Album Rating: 3.5
I love this. Best pop album since Kesha.
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Album Rating: 4.5
Perhaps I'm easy to please but this could be a 5
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Lol this band
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Album Rating: 3.5
Hush, Pots. This is good and you know it.
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"Lol this band" Says the Alt-J fan.
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alt-j is ok, new album wasnt very good, this bands last album was a solid 0.5/5 im sure this is terrible too stay salty, sport.
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Album Rating: 4.0
The title track is cool and way different than most of their other stuff, might be worth checking out even if you hate the band
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actually lucid of all people hating on alt-j is hilarious that band literally could not cater to your abysmal tastes any harder but all the hipsters that dropped them in the spotlight are stealing your indie thunder so you obligatorily hate on them out of narcissism
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I'm not a fan either. Bunch of art students who do shite papier-mâché molds and think their genius so they pick up a triangle, synthesiser and a drum machine to make muzak. Fuck off.
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Album Rating: 4.5
think their genius
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anyone want to join my synth/triangle/drum machine trio? i'll be on the triangle
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Album Rating: 4.5
Hate is lel
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It's just funny to me that you like a basic bitch band like Alt-J when your whole shtick is having elite taste lol
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zak being able to agree with literally anyone itt
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also lol @ get to heaven being a 0.5
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Album Rating: 4.0
lol @ get to heaven being a 0.5 [2]
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Album Rating: 4.0
lol @ get to heaven being a 0.5 [3]
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Album Rating: 3.5
alt-J more like
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Album Rating: 3.5
This is pretty good. Hasn't stuck with me immediately like the last one did, but I'm enjoying it.
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