Album Rating: 3.0
I appreciate it, that means a lot to me.
I'd be down to hear more from these dudes. It's definitely not a bad album, just didn't do too much for me.
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Album Rating: 4.5
Been needing a skramz/post-hardcore hit, and this is definitely hitting right.
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What’s up man we dropped a new single today what you think?
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Album Rating: 3.0
Nice to hear from you! I'm interested in the shift in sound, definitely have the new alb on my radar now.
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Same here. Press team working hard right now.
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Album Rating: 3.0
End of the new single is absolutely fire not gonna lie
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Album Rating: 3.5
oh man the opener on the new one has my attention for sure
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Album Rating: 3.0
Still chewing on the new one in totality, curious to see what everyone else thinks.
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Thought it was much worse than this sadly
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new one is sick so far
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Album Rating: 3.0
On one hand, there are some pretty cool new things, on the other hand, I'm not exactly sure if said new things are cobbled together well. It's definitely bringing the heavy.
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