agree with all that, some of the tunes here are just straight mindblowing. I can get not digging this style of music but you cannot deny the absolute quality.
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This argument is like demanding to give all Lang Lang releases at least a 4.5 because of undeniable piano skills.
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no it’s basically saying make a distinction between bad music and music you don’t personally like.
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Do you have 5s you don't personally like?
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i have 5's that arent my favorites yes.
example, geogaddi is a hard 5 but its only my third favorite BoC. you can easily make distinctions between objective qualities in music and personal taste.
i just dont get how you can like electronic music and not like a tune like eternal recurrence.
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There surely can be distinctions, but I usually just stay away from genres I take no interest in to begin with. So under that condition I would never rate a record as "great" that I actively dislike.
As for the mentioned track, a large part of it sounds like a basic stack of loops tuned up and down while simultaneously being processed to oblivion. Just not a very original or novel production approach. To me artists like Spor, DJ Hidden and Receptor ("Princess", "Ass", "Bugs" remix e.g.) represent more interesting styles in that realm, each individually recognizable.
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agree to disagree, but i do think youre missing out.
but then again there are 1 billion records to listen to so i think youll be fine lmao
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Album Rating: 5.0 | Sound Off
Spor goes hard. Definitely a different stylistic approach than this.
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His recent UKF mix was quite refreshing and hopefully sets the mark for anything he would put on a new album.
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Album Rating: 5.0 | Sound Off
His newer stuff is aight. Basically his 06-09 period is where the money is at. At least for me.
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Album Rating: 5.0 | Sound Off
I don’t like a lot of newer DnB but this one hit me.
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Album Rating: 5.0 | Sound Off
Current Value is one of the most distinct producers around, in my view. What’s incredible is he was already doing music like this in the year 98. Check out In A Far Future; a lot of similarities. He’s come a long way but he’s very signature in his sound.
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Apart from the dnb tempo it's not far off from what is typically released on Hymen records, like "Neon" from Somatic Responses e.g.
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Album Rating: 5.0 | Sound Off
It’s just more techno influenced DnB. Technoid stuff. Nerds like me eat breathe and shit this stuff. Renegade Hardware was an insane label too.
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Album Rating: 5.0 | Sound Off
But this time the techno influence and ambient is taken to extremes. Sort of the same thing The Panacea does albeit a different avenue of that palette. It’s like doing crossbreed, but this is a new sort of crossbreed.
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Album Rating: 5.0 | Sound Off
What I like is how he’s making the ambient aspect very noisy. Not something that’s usually done in this kind of hyper-futuristic, assembly-line type sound.
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Album Rating: 5.0 | Sound Off
Needs more attention
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Album Rating: 5.0 | Sound Off
I was relistening to 2012. That album is incredible.
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Album Rating: 5.0 | Sound Off
C’mon people! Thought this was supposed to be a DnB site
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