Album Rating: 4.5
Also I love that Lenker keeps having these bursts of creativity that generate two albums’ worth of material (UFOF/Two Hands, Songs/Instrumentals, now this). Queen shit.
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certainty is so nice. why it got that low rating on rym idk
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Album Rating: 3.8
there are good country songs on here and bad ones. Certainty a good one
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blurred view sounds like a radiohead song
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Album Rating: 5.0
This album has a country pleb filter AND an attention span pleb filter - befitting of a double album
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Album Rating: 3.5
the only country pleb filter in existence is when ur local gardening group raises its membership fee
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Q3 was definitely my least favorite, but still this is tremendous. the first half is basically flawless
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Album Rating: 4.0
we are the village green preservation society
long live adrienne, double albums and "certainty"
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Album Rating: 4.5
Can already tell this is way too damn long. I loved UFOF which is like 40 mins iirc. Can't imagine adding another 40 minutes to that album. My attention span is shot these days lol, I just don't have the patience for ridiculously long albums and they almost always contain filler
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Album Rating: 4.5
Doesn't help that the first two songs (esp the opener) are dreadfully boring. Spud infinity is great tho
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Album Rating: 3.5 | Sound Off
that fuzzy solo in simulation swarm is pure sex
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Album Rating: 5.0
all these new tracks and I'm still just obsessed with "Little Things"
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Album Rating: 3.5
have been getting a little further into some of these (mainly Sparrow, which I didn't see coming) but for the most part just spinning that on repeat forever
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"that fuzzy solo in simulation swarm is pure sex"
yeah that song reminds me of modest mouse in the best way
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Album Rating: 4.5
Yeah those harmonics are so Modest Mouse
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Album Rating: 4.0
okay well if we are dealing with this in quarters then Q1 > Q2 > Q4 > Q3
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Album Rating: 3.5
second hand built to spill but yes yes good vibes
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Album Rating: 4.5
Certainty is a beautiful track
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Album Rating: 5.0
'Promise is a Pendulum' lifts Q3 over Q4 for me...just.
'Little Things' I do dig but also it doesn't go anywhere too much for a 6 minute toon (it reminds me of War on Drugs mixed with 'Tango in the Night' a little tbh) and I definitely prefer 'Simulation Swarm'
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Album Rating: 5.0
I was exaggerating a tad about Little Things lol, just surprised how much it still hits the spot despite being released weeks ago. just brings "the feels"
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