Album Rating: 4.5
If I Destination was 40 minutes longer I wouldn't even notice. What a release
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Album Rating: 4.5
Yeah the closer is the best one here
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Album Rating: 5.0 | Sound Off
This is the fastest 80 minute album everr
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Album Rating: 4.3
wow that opener is fucking loverrrrrly
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Album Rating: 4.5
second song and final track are the highlights for me but all of this is fantastic stuff
can't see how this doesn't make top 10 releases of the year
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Album Rating: 4.5
Agree with, Neek. Love the opener so effin much
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Album Rating: 4.0
@Zakusz - unironically the first day listening to this album I just put on I Destination on repeat 3 times in a row - it's absolutely magical
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Album Rating: 4.5
Been using this to meditate, listening to it on bike rides through winding forest trails. Super effective.
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Album Rating: 4.5
Damn that actually sounds soothing af
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Album Rating: 3.5
I liked this, but prefer the previous album. The melodies there were more interesting to me. This has a nice chill wintry vibe but didn't click all that well for me.
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had this autocued to follow '()' and i thought i'd found an expanded edition of the latter for like the first three tracks (intended as compliment)
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Album Rating: 4.0
Amidst is runaway SOTY
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Album Rating: 4.5
I got let go from my job on Friday and have been in a deep contemplative state ever since. I put this album on this morning with my coffee outside and watched the birds and I was reminded that everything is going to be just fine. Album is a near instant classic
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Album Rating: 5.0 | Sound Off
^ I went for a walk with I Destination this morning before work and it completely cleared my head and I was able to go about the rest of my morning super efficiently... This album has healing properties
Sorry to hear about your job though Zak
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Album Rating: 5.0
soul cleanser
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Album Rating: 4.0
Yeah Amidst has been straight up soundtracking my life like that one shitty episode of The Bear where the ambient music keeps playing
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Album Rating: 4.5
I got called into the directors office and was told my position was being cut due to overhead and today is my last day. No severance. Don't be loyal to the companies you work for boys and girls, and always look after yourselves and the people who actually matter first.
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Album Rating: 5.0
it's entirely normal to be laid off in today's day and age, i wouldn't sweat it personally
doesn't help your financial situation though
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Album Rating: 4.5
work for the gubment
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Album Rating: 4.5
This gets better and better - top ten 2024 guaranteeeeeeeeeeeeed
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