brazil ronaldo > portuguese ronaldo
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Album Rating: 3.0 | Sound Off
Lol massive trigger
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Album Rating: 3.0 | Sound Off
I mean you're not correct but you could be, cause brazil ronaldo was amazing
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Album Rating: 3.0 | Sound Off
As to this indiecore is kinda cool.
Getting Maudlin of The Well vibes if they were djentcore or some shit. I like/ respect Maudlin just not a big fan
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Album Rating: 4.0
Anyone able to figure out the lyrics or the source of the lyrics in "Sheol Pt.1: Nowhere"?
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No, this band's lyrics are notoriously hard to find. Probably because they're tri-lingual and only have like 50 dedicated fans.
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Album Rating: 3.8 | Sound Off
Sad but true (the last part).... I love these guys, though.
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been a fan since acid mist, amazing band
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Album Rating: 3.5
they are fucking rip live these days, love my hypno5e
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I would shoot into a crowd full of sput users for a chance to see these guys live. Sadly they never come near me so y'all are safe
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Looks like it's a poem from César Vallejon called Heces
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Album Rating: 4.0
I wasn't hooked immediately but I have come back to this often in the past two weeks and it really is a sprawling hour plus of tunes. Really goes from 1-10 all over the place and the more lucid and tame moments are actually some of the highlights here. Plus Bone Dust from start to finish is just the best.
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Album Rating: 4.0
@Gravity big ups for finding that man. I know that a lot of their works include poetry from native artists but when you don't speak the language it's hard to even find the source material.
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