sux ronnikins whats wrong

Aakon_Keetreh 01-15-2011 10:48 PM

[QUOTE=Mr. Ron;18358667]I feel so sick blragh[/QUOTE]

did you get that link i sent to u on fb

shortz 01-15-2011 10:48 PM

[QUOTE=adb;18358658]you guys always on me for liking azns but shortz is into white meat[/QUOTE]

Is that a bad thing? :confused:

P13 01-15-2011 10:48 PM

[QUOTE=adb;18358658]you guys always on me for liking azns but shortz is into white meat[/QUOTE]

I was saying you're turning gay

no problem with your preference

RouteOne 01-15-2011 10:50 PM

[quote=Aakon_Keetreh;18358670]did you get that link i sent to u on fb[/quote]
yup didn't do anything with it yet though

will soon, thanks

[quote=illmitch;18358669]that sux ronnikins whats wrong[/quote]
I have the shits

Aakon_Keetreh 01-15-2011 10:52 PM

sadly its only a 20 min song, but i didnt know how to break it up so i guess ill have to wait until another rip comes out, or maybe its just a 20 min song(lots of breaks between things in it)

Nepenthe 01-15-2011 10:52 PM

aw man the shitski's are no fun

illmitch 01-15-2011 10:54 PM

the-dreams first album is so good

P13 01-15-2011 10:56 PM

[QUOTE=illmitch;18358681]the-dreams first album is so good[/QUOTE]


illmitch 01-15-2011 10:56 PM

the switch from fast car to nikki gets me hard every time

adb 01-15-2011 10:58 PM

[QUOTE=illmitch;18358660]she probably doesn't have any theories about how white men are physically superior to others and how their culture is attractive like you do for azns though

so shut up adb[/QUOTE]

lol, you're so dumb mitch

why else would shortz prefer white guys personalities over blacks

its culture

P13 01-15-2011 10:58 PM

I have to stifle laughing at myself when I listen to The-Dream or things like OFWGKTA just because I'm so fucking white

Nepenthe 01-15-2011 10:59 PM

watched solaris earlier and now about to listen to delia gonzalez and gavin russom's days of mars

[I]feelin spacey[/I]

illmitch 01-15-2011 11:00 PM

adb you had some idiotic argument about how you like asian girls because they're culturally taught to be submissive or something like that

adb 01-15-2011 11:01 PM

what the hell?

I said they're a collective society not an individualistic one

Duderino 01-15-2011 11:02 PM

hey guys how is everyone doin tonight how bout those packers hoo boy

Aakon_Keetreh 01-15-2011 11:04 PM

i dig your avatar

adb 01-15-2011 11:04 PM

fuck sports

Aakon_Keetreh 01-15-2011 11:05 PM

im getting converted to the asian lifestyle. and honestly becoming obsessed with asian history


adb 01-15-2011 11:07 PM

drinkin so much water

Nepenthe 01-15-2011 11:10 PM

you some kind of fuckin commie adb?

Aakon_Keetreh 01-15-2011 11:11 PM

commies are kewl man

Nepenthe 01-15-2011 11:13 PM

altruism is for faggots

Destroy All Girls 01-15-2011 11:16 PM

warbling on a synth

trying to capture my first memory through sound

Aakon_Keetreh 01-15-2011 11:16 PM

why do you have to be such a hater man

adb 01-15-2011 11:22 PM

Brent 9:18 pm
btw my dad got a perscription for hydrocodene, I saw it on the counter

sam 9:19 pm
steal it
what mg are they
just take some of them

Aakon_Keetreh 01-15-2011 11:24 PM


blockhead 01-15-2011 11:31 PM

when i go to ppls houses i always ask to go to the bathroom and rifle through their medicine cabinets looking for benzos or opiates

Nepenthe 01-15-2011 11:33 PM

you're a cool dude

Aakon_Keetreh 01-15-2011 11:33 PM

[QUOTE=blockhead;18358738]when i go to ppls houses i always ask to go to the bathroom and rifle through their medicine cabinets looking for benzos or opiates[/QUOTE]

ive done that lol

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