its nowhere near terrible but definitely on the weaker end of things
i think theyve still got it
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Album Rating: 2.5
His peak was the return album A World Lit Only by Fire (similar to the hard faced Streetcleaner) followed up by Post Self (similar to Pure).....his two peak career albums by a country fucking mile. I feel like it's an exercise at this point in time, mimicking his 1st round of his career. This is like Songs of Love & Hate when he decided to listen to a crap ton of Scorn.
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Post Self is one of his best albums ever and I feel like this tows more along of Us and Them with Selfless
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Album Rating: 4.0
Damnnnn Wiz. :[[[
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Album Rating: 3.5
that is surely a take. I honestly always thought Post-Self (also my second favorite LP of theirs) was the most similar to Streetcleaner, not necessarily due to style but because its the only record since that is equally dissonant and psychedelic-feeling.
Agreed Relinquished, this is definitely in the same realm as Us and Them
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Album Rating: 3.5
"Post Self is one of his best albums ever and I feel like this tows more along of Us and Them with Selfless"
Absolutely agree with that. Post Self is one of my fav flesh albums. My top 5 nowadays is:
1 - Pure
2 - Songs of Love and Hate
3 - Post Self
4 - Streetcleaner
5 - A World Lit Only by Fire
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People who say Godflesh """peaked""" with awlobf need to listen to their entire discog AGAIN. You are fucking WRONG. Stfu.
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Album Rating: 3.5
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Album Rating: 3.0
Post-Self is underrated
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Album Rating: 3.0
Glad to see Frost digs Songs of Love and hate, I always thought that album was way better than Selfless which I find overrated.
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Album Rating: 3.0
Songs of Love and Hate In Dub is also worth checking.
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Album Rating: 4.0
they're like both 9/10
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Album Rating: 3.0
Never cared for Selfless.
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Selfless rules, pretty damn influential record too
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Album Rating: 4.5
> People who say Godflesh """peaked""" with awlobf need to listen to their entire discog AGAIN. You are fucking WRONG.
Yeah this thread has seen some weird takes but that takes the cake by far.
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Album Rating: 3.5
"Songs of Love and Hate In Dub is also worth checking."
Indeed Vlad, superb stuff
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Album Rating: 3.3
"Never cared for Selfless."
yeah, next to this, it's their weakest album for sure.
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Album Rating: 3.5
Selfless is third worst. Us and Them and this one are inferior imho
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I like us and them a lot. Selfless too. I guess messiah and some of the eps are my least favorite, and that only means I don't listen to them too often.
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Album Rating: 3.0
@Frost15 I mostly agree with that rating, for me it would be: Us and Them > Selfless > Purge
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